Chapter Twenty Four

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"There's someone home," I said, looking towards the grey-bricked end of the terrace—the road loops in a 'U' with a small alleyway dividing the next row.

"How do you know? Can you hear their heartbeats?" said Michael, raising his eyebrows. He's still not used to what I can do, even if that wasn't the case this time.

"No, you idiot, I just saw someone move by the upstairs window," I said, smirking. The look on his face was priceless; I had to fight back the urge to laugh and remain focused. I've relied on my heightened auditory senses lately, but I'm not a show pony.

It's Miss Walker; I felt more relaxed after seeing her. Maybe there's hope for me yet. As for the quaint-looking house, we'd spent the last ten minutes observing. No one came or went, and the shadowed figure looked slouched, the posture of an elderly person. It made me think of Mildred; at least this one was alive.

I don't know what's going on or if it had anything to do with the blood moon, but I didn't need spontaneity with us in daylight. What I wasn't telling Michael, either, was that since this morning and my dream. My abilities were all over the place. My claws were alternating in coming out without my control. Same as the fangs.

Imagine talking to frail old Mrs Sexton; she's regaling us on the latest sweater she's knitted in time for Christmas, and I 'wolf out.' She'd have a fucking heart attack. Her chair collapses, her head flips forward, and her eye is buried in her needle. I know that's kicked up, but the image popped into my head.

I would rather give it a miss; there have been far too many dead bodies in this case and. I wondered if the demon had continued jumping bodies or was still with 'Jack'. What if it jumps in someone I know? I'm yet to figure out how to face it when the moment comes; I would need to keep clear of its toxins, which is easier said than done.

The book page from the museum mentions that the Kanaima demon is weakest when it's torn between being human and the demon. What if it possesses Jack Sexton? We could use Emily Fulton against the human element. But we'd have to make sure she didn't see it coming. Otherwise, the demon will know.

"Is it him or her?" said Michael, straining his eyes before putting his specs on to look.

"If I were to guess, a 'her', but you know I don't bet," I said, trying to hear and coming and going like a radio signal.

"What's going on, matey? You seem different today," he said with a curious head tilt, expecting me to open up and tell all. I had yet to broach my dream.

"Maybe that has something to do with all my senses and off abilities going wonky on me," I said, stretching my neck to look at the ceiling, seeking the heavens and clearing the knot in my neck. My body had ached since waking from the dream.

There were no signs of blood outside my home or on the path to the cars. Meaning I'd gone further afield without realising it; I only hope the calls don't start coming. I'm used to being the centre of attention, but we already had one unbelievable beast on the loose. We didn't need the whispers of another. I figured I should loop in Michael on everything. There's no telling how tonight will go; I'm already feeling rabid.

"Eh? What does that mean? You can't control it?" he said, with a slight look of fear I wasn't used to seeing. I should have expected it eventually, but in my life, I've been a nobody, a loner, happy to stay under the radar. College was the only time I peeked out of the shadows; that was to impress Helen. In English literature, we had to recite book chapters in rotation. When it came to me, I could tell it, damn near word for word, without looking. Much to cheers and a beaming smile. Her gratification was enough for me.

Some terrible people who can do bad things and have painted a target on both my backs. I needed to find out who had my blood and if it could make others like me.

Murder On The Waterway:  The Case Of The Kanaima DemonWhere stories live. Discover now