~Chapter 5~✓

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~Adalyn's POV~

I groan hearing my alarm go off signaling that it's time to get ready for school.

I sigh while sitting up and stretching my muscles.

I move my sheets. I walk over to my dresser and grab my clothes.

(Her shirt - I don't know what her pants look like so just use your imagination)

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(Her shirt - I don't know what her pants look like so just use your imagination)

(Her shirt - I don't know what her pants look like so just use your imagination)

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(Her shoes)

I walk into my bathroom and put my hair up into a ponytail with the shorter parts falling out in the front.

I put on some jewelry, perfume, and deodorant, and brush my teeth.

I walk into my room and grab my backpack and make sure everything is inside it.

I hear my phone go off and I see it is Sam.

I walk downstairs very slowly just in case my dad is home that would be bad.

I open the front door and slowly close then walk to Sam's truck.

I open the door and struggle to get in and mumble a hi.

He looks at me then looks at my outfit then he looks pissed.

He starts to drive off while gripping the steering wheel so tight it might break.

Do I not look good? I thought my outfit was pretty.

Oh my gosh, this is a bad idea. I know I have put on too much weight I-im trying.

We get to school and I hop out immediately and walk to the doors.


Sam yells after me. But I don't stop. I don't want to see the judgment in his eyes.

As I enter I look down at the floor trying to ignore everyone that is in the halls.

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