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I must travel to the realm of mortals. It's been a long time coming. I despise going there; those weak, impotent creatures annoy me. I despise weak links. I grew up in the most powerful monarchy in history. I am the supreme ruler of all supernatural beings. In all realms, I am the most powerful being. For the past year, I've been preparing my army to conquer the mortal realm. I will rule over the mortals, whether they consent or not. I need to go there before we attack to make sure everything is still the same as it was the last time I was there. I could just send my beta, but I have to go there myself as an alpha.

My gamma Emilio will accompany me, and my beta will stay behind to ensure that everything is in order in my absence. We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning, and my servants are already preparing my belongings. We don't know how long we'll be gone, so Emilio is spending the night with his mate. A wolf's mate is very important to him because they are your other half. A part that both completes and weakens you. My wolf and I detest weakness, thus we don't want to have a mate. Other wolves crave for a mate from the time they are old enough, and some even go to great efforts to find them, but my wolf refuses. My wolf and I enjoy having any female at any time without having to worry about commitment. When I meet a woman who is destined to be my mate, I will first have my fill with her before rejecting her and discarding her like I do all the other females. The thought makes me grin. I walk over to a bar not far from my castle.

Everyone bows to me as a symbol of respect when I arrive, and people move away from the table to make room for me. Females bat their eyelids in an attempt to catch my attention. When I've had enough, I look over at the girl on the corner, and that's all it takes for her to approach me. I'm leaving tomorrow, so I might as well have a good time tonight since I'll be pleasuring myself the whole time ill be in the mortal realm. No mortal woman will ever be able to offer me pleasure without dying. Mortals are weaklings, and the thought of getting into bed with one makes me want to puke.


thank you guys for keeping up with the story. What do you thing will happen next?

i will be updating one chapter daily so stay tuned 😉😊😊

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