Chapter 20 - You're a Liar, Eddie Munson

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Huge TW: Domestic Abuse.

*Eddie's POV from Chapter 19*

The loud sound of the phone ringing startled me, I looked over at Alex and slowly walked towards the phone. It was unusual for our phone to ring. Especially if Alex was home. Wayne had no troubles at work so I wouldn't really hear from him unless it was an emergency.
"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, is this Edward Munson?" Someone on the other end asked.
"Yes." I mumbled, my heart began to race, maybe it was an emergency.

"Hi there sir, my name is Dr. Smith, I'm calling because we have you down as an emergency contact for a miss Jamie Johnson."

"Ok." I said quickly looking over at Alex. She seemed confused so she walked over towards me. My hand reached out to her, I didn't want her to hear what was happening.

"I'm sorry for this call, but Jamie was admitted to our hospital last night." The Dr. explained.
"Ok." I contained my emotions while Alex stood close. A sigh of relief fell from my heavy chest once I realized this wasn't pertaining to Wayne.

"Since you are her emergency contact-"
"Ok. I'll be there." I interrupted the Dr. Smith.

I gathered some more information from the Dr. before hanging up the phone, once I ended the call I closed my eyes for a moment, how was I going to go about this situation?

"Is everything okay?" Alex asked softly. Her soft voice soon was drowned out as my heart beat accelerated. I felt my fingertips become numb.

I was unaware of what exactly happened after the phone call, the last moments I recalled I was dropping Alex off. Leaving her to ponder in her driveway.
I ran inside the hospital, my heart was pounding against my chest as I tried to collect myself.
"Um-I got a call earlier, about Jamie." I muttered to the recipient who sat before me.

"Oh, right this way."
"Is you okay-I-I mean I'm sorry if you don't know anything." The stutters flew from my mouth, it seemed as if we were walking down the hallway for what seemed like forever.

I stood in the doorway stunned, I saw Jamie laying in the hospital bed. Of course she was alone, she didn't have any family or many friends who would come by her side in case of an emergency. Her dad was a no good drunk, I couldn't help but assume the worst, assuming he was the one who did this to her. The nurse left us alone.

I slowly walked up towards her bed, pulling a chair besides I sat down and looked at her.
"Eddie?" She asked softly.

"I'm here." I whispered, resting my hand on hers.
"What happened?" I asked nervously.

"It wasn't-It was Billy." She mumbled.

"It was Billy. I tried to break things off with him and he got really upset." Her eyes winced in pain as a single tear fell from her cheek.
"He did this to you?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah-He made it seem like I did this all to myself but he did this all to me and then dropped me off here." Her hand interlocked with me, looking at me with pain in her eyes I felt my chest tighten.

"How long are you going to be in here?" I asked softly.
"They said I can go home today. But I don't have anywhere to go after this." My heart ached at the sound of her whimpers.

"Billy made me say this was my dads fault, so they won't release me back to him." She cried out. "I have no where to go Eddie, I'm scared."

My hand brushed against her hair, looking at her I felt my chest tighten. How could Billy do this to her? I chocked back on my tears.

Without hesitation I offered for her to stay at my house. I was overwhelmed by emotions I wasn't thinking straight.
"Isn't that his trailer over there?" She asked nervously as I helped her walk up the steps to the trailer.

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