Chapter 11: Morning coffee

Start from the beginning

"OK" I say "I'm not really sure I follow?" 

She still has that stupid little smile playing on her face, I just want to kiss it off her face. Wait what? No, that's what got me here in the first place, I want to wipe it off her stupid face. 

"I'm saying that I wasn't angry with you, I was angry with myself but I took it out on you, and for that I'm truly sorry". She tries to explain it again. 

What the fuck? Am I being dense here? She's grinning at me like I should be thankful for her confession, am I not understanding? All that's happening right now is I'm getting angrier, is she saying she slapped me because she wanted to slap herself? I mean, I'm not a violent person but if I was I would slap her right now for this extra confusing shit she's saying.

"What the hell are you smiling at? What the hell are you saying? I don't understand what's happening. I'm more confused now than I was before you walked in that door, this was supposed to help me, Lizzie said letting you explain, letting you talk would help it make sense, but it doesn't, what the hell is going on?" I almost scream at her.

That stupid smile never once falters on her face, is that just a nervous thing? A coping mechanism maybe? "I'm telling you that I'm sorry Harley. That I made a mistake, I want to make it up to you". She says. I'm lost here and she's as cool as a cucumber. 

"You're sorry?" I say, calmer than before. 

She takes a step towards me "I'm so sorry".

"And you weren't mad at me?" I ask.

She takes another step forward. "No, not mad at you, still not mad at you".

"You're mad at yourself?" I continue repeating what she's already said, taking it in as if I'm hearing it for the first time.

Suddenly she's right in front of me. "Was mad at myself, I was confused".

"You were confused?" I ask, looking up at her.

She smiles again "I was, I was overthinking" She says giggling a little "it's kinda my thing". 

I am really nervous right now, she's so close, I want to move back, but I'm stuck against the kitchen counter with nowhere to go. Instead I look down as I ask my next question. "Overthinking what?"

This question seems to have pleased her greatly as she lifts my chin up, making me look into her beautiful green eyes, the smile on her face only growing. "This" She whispers against my lips as she closes the gap completely, her lips mould with mine. After a few seconds I start to kiss back, grabbing her waist as I pull her flush against me, she runs her tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance, this action causes me to let out a soft moan as her tongue starts to explore my mouth as her hand finds its way to the back of my neck as she tries to pull me closer.

I pull back, my eyes still closed as I'm half expecting her to push me away and shout at me again. She leans her forehead against mine as she whispers "open your eyes". Instead of opening them, I close them tighter.

That's when I feel her hand on my face, stroking my cheek, I feel my eyes relax a bit, but they're still closed. "Harley, please. I want to see your eyes, please open them" She whispers again. This time though, I slowly open my eyes and peer Into her green orbs. "Hi" She whispers with a smile. "Hi" I whisper back. "Do you regret it?" I sheepishly ask, searching her face for some hint of anger or regret. Her face softens at this as she continues to stroke my cheek. "No, I don't regret it. I could never regret you Harley" She says as she pulls me into another kiss. 

How did we even get here? From I hate you, to awkward talks to kissing.

We both pull apart as we hear someone awkwardly clearing their throat, to turn and see Lizzie and Danny standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "I told you it was too quiet in here" Danny says smirking.

"Yeah, but you thought Harley had killed Scarlett" Lizzie says looking at us. "This" She says pointing at us both "is definitely not murder" She says, using her other hand to cover her mouth, clearly trying to keep her laugh in. 

"Looks like they don't need chaperones anymore, let's go for a walk Lizzie, leave these two confusing humans to sort their shit out" Danny says as they start walking to the front door. "Don't kill each other" Danny shouts through as he closes the door. 

Now we're alone again, we just look at eachother grinning. Scarlett is the first one to break the silence. "Maybe we should talk about what just happened?" She shyly suggests. Honestly, I think it's cute, she was all confident and seductive not 10 minutes ago, now she's all nervous, not sure where to look or what to say. I feel the power shift in the room as I decide to take control.

I slowly walk towards her, looking her up and down. "Yeah, we should talk… or" I say as I grab her hips pulling her flush to me, this causes her to gasp. Oh, I like this. "Maybe we can talk in a bit" I suggest, slowly closing the gap between our lips as my hand plays with the hem of her top. 

As I gaze into her eyes, I notice that they have darkened a few shades as a lustful look replaces her shy one. She grabs my shirt and pulls me towards her, locking her lips with mine once again. I slip my hand underneath her top, running my fingers over her toned stomach, causing her to let out a low groan as I feel her body shiver beneath my hand.

"You feel so soft" I say as I start kissing along her jaw and down her neck. Scarlett slowly tilts her head to the side to give me better access, this causes me to grip her waist tighter as I search for her sensitive spot on her neck. It doesn't take long before I hear her moan out, found it. I suck on the spot, nibbling it and running my tongue over it as she holds my head in place whilst her other hand scratches softly at my lower back. 

I really should pull back, we should talk about this before we do something we regret. Just as I think this, I feel Scarlett's hand move lower to grab my ass, as she grabs it, she also pushes my lower half into her more causing me to moan and buck my hips on instinct, which in turn causes her to moan. Ugh, my new favourite sound, I want to hear that noise forever, I want to tease her and please her all night, just to hear those moans spill from her mouth.

I don't know how I manage it, because I am beyond turned on, and all I want to do is pick her up and take her to my room. But I somehow manage to pull back. "We should stop now, before