Chapter 13 - Revenge pt. 2

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(Pt 2 of 2)
"Where am I taking you?" Billy asked starting his car.
"Just wait a moment-" I mumbled extending my hand out. My eyes stayed locked on the front door of Steve's house, holding on to a mere glimpse of hope I waited.

"I'm not waiting forever-"
"Just please, a few more seconds." I begged. My heart pounded against my chest, all I needed was to see Eddie. I waited for him to come outside.

"I'm not waiting. If the guy doesn't come out that's not my fault. Either I'm taking you home now or I'm walking my ass back in to that party." Billy scoffed.
"Fine." I mumbled.

I slumped down in to the seat of the car, sliding my legs toward the side I looked out the window while giving Billy directions.
"How long have you guys been together?" He asked.
"Almost a month." I mumbled.

"Oh come on." He shouted slamming on the breaks. My head jerked forward, Billy's hand restricted my body from leaning forward.

"You're crying over a freak like that when you guys haven't even been together for that long?" He laughed once he explained it all.
"You wouldn't get it. Just take me home." I snapped.

"Was he your first?" He asked sarcastically. Our eyes met, his grew wide when took my silence for an answer.
"Oh shit he was..."
"Just shut up and take me home." I choked back on tears.

"Doll," He sighed. "Don't stress about it too much. If it was meant to be it's-"
"I'm not looking for relationship advice right now." I snapped.

"Geez, chill out with the attitude." He shouted back at me. "Im just saying, there's plenty of guys out there that would definitely rock your world better than some freak can." He laughed lighting a cigarette between his teeth. He took his hands off the steering wheel for a moment, pulling it through his teeth he smiled back at me.

 He took his hands off the steering wheel for a moment, pulling it through his teeth he smiled back at me

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"Drive!" I snapped holding on to the wheel.
"Oh so you're a girl who likes to take control huh?" He laughed.
"Drive the fucking car."

"Watch your fucking attitude or else you'll walk the rest of the way home."
"Fine by me." I snapped.

The car came towards a halt, unlike last time Billy's hand wasn't extended out. My hands crashed against the dash board. Within a second I jumped out of the car, slamming the door shut I began to walk. I wasn't sure exactly where I was, but I know I'll figure it out.

"Alex!" Billy shouted rolling down the window.
"Just leave me alone!" I shouted back.
"Get back in the fucking car."

I ignored his shouts, walking forward I shielded my eyes, his headlights flashed me, causing me to stop.
"Get in the fucking car already."
"I'm already home." I laughed turning around, Billy scoffed at the sight of me extending my arms out and twirling.

"Hey wait-" He shouted running out of the car.
"Give me a call sometime." He smiled, I stood there frozen. His warm hand slid a piece of paper in to my palm.

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