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I was hauled inside one of the floating craft. The man climbed onto the opposite side and got behind the wheel. This must be their version of an automobile, I suppose. We'll need some time to progress to this technological level back at home. The biggest and most beautiful castle I had ever seen was where the man stopped. When the gates opened, I would believe I was in heaven if I hadn't known any better. He started pulling me into a room after he had parked the automobile. When he left, he warned me not to do anything foolish unless I wanted to die. His face is always icy. He never smiles or speaks more than was necessary, and even when he did, his voice was deep and cold.

The moment I sat down in one of the available chairs, the agony in my stomach returned with more force than I had anticipated. I made a concerted effort to divert my attention from the agony, but it was ineffective. The identical man and woman from the previous night entered as soon as the door opened, making me want to gag in disgust. How can people be so terrified of one person that they allow him to treat them and those around them badly? I swear, if I had their strength, I could have fought this excuse of a man long ago. The man gave me a pitying look, and if I were naive, I'd think he was worried about me, but I'm not. Plus I am aware of the types of creatures they are. Such a disgusting creature could never feel sympathy for anyone. Emilio. The lone exception is Emilio, who happens to be one of them. He is the only one here who has given me even the slightest bit of respect. I wish I was at home right now so bad. i miss my family and friends.

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