Chapter 12 - Revenge

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Finally the school week was over. I felt as if I saw Jamie everywhere. Eddie said I was driving myself crazy, but I felt like I wasn't. Every time I turned my head I saw her there, starring. During lunch time she managed to sit far away from us where Eddie wouldn't notice, but close enough for her and I to make eye contact. Eddie swore up and down he didn't see her...but she was always there.

We were heading out for the day, Eddie and I had nothing going on so we had planned to hang out. I met him where I usually do after school. I managed to squeezed through flocks of people, I was excited to see him.
"Hey beautiful." He smiled opening his arms to me.

"You act like you haven't seen me in years

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"You act like you haven't seen me in years." I laughed rolling my eyes. Although I liked it.

"Two hours, two years what's the difference?" He asked wrapping his arm over my shoulder. I leaned in, pressing my lips against his cheek his hand met my face, redirecting my lips towards his.

"Wait up!" I heard Chrissy shout. Eddie and I looked at her confused, maybe she needed a ride or something.
"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"I wanted to invite you guys to a party tonight." She smiled.
"Huh?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, there's gonna be a party at Steve's house tonight. I was gonna invite Alex but I'm inviting you too Eddie." She explained.
"Steve? Harrington? Steve the hair Harrington? Yeah-No way." Eddie laughed guiding us towards the car.

" Eddie laughed guiding us towards the car

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"Steve?" I asked looking at him.
"Some dude that Dustin can not stop talking about."
"Maybe it'll be fun. I mean what else are we doing tonight?" I whispered.

"You really want to go?" He seemed shocked by my response.
"I mean yeah?" My brows dropped in confusion. "Have you ever been to a party before?"

"Yeah-" He scoffed. "Plenty of times."
"So then let's go."

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Chrissy said grabbing my arm. I looked over at Eddie, waiting for his response.
"I guess, what time?" He asked.

"It starts at eight! Ok I gotta go. Jason is waiting. But I'll see you guys later!" Chrissy smiled giving me a quick hug.

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