The legend of the daughter of Ice and the son of Fire

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"Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Reina Loksar. She was the princess of the Ice Demon clan. They were popularly called Yuki-Onna. In all myths, legends and fairy tales, demons are described as evil, cruel and merciless creatures from Hell, created by the darkness itself. And what if I say that not all demons are as the legends describe them? Yes, there is darkness in every demon, but there are good ones among them. Like all princesses, she lived in a palace that stood in the middle of a valley hidden from human eyes. It was a home for her family and subjects. She rarely left him because of the ban, which was supposed to protect her from danger. So most often, as is usually the case in fairy tales, the princess could be seen in the tower.

A young, very beautiful girl is standing at the window of the tower. She has blue hair below the waist, skin as white as snow, and scarlet eyes. Black dress to the feet, with blue patterns. A black handkerchief with a white pattern is tied on his head like a bandana — this accessory is worn by many representatives of magical families. Her robes are black -as if symbolizing the darkness from which she came. In the raised palm, reflected in the eyes, a small blue light burns - an icy flame.

"People were afraid and hated demons. They can be understood. These creatures brought them only pain and destruction. But they didn't know that not all demons are evil. Therefore, the Rhine was forbidden to leave the valley. The reason was also that she was to become not only a queen in her homeland, but also in the magical world. A universal hero, a jewel, one of the most beautiful maidens, one might even say a goddess. Loved and respected by everyone. And also strong. Talented by nature, she was to receive additional powers that would make her a queen.

It is not known exactly when the ritual of choosing a princess appeared, and then the lady of the magical world. Someone was chosen immediately, even at birth, someone a little later, and somewhere it was temporarily inherited, and then it can be passed on to someone else. In the case of Reina, she was chosen. A demon with the soul of an angel. Her nature is cold, but her heart is full of love and kindness. And even such a trait of her personality as shyness did not interfere, but on the contrary, decorated her even more.

But she was not the only heir to the throne. Her younger brother, Ao, did not agree with the fact that they should all sit quietly like mice, not sticking out anywhere. His childish soul, filled with curiosity and thirst for adventure, wanted to get into the world of people. And she was also full of love and kindness, no less than his sister's, which he wanted to share with the world. So one day the boy left home and went on a trip. Upon learning about this, Reina and her faithful servant immediately went in search of him. Ao was captured by pirates and was imprisoned in their fortress, along with other prisoners, or rather slaves. There, Reina met a young man who became a part of her life. Her destiny.

On the wall, between two pillars, in the pouring rain, stands a young man. Both of his hands are tied to wooden poles. The wind ruffles red, shoulder-length hair, and a battered blue shirt.

"The princess and her servant saved not only her younger brother, but also the young man. His name was Igneel.

The young man climbs out of the tunnel they made and sees his savior. Golden and scarlet eyes meet. At the same moment, a spark runs between them. His cheeks turn red, and his eyes reflect the beautiful image of a blue-haired girl in a dark dress standing in front of him. There is a gentle smile on her lips, and he is reflected in her eyes.

"From the very first meeting there was a special bond between them. It was as if she had been predetermined by fate itself. They escaped from the pirates and, getting into a boat, sailed out to sea. But because of the storm that broke out that night, their boat was destroyed. The small group split up. The Ao boy returned to the fortress to protect the prisoners until his sister returned. The princess, her servant and Igneel went to her homeland in order to bring help, defeat the pirates and free all the slaves. During the journey, Reina and Igneel became even closer, their feelings for each other grew day by day.

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