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[??? POV]

You ever, looked up into the night sky and thought how the universe came to be. Many argue that it was all coincidence, well  others believe a higher being created it. But is their any proof......yess there is but there will always be some unclear questions. Questions people simply do not have the answers for.

Now, have you ever looked up into the night sky , and smiled in awe of the beauty that the stars put on display. Of course you haven't, you were to busy arguing over what you believe is right and wrong. Well believing in something is powerful, that belief means nothing if it does not inspire others to believe. Where does inspiration com from in an argument? 

To come across one who truly believes in himself and that inspires the people around him is truly rare. In fact over the millennia I have only witness one such being, Y/n L/n.   

[3rd POV]

The sun was high over Neo Domino, not a cloud in sight , a typical summer one can say, as the wind graced the day with a cool gentle breeze, the birds were singing their sweet little songs and many kids were playing Duel Monsters with beaming smiles on their faces as their monsters fought. This was the dictionary definition of "a perfect day".

No one would even dare stay in on such a wonderful....  



[Y/n's POV]

I was in such bliss, their is nothing like sleeping and doing absolutely nothing. I was in my own little world as I was sitting on my thrown with king attire, the crowds were screaming and cheering "All Hail the King of Games !" "Long live the king !" they all started to raise their fists to the air up and down as the chanted "Y/n....Y/n.....Y/n!"

???:  Y/n .... Y/n ...... wake up you.....Baka!

I was slowly awakening from my slumber as I let down a low groan, I knew exactly who it was and I was really not in the mood to deal with that tsundere gremlin, as i just dug my head deeper into my pillow .

Y/n: Goooo away Sav....

I then toss my covers over my face, trying to ignore her.

Savanah (smirks): Ok .... you asked for it.

My mind was still to tired to understand what she ment.... the it hit me. But before I could react I felt the wind get knocked out of me as my Sav hurled herself onto my bed landing her feet deep into my stomach. If I wasn't awake before I sure as hell am now as the pain coursed through me making my eyes widen in shock.

Savanah (grins): Well hello their .... my nuisance of a brother.

This is my little sister Savanah and yes I said little , as in she is a little shit

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This is my little sister Savanah and yes I said little , as in she is a little shit. Ever since she was young she would always annoy and irritate the living shit out of me. It also does not help that she always beats me in a duel, but hey she is ......ok.....I guess.

I groan in relief as Savanah starts to get off of me making me sit up and give her my usual annoyed look at her.

Y/n: For once can you just stop being a brat.

She scoffed at my remark crossing her arms with a "fuck you" attitude.

Savanah: Then stop being a lazy loser, do you even know what today is.

I shoot a confused look at her not having a clue what she is yammering about.

Y/n: Is it "Get the hell out of my room day"

Savanah (sarcastic): Hahaha fucking hilarious. No it's the duel entrance exam today.

My head perked up after hearing this , and my body instinctively got on its feet and ran to my sister grabbing her shoulders and start to shake her, I couldn't contain my excitement it felt like I was about to burst , even if me and my sister tend to fight alot I would always smile when it comes to dueling.


Savanah: That ...going to let go..

I stop shaking her realizing that I was holding onto her , I immediately let go of her and run frantically to get my deck box and duel disk.


I yell running out of my room and down the stairs nearly tripping over myself as I leave my sis in my room.

My sis rubs her brow in shear annoyance.


An audible groan of impatience can be heard.



After getting ready, in my room I head down stairs , my heart still pounding. Even when I caught sight of my sisters glare and you no what I couldn't care less, as I had a huge smile on my face.

Savanah: So you ready to go.

My sis may have alot of people fooled with I don't care act but not me,I knew for a fact that on the inside she was just as excited about the entrance exam as I was. She is just a little better at hiding it than me.

Y/n: I was born ready!

I smiled heading out the door with Savanah following behind and then walking next to me she finally broke a smile.

Savanah : I thought you were born a loser.

She joked and believe it or not I laughed to. As I looked at her.

Y/n : What you mean I always win

She gave me an ohh really look and smirked.

Savanah: Sureeeee ....... (she started running) Last one there is a rotten duel monster egg.

She yells back as I begin to run after her laughing

Y/n: Let's light it up!

(Heyoo everyone this was my first chapter and I hoped you liked it this chapter is just meant to be an intro to the world that's why it was a bit short , other chapters will be longer, and if you have any comments or something you like to see me add just ask, but for now this is Jackal signing off....see you tomorrow)

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