Not My World (Sun Wukong x Reader)

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"Are you sick or something? I could-" I look at Wukong while cutting him off. "No you silly monkey." He tilts his head in confusion as he stares at me. It's obvious he doesn't understand. I close my eyes, leaning my head back against the tree, while I try to keep the urge to cry at bay. "I'm not from here. This isn't my world." My voice barely above a whisper, but I know he heard me. There was just silence between us. It was suffocating, at least it was for me. I felt my body slowly being moved forward until I hit what I could assume as Wukong's chest. I open my eyes to confirm my guess to find that I'm right, but he's also staring down at me with the most heartbroken gaze. This confuses me. Sure, we've encountered each other a few times, mostly him coming to visit me at my place or here at the park whenever he isn't busy with training MK, but I've always tried just pushing him away or just avoiding thim. Of course that never really works well since he's rather persistent.

"Wukong-" I didn't get to even really ask my question as the simian rested his forehead against mine, effectively cutting off any words that would've said. I tried to say something, but I couldn't find the words. That's when tears started to spill from my eyes. They started off slow before it all just came tumbling out, not just tears but everything I've just kept inside from everyone around me. "I'm not from this world. I tried so hard to not get close to you or the others because I knew that if I were to ever return back to my world we'd all just be heartbroken. I couldn't put any of you through that. Especially not you. Gods, I wanted to keep from getting close to you because of how much I wanted to be with you. I just- I couldn't- I-" My words came out all messily, difficult to hear through the sobs. Yet he could understand every word as I eventually couldn't speak anymore, my crying taking over any form of coherent speaking. Wukong removed his forehead from mine as he started wiping away my tears. "Pushing away people because you think it'll save them from heartbreak only makes your own heart break from the pain of never knowing what could've been. Even if we'll never meet again it's better to have done what you wanted to know that you've positively affected someone's life."

My tears didn't stop after his words, only making more escape me as he tried wiping them away. I tore my head from his grasp before burying it into the crook of his neck, allowing the tears to just flow until they couldn't. I felt Wukong wrap his arms around me and held me close to his chest, his tail wrapping around my waist. Eventually the tears came to an end, but neither of us dared to move. Not until I removed my head from its place to stare at the monkey that held me with puffy red eyes. His cheek gently rubbed against mine. "Wukong..." I started, but I just couldn't find the next words to say. "It's okay princess. It's okay." 

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A few weeks have passed since my admittance to Wukong. Said monkey has been helping me amend the relationships with the others, which has been surprisingly going well. It felt nice actually being able to just be myself around everyone else. It was so easy for me to forget that I'm not even from this world, but I never did. There were days when I missed everyone I cared for from my world. However, Wukong is always there to comfort me. Which is something I've grown to greatly appreciate. I'm definitely going to miss him whenever I leave this world. Especially since I know I'm falling in love with him. Though to be honest I've always loved him. He makes all my worries disappear, he brings a smile to my face, he makes me feel safe... He's everything I want in someone and plus some.

"Princess~ You're zoning out again." I snap out of my thoughts as I turn my head towards Wukong. "Huh? Oh, sorry. I just got lost in my thoughts." He nods before a smirk appears on his lips. "Were your thoughts on how handsome I am?" My cheeks slightly heated up from his flirty question while I rolled my eyes. "You wish." This gets a pout from the monkey king as he rests his head on my shoulder. "You're no fun princess." A soft snort escapes from me. "Yet you still spend almost all of your time with me." He removes his head from my shoulder as a smirk returns to his face. "Why wouldn't I spend time with someone as beautiful as you?" I lightly push him away from me as my cheeks get warmer. "Shut up you mischievous monkey." He snickers before pulling me closer to him, turning my body to face him while we rest on the couch in my apartment. Luckily he wasn't wearing his battle armor, which is really uncomfortable to lean against.

