~Chapter 6~✓

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Let me know if you like where this is going because I don't know if I like it so please tell me I need feedback people. Please tell me what you are thinking. Anywho I had a procedure and that went great so that's good I'm still recovering from it. Yay.

If you think he's controlling or whatever go ahead, but that's not my intention!

~Lorenzo's POV~

I sigh as I sit down in my chair. I had a meeting after a meeting this morning.

I pinch the bridge of my nose feeling a headache coming on.

I was about to call my assistant to bring me coffee when I hear my phone go off.

I take it out of my pocket and see that it's my baby girl.

*Texting baby girl (Adalyn)*

- Hi
Sorry if I interrupted you during your meeting but I am bored.

- Hi baby girl. You're fine it just ended. What are you doing?

- Ok. I am sitting here with my friend while they eat their lunch.

- What do you mean they're eating lunch aren't you eating too?

- No, I'm not.

- Why the hell not?


Why hasn't she texted me back

I sigh while running my fingers through my hair. Why isn't she eating!?

I grab my phone and dial her number.

I might seem controlling but she needs to eat every meal.

"H-hello?" She sounds so shy.

"Why aren't you eating lunch?"

I probably should have said it more nicely.

"I-im n-not h-hungry. I-i h-had a-a b-big b-breakfast."

"Fine but you need to eat after I pick you up."


She's about to say something but then someone starts to talk to her.

"Hey, Adalyn! You wanna hang out after school!?"

It's a guy!

The fuck!

I fucking hope she doesn't have a boyfriend!

But I wouldn't be surprised if she did. I'm not saying she's one of those bitchs that dates multiple guys and sleeps around. What I'm saying is she is beautiful and she's nice.

But still!

"N-no s-sorry I-i a-already h-have p-plans." She says quietly

"With who?" Why is he being so pushy?

"I-i u-um w-with m-my c-cousin." She mumbles quietly.

"Really! you rarely see your cousins....."


All of a sudden I hear the warning bell go off. Then it goes silent for a few moments.

"H-hello?" She says quietly.

"Hi, baby girl."

"I-im s-sorry."

"It's ok no need to apologize."

"I-i h-have t-to g-go."

"I'm picking you up after school."

"I-i o-ok b-bye."

She quickly hangs up. I put my phone on my desk and sigh while leaning back in my chair.

What is she doing to me? I've only known her for a few days.

~Adalyn's POV~

I quickly hang up and put my phone in my pocket. That was so embarrassing!

I feel bad saying no to Sam but I already made plans with Lorenzo or I think I do. All he said was that he was picking me up from school.

I sigh and start walking to math. I hate math in terrible at it.

I got in front of the classroom door a few minutes late.

Crap doodlen'

The teacher will yell at me. I've never been late before but all of the other students that have been late always get yelled at and they also get picked on by the teacher for the remainder of the class.

I quietly open the door and see Mrs. Qhite writing stuff on the board.

She turns around with a glare present on her face.

"Why are you late to my class miss Fielding's!?" She says while walking very slowly towards me.

I gulp and my hands start to shake.

"I-im s-sorry I-i d-didn't m-mean t-to," I say quietly.

"I can't understand you with that stutter of yours. If you are sorry you wouldn't have stuttered."

I feel tear burning to come out of my eyes.

I'm such a crybaby.

(Hi. This happens to me. This whole scene in this class is based on a true story. It still sends shivers down my spine when thinking about it. Anywho enjoy.)

"I-i s-"

"Go. Sit. Down." She raises her voice and points to where all of the seats are.

I quickly walk to my desk with a tear rolling down my cheek.

I sit down and get my book, notebook, and pencil out and start taking notes of what I can.

"Miss Fielding's! Answer the question that is on the board!"

I look up startled by my name being called.

I look at the board and see a bunch of random letters and numbers with random shapes!

I gulp and look at her.

"I-i d-don't k-know t-the a-answer..." I said quietly looking down at my desk embarrassed.

"That's what I thought. At this rate, you won't be graduating this year." She says while erasing the board and then moving on to the next section in the book.

I look down at my lap tears rolling down my cheeks.

I grab my pencil and try to write down as many notes as I can with my blurry vision.

I'm such a disappointment.

(Sorry this is such a short chapter but this is all I can write right now. I will try to update more often for you guys.) (;

How was your Thanksgiving!?

Mine was great but very tiring. I had 5 days of nonstop fun!

Anywho hope you enjoyed please please comment and give me feedback

Word count 954

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