Well Aint that a Kick in the Head

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Previously on Yu-gi-oh! D- space..... 

When we were last seen with our hero he was almost late for his first day at duel academy due to the underhanded tactics of his "loving " sister. But as he was about to learn .....it would of just been better if he stayed in bed.

[Y/ns POV]

What the hell am I doing I literally fall out of the sky and all I can say is "Hello there" maybe sav was right I am an idiot, I think to myself then I notice how close her face was to mine making me blush a bit, but the closeness was not the only thing that caught my attention, her eyes, a beautiful shade of blue that would make the ocean jealous, and just like a sailor I wanted to just stare and admire the two oceans staring right back at me. 

Y/n: Wow ....you have pretty eyes....

Oh my God brain what are you doing you stupid ,stupid , stupid, freaking stupid idiot. I curse to myself before i here the girl I landed on growl in annoyance at me.

Seta: Get off!

Before I could even react she kicked me in my......... *ahem* little Kuriboh, with such force that  it sent me flying backwards. My eyes rolled back I had no words only pain as I groaned on the floor. She then got up off the floor with clearly a disgusted look on her face as she walked passed my body her blue trench coat trailing behind her. I hate to see them go but love to watch them leave  I chuckle to myself , just to ease my suffering. Just then Principle Mazouwa just sighed and returned to the podium.

Principle Mazouwa: Well ... now that....interruption has been solved, please let me address how you all will be assigned to your dorms. 

He says gesturing to the big screen behind him, as it lit up with a list of names with numbers next to them. 

Principle Mazouwa: As our Student President already stated your rank in this school determines your worth, this rank is determined by duel points, the more duels  you win the higher your rank will increase there are other ways you can increase your rank but that I will leave you to discover. Your rank will also decrease with every duel you lose and as you know this will lead to expulsion. All these stats will be easily available through your duel disks. I must also mention that the duels will be a little different from the entrance duels or any duels for that matter.

This made his audience whisper and mummer in confusion, I on the other hand finally got the strength to stand up on my feet, damn does that chick  kicks harder than Sav.

Principle Mazouwa: First off instead of having 4000 Lp this will be increased to 8000Lp. Secondly every duel that takes place will happen in d- space and once in d-space anything goes except the rules of duel monster engagement and spell/trap rules and summoning though these rules can be bent. Lastly not only will you battle with your cards but also with each other. In Layman's terms you will be the king and your monsters the pawns.

Does this guy always speak in riddles what the hell is he talking about. The other students don't seem as confused as I am, in fact they seem even more determined. I think I missed a memo. 

Principle Mazouwa: Now that, everything is settled , you may all leave your rankings and dorm room will be sent to your duel disks, please head their immediately and prepare for your welcome feast.

After he said this everyone's duel disks started to go off with notifications including mine that was in my bag, I took it out and read the notification, Y/n L/n   : Slifer Red Dorm Room 103, Current School Rank 2000th, Lifetime Win Rate: 0,25% . I didn't know I was that bad, but ok there must be others worst than me. I tried to scroll down but my duel disk would not allow me to , until I just realized something, I was last on the leaderboard , shit, shit, shit I am so screwed. 

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