It All starts with a duel part 2

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Previously on Yu-gi-oh! D-space, we saw Y/n and Savanah finally reaching the Duel Academy for the annual duel examinations. Y/n excited about his new surroundings, could not help but be hyped about his upcoming duel. He even had the chance to make a new friend Shay Wheeler, everything seemed to be going just right for Y/n, but this feeling would not last, because unbeknownst to Y/n he was about to face a Grimm Reaper. Will he survive or be sent to the graveyard?

[3rd POV]

(Location - Duel Waiting Room)

Many of the students were watching the test 99 screen, as the two duelist were transported into what seems like a graveyard , Savanah was watching closely at her brother with her arms resting on each other. She then took note of the opponent Y/n was facing, the mans smile was wide his teeth were bared as if they were fangs, his eyes focused and wild and his posture was that of a predator about to strike. Savanah worried a little for her brother, but deep down she knew that he needed to face an opponent like him. After all how can he prove to the world he is the best, if he himself did not believe in himself and his deck.

She then began to think back to his last duel with ....her....

(Flash back 2 years)

The moon was out the air was filled with a cool breeze, and on this night two duelist were battling it out in the park.

??? : 4000LP

Y/n: 200LP

(Turn 10 :???)

Y/n was breathing heavily, his entire field was wiped out, no monster no backrow and he was staring down a huge white and red dragon charging up its canon from its mouth. his heart pounded in fear for what's to come he knew he lost this duel from the start. As the duelist raised her hand stretching it out towards Y/n.

The dragon complied to his master and lets loose a devastating laser at Y/n

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The dragon complied to his master and lets loose a devastating laser at Y/n. The laser gave out out a bright glow, making Y/n instinctively shield his eyes with his arms, this however did not shield him from the impact of the blast, as it pushed him a few feet away making him loose his footing and fall to his hands and knees scattering the cards in his deck and breaking his duel disk in the process as his Life Points drop to 0.

Y/n: 0LP

???: 4000 LP (WINNER)

Borreload dragon started to disappear indicating that he has achieved his purpose. Y/n however still in shock could do nothing but look down at the ground in defeat. The girl had a bored face began to walk over to Y/n and stopped when she was no more than a foot from him. She looked down at him with shear annoyance.

???: Tsk, what a waste of my time, after 150 matches one would think you would learn to play better.

Y/n did not respond he was to busy trapped in his own thoughts.

Y/n : '150 times......150 times in a row I lost...... no matter how much I train ..... I never won.....and I know she wasn't even trying........ I am pathetic'

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