Cabin in The Woods

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This is to plug in a new chapter I posted for FlashBacks.

Since Truth or Dare timeline is set in winter I wanted to do something for Halloween.

The chapter follows along storyline of Jade and Eddie from my previous books.

Here's a preview :-)
Jade and Eddie get away from the hectic rumors of armed robberies in their neighborhood and spend a weekend at the woods, but something, or someone seems to have followed them.
The only description was of the mask, a white elongated mask, blacked out eyes and blacked out mouth. If had been a couple robberies so far, but that was enough to send me into a state of panic.

 If had been a couple robberies so far, but that was enough to send me into a state of panic

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"Who do you think is behind the mask?" I asked.

"The robberies. Who do you think is doing this?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Oh." He sighed. "I don't know, but we don't have to worry about it okay? We'll be safe this weekend."

"Do you think this car is following us?" I asked gently leaning my head towards Eddie.

I watched as his eyes shot up towards the mirror, without moving his face they returned back to the road. It seemed as if he was thinking about it for a while, I looked back at the mirror and the car seemed to be farther away from us.

"No I don't think so, maybe they're leaving Hawkins too." Eddie commented.
The phone rang again, I was hesitant to answer. But despite my hesitation, I did.
"Why you'd hang up doll?"

"Who is this." I asked looking over in hopes for Eddie.
"Maybe you should close the blinds before you and your lover boy give me a free show."
"That's not funny Eddie." I scoffed grabbing a pillow and tossing it towards him. He stood there for a moment, looking down at the pillow and back at me.
"I want to fucking tear you apart." The man behind the mask mumbled.

I took a step back, realizing it wasn't Eddie my heart stopped. I felt a chill travel down my spine.

"You know, like the song." He laughed.
To find out what happens continue reading FlashBacks - Cabin In The Woods.


Lexus :-)

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