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I'm finally back,
I missed you all so much.

Jungkook was in his room, it felt cold and empty. he had his university classes from 10 in the morning, he was so tired he could fall asleep at any moment.

he was kept in a strict medical course due to his low immunity system, which resulted in receiving a boster injection daily, for 10 days.
it was the 6th day.

he tried changing the site every time he injected himself, but it felt sore all over his body.
the doctor had told him that he has to take the shots daily on a certain time, and there'd be no way getting out of the course unless the medicine course is over.
so he tried injecting himself daily, on 9 p.m., it was past 9 and he hadn't received the shot. he was so tired, his body felt sore, besides the serum was so thick and painful it burnt while being administrated.

he opened the drawer to see all the syringes, ampules and needles laid on a note which he wrote back then to himself: "stay strong" it read.

he reluctantly stretched his hand and grabbed a pack of syringe, a needle and the ampule off the drawer.
he didn't want to do that...
he was already so tired.
he wanted for it to be over.

he tore open a pack of syringe and took it out of its package. he say there looking at it. will this syringe and the pointy needle help him get any better?
will it save his life?
he was going through a hard time.
he was all good with shots, he had been doing it since forever. his mom used to give him the shots when he was a child. these shots were in his childhoo memories as long as he could remember.

he had a weak immune systems even as a child. it used to hurt a lot when he received them as a child. his bottom and thighs used to get sore to the point he couldn't sit properly when he went to the middle school.
it was his nightmare all these years, he was afraid the process wasn't going anywhere. was it even effective? he didn't know.

he couldn't sleep the night doctor told him he has to have the treatment at the time.
he hoped it'd be over by then, but guess he has to go through it all again.
he had been kept on a strict blood test too, he was there every two weeks, for the doctor to take much amount of his blood, it'd leave scars on the crook of his elbow.
it was so hard to live in this situation.
he was all in thoughts for few minutes.
he raised his head, it was 9:20.

he should've had his shot 20 minutes ago.
he took the pack of needle and tore it open.
he was a doctor by himself. he even once injected his yoongi hyung with a booster shot when he wasn't feeling good.
he grabbed a cotton ball and dipped it in alcohol.
he took an ampule out of the plastic bag. it was a 3 ml liquid. he cleaned the neck of the ampule with the cotton ball and threw it away on the dust bin.
he flicked the ampule multiple times with his finger and broke its neck effortlessly.
he kept the ampule on the nightstand.
he then grabbed the syringe and attached the needle on top.
he pulled and pushed the plunger for several times so it'd be easier for the medicine to flow into the syringe.
he removed the cap and again grabbed the ampule. he started to fill up the syringe.
the serum was thick and it took time for it to fully travel from the ampule to the syringe.

when all the medicine was fully administrated into the syringe, he flicked the syringe to get rid of any air bubbles.
he capped the needle again and took another cotton ball and dipped it in alcohol.

he pulled his pants down until mid-tigh level. he then looked for a spot to inject the medicine. it was all bruises and scars of last shots. he selected a spot high on his right tigh and rubbed the cotton ball dipped in alcohol on his skin. it stinged a bit.
he uncapped the needle and pushed the plunger so a few drops of it was discarded.
he took the syringe in his hand like a dart. he relaxed his leg and took a deep breath.
he put his hand on his leg for support and inserted the needle without thinking twice. the needle soon broke his skin and pierced his leg.
Jungkook felt a sharp sting in his leg,
"at least the worst part is over" he told himself.
he again took a deep breath and pushed the medicine slowly into his muscle. it'd take 1-2 minutes to administer the shot and Jungkook took his time so it'll be done with least discomfort. he pushed the plunger so slowly he couldn't feel the medicine flow in his muscle.

the pain was unbearable for him as the plunger was hitting the end, but Jungkook was instead focused on his breathing as it'd lessen the pain.
he had his eyes closed as he felt the plunger hitting the end.
he opened his eyes, grabbed the cotton ball and pressed it on the sore site, he then pulled out the needle and massaged the spot. it'd help the medicine to absorb.
after massaging the spot, he adjusted his pants and discarded the needle. he grabbed the broken ampule, the syringe and the needle and threw them away.

he then laid down on the bed, and was fast asleep before he knew it.

tell me if you like the new style!
do you want me to write the next part on when Jungkook injected his yoongi hyung when he wasn't feeling good?

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