Yuki-Onna - (Part 5)

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As the clerk disappeared, there was, of course, a lot of commotion. After that, the rumor passed, as if he was accidentally overwhelmed in grief. That was the end of it. And since I completed my task, as promised, I was given freedom and the opportunity to go wherever I want. But I didn't leave there alone, but with my future wife.

Since I still kept some of the treasures I found, we managed to find a home for ourselves. We began to gradually get used to this new life, to the fact that we are not quite ordinary, but still teenagers. In this we were together. As a team. As a couple. From her I learned more about the magical world and how closely it is connected with, it would seem, its complete opposite. Apparently, my parents were magicians, which explained my strength and endurance, as well as my appearance, which came from nowhere.

And I also learned that in a year I will practically stop aging, and no matter how much time passes after that, I will always be sixteen. I will, as it were, reach a kind of peak of development, while remaining myself, a teenage child, call it what you want. In general, I will not be like most other "adults". This explains why, when we met, she immediately started talking about getting married. A lot of things were different in this new world for me.

Even the way a new life was born. She taught me the resonance of souls, a literal unity that began, consider, with our first meeting and interaction, only this time we wanted to have literal parts of ourselves, children.

A year later we really got married. By that time we had friends and we had already settled into this life quite well. They helped us with the wedding arrangements. Nevertheless, relationships and even more so marriages between a person and a mythical creature were considered almost forbidden. And I'm not talking about the birth of a new life at all. Fortunately, they helped us here too. Fortunately, the way pregnancy was going was also very different from what I had heard and at least there were no problems with that. My beloved, being a lonely orphan like me, wanted a big family, and gave me three daughters.

We called them Naomi,  Kasumi  and Juvia. Since I, their father, am a human, and their mother is a demon, they were born half—breeds. Literally by those who live in both worlds. At first, everything was fine with this as well, but we were prepared for possible future surprises. Moreover, by this time we had managed to learn more about my wife and her legacy, and other things that our girls had to face. I thought we were ready and would handle it all together as one family.

Those were not the easiest times. After all, we lived among almost ordinary people. And even the fog hiding everything unusual from them could not help us with this. I was very annoyed and angry when they started saying nasty things about my beloved wife. It was said that she was a monster who bewitched me and only used me, because sometimes I let her drink my blood during thirst. Basically, we, with the help of, again, our friends, got medicine and substitutes for her. They said that when our children grow up, they will be the same and that they will not allow their own to play with ours. Well, the fact that I still looked like a young boy with a slightly feminine appearance did not really help to defend my point of view. No one took me seriously.

I think it was this, as well as the desire to save our daughters from a difficult fate at least for a while, that pushed us to the decision to hide the truth from them. But in the end I had to compromise. At least one of them had to start training and accept their heritage. This role went to our first daughter, Naomi. The second one, Kasumi, also received it. Our second and third girls were born as twins and Kasumi was the youngest. We had to try a lot to hide certain kinds of features from both Juvia and the others, so that they would have some chance of a normal life. Although, perhaps, it was worth telling the truth from the very beginning and letting her be what she is. Even then, I began to gradually ruin my relationship with my second daughter.

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