'You'll have to take me with you,' she whispered.

'I wouldn't be able to work. It's hard enough as it is.'

Quinton couldn't stop himself from kissing her cheeks, her eyes and nose as she laughed. He loved how he could make her so happy. It ignited something arresting and powerful deep in his chest. He bent down to kiss her breasts again, before continuing down over her belly button. He pushed back her thighs as he kissed her on her womanhood. He lashed his tongue against her. Then he pulled away, staggering on his feet as he backed up towards the door.

'I have to go!' He swooped down to pick up his pants. He tried to get them on but they kept snagging around his erection.

Aisha's cheeks were blazing red. She was panting, her breasts heaving. Quinton turned his head, trying not look at her marvellous body. Then she started to laugh in that high tinkling way and it was even worse. Almost unbearable.

'I'll be back soon!' And he hurried out into the corridor. Quinton bent over his knees, trying to catch his breath. 'Fuck me,' he gasped.

He shook himself, then began hobbling his way back to the laboratory.


Aisha stared up at the ceiling, her hands upon her breasts. She felt so different. So much like an adult. So much like a woman. Where had that frightened child gone? How could she be so different in merely a matter of days, bond or no bond? She hardly recognised herself anymore. Her body was hot. She was sweating. She could feel Quinton making his way back to work. He was both drained and exalted at the same time.

She could still feel his tongue in her mouth, his big warm hands clutching at her hips. She could feel his saliva drying around her nipples. And down below came the hot trickle of his semen. Aisha reached down. She studied it a moment before inserting her fingers deep into her vagina.

She looked towards the window, gazing at the twinkling stars. As the burn began to wane she suddenly thought of home—and her mother. She bit her lip as the guilt gnawed. She was having all this fun, living her life, while her mother was probably back home grieving her disappearance, maybe even her death.

It wasn't fair. She had to go back and talk with her. She had to talk with Quinton.

Feeling much more like herself again, Aisha sighed.

Licking the tear from her lip, Aisha slid out of bed, grabbing at her groin as more semen came out. It filled her hand as she hobbled over to the bathroom.

She stood under the water for a while, allowing it to beat upon her head. She dried herself off in the blower. Next, she went to the sink and took out her comb from the cabinet. She raised her eyes to the mirror—and froze. Just around her left eye, little pinkish/dark lumps had come up. The comb clattered to the floor.

Was this the mark Quinton was talking about? Her fingers were trembling as she reached up to touch it. Surely not. It looked like a rash. He'd never really described it to her except that it appeared around the eye.

Aisha grabbed onto the sink. 'Oh my God.'

She dropped to her knees, then sat down with her back against the wall. Her heart was pounding. It was hard to catch her breath. She needed to see Quinton but there was no way to contact him without leaving her room—and she didn't want to walk down the corridors with everyone looking.

She would just have to wait. Maybe it was nothing. She shouldn't get emotional until she knew for sure. Feeling a little calmer, she pulled herself to her feet. She looked at herself in the mirror again. It was certainly more than just a rash. It looked like a tattoo with a particular design to it. It reminded her of the curve of a wave.

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