I was pulled from my thoughts when Kyle had turned around with a mocking grin on his face. It was only then that I realised he had pulled me into a dungeon sort of room and was staring intently at me. His face showed it all.

He knew.

The blood had immediately drained from my face and it took everything in me not to throw up my last meal..whenever that was.

I could feel the presence of two more men behind me, blocking the now locked door. Clenching my shaking hands I had turned to face him only to be met with a very angry Kyle.

I don't remember much after that. I was hit from behind and when I eventually woke up, I was hanging from the ceiling my hands bound tightly together. I was naked which made my blood run cold but I didn't have long to panic.

The first lash of the whip came flying through the air hitting my skin with a sickening crack. I could feel the skin being ripped open as warm blood slowly trickled down my back.

The pain was immense. Unbearable. It gripped me until I couldn't hold it in. That was when I started screaming. I tried to hold them in at first for fear of Dani hearing but as the torture continued..so did the will to care.

Kyle shouted degrading words and whispered insults in my ear as he brought down the whip again and again. Through the blinding pain I realized that the whip was silver and barbed so I had screamed profanities at him.

Let's say that didn't go well with him.

I was a quivering mess. My body twitched as waves of pain consumed me making me arch my back. He told me the room wasn't sound proof and that my daughter had heard me. He had laughed as he watched me break at the thought of Dani having to hear all that.

Suddenly it was like everything stopped. A thought hit me filling me with dread, worry and ...acceptance? I was alone with no one to save me. I was to die but I knew that all along. A part of me always knew. I knew that I was never going to get out. I was only raising my hopes at the thought of being saved. That's why I stopped. I stopped thinking that anyone, not even my mate, was going to save me.

I don't know what hurt the most. The thought of my mate not coming to get me or the fact that I would die alone. With my daughter in the same building. In a dungeon. Hanging from the ceiling. As a pyscho from my past whipped me until he got what he wanted. Me, broken.

He did finally get it, I am sad to say but for the life of me I can't find the will to care. It all happened so quickly...in a way...after what felt like hours of torture something just snapped. I let go and embraced the pain. My wolf had been silent through the whole thing which angered me.

How could she just leave me like that?

She gave up and finally it was my turn.

As the whip lew through the air, I braced myself. I could feel it. This was the one. A scorching fire like no other consumed my back making me lose all concentration. All this time I had kept my mate safe from the knowledge of what was happening but it was too much.

The pain was too much. My mind slipped and he saw. I knew he saw and a part of me was disappointed. But also angered.

Was it too much to expect some comforting words from my mate as I die hear in a pool of my own blood? Obviously it was and with that saddened thought, I let go.

My shoulders had slumped forward and I could feel my heart finally slowing down. I let out a sigh of relief. It would soon be over. Closing my eyes I tried to picture my mate, my family and my pack. But I was met with nothing. Feeling tired I tried to stay strong.

I mean..do I want to live? If it means continued torture? Then no. No I certainly do not. But if I get to see my mate?....I dont know. If you had asked me that question before all this then I would have answered with a straight out yes but...now? I can't help but feel a sliver of resentment for my mate and pack. Why doesn't that thought bother me?

Oh yes...because I stopped caring.

Feeling tiredness wash over me I had closed my eyes, ready for an escape.


I cried when I woke up. The pain was insufferable as I laid on the dirty ground. I was also crying because a part of me was hoping that this was all a nightmare and that I would wake up in my mates arms. Another part of me was hoping I wouldn't wake up at all.

Now here I lie on a grimy mattress, waiting. On who you may ask? Why death of course. He was near. Just waiting around the corner. Waiting for the right time to clutch me in in his cold fingers and whisk me away from this hell.

Staring up at the ceiling I think about what he has done. I scoff inwardly. What hasn't he done? When I woke up after I had my little pity fest I tried to get off the floor. I could just imagine the dirt that was getting into my fresh wounds. It made me want to gag so I did what any sane person would do. I tried to get up.

But I couldn't. Why??

I couldn't move my goddamn legs. And of course I burst into a new flood of tears. It took me awhile to calm down I'll admit but could you blame me?

The b@stard took another thing in my life. My ability to walk.


Dun dun dun!! Obviously she's not dead but everyone thinks she is and you'll all find out in the next chapter

I am so sorry for the long wait :'( I finish school next week whoop! Then in two weeks I have my exams so yeah that's why I haven't been updating

I have so many plans for the summer in terms of my writing:-) I want to update more, definitely finish this book and write a new story because I have so many ideas!

Anyhoo don't know when I will update next but I'll put something up on my profile to let you know:-)

Thanks for reading!

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Sinead xx

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