"Wukong-" My sentence died down in my throat as a loud boom was heard outside before the apartment building shook. The power went out completely as I noticed things starting to roll and slide towards one side of the apartment. Before I know it I'm outside of the building still in Wukong's arms and on his nimbus cloud. I look back at my apartment building as it's going down, which is honestly unsettling to watch. That's when another boom was heard. Wukong's grasp on me tightened as a gust of wind hit us yet we didn't move from our spot. I got a glimpse of what was causing the chaos, but it wasn't enough to tell who it was, before we zoomed away from the scene.

"Why did-" Wukong cut me off when we got far enough away from the fight scene. "You could've gotten hurt. I had to get you away before anything could hurt you." I could hear the fear that was hidden by the tone he spoke in. "Okay, but you should go back to deal with whatever that was." He shook his head as his grip on me loosened before he placed me down on the ground, his cloud disappearing as he stood beside me. "I'm not-" I moved out of his grasp and flicked him on the nose. "I will be fine. Go help those that need it. I know MK is your successor, but he'll probably need your help." The simian sighs softly then summons his nimbus cloud once again. "You better stay here until I come back for you." I nod and smile at him. "Don't worry about me Wukong, go help MK." He reluctantly gets onto his nimbus cloud before leaving me where I am.

I did as Wukong asked, staying where I am, which happened to be the park that isn't far from my apartment building but far enough to not be in the crossfire. I look in the direction where all the action is and watch as both Wukong and MK fight against a demon that isn't familiar to me. At least not from this distance. That's when I hear a voice talking to me, which fills me with dread. "You aren't from around here. Yet you've grown rather close with Sun Wukong." I look around for the source, but I see nothing, only hints of a blue mist. "Lady Bone Demon..." I mumble to myself. "Oh, so you know who I am? Then getting rid of you to fulfill my destiny will be even sweeter." My eyes widen as I turn around to face the direction I heard the voice coming from.

A scream escaped my lips as something pierced my body. A maniacal laugh followed afterwards before fading away. My body landed on the ground as tears filled my eyes, everything started to blur. I blinked a couple of times to rid my eyes of the tears while I tried finding my voice. "W-Wukong, please..." I could barely muster a whisper while my body started growing cold. I tried to move my body to put pressure on my wound, but everything felt heavy. Tears slipped down my cheeks as I kept trying. It couldn't end like this, I couldn't let this be the end.

I heard my name being yelled out before I felt a warm presence beside me and something applying pressure to the injury I had suffered. "Princess please, please look at me." I slowly move my head as I look at the source of the voice, knowing exactly who it is. I blink a few times to hopefully clear my vision as a small smile found its way onto my face. "Wukong.. I-" He cut me off while he carefully picked up my body. "Everything's going to be fine princess, I'm going to save you. I won't let you-" This time I cut him off by slowly placing a hand on his cheek. "It's okay Wukong. I'm not... I'm sorry that it has to be this way." I managed to get out, but this only brought tears to his eyes. "No! I'm not- I can't lose you!" I gently wiped away some of his tears. "I know, but I'll always be with you Wukong." My hand slips down from his cheek to his chest, right above his heart. "Right in here." He shook his head as his breathing started to get uneven while his body lightly shook. I could tell he's struggling with this, especially knowing I'm fading away in his arms. "I love you Sun Wukong." My eyes slid close as everything fades away.

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Such a sad ending I know. However, I do have a part two in the works so this won't be the end. I actually had the idea of making this into a story on its own, but I don't think I have the current brain power to do so. I was lucky to be able to get this out. Though I'd like to thank my friend from Discord for really fueling my love for LMK and Sun Wukong (Monkey King) because we rp it a lot lol. I won't go into details on that, but yeah. It's really kept my love for the mischievous monkey alive. Does this mean I'm a furry? probably. Do I care? Nope. I've just accepted that I'm attracted to an anthropomorphic monkey man. I've stopped questioning my attractions to things years ago. Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this and I'll be posting part 2 when it's done. Have a wonderful life and stay fluffy!!

Various x Reader {Requests Closed}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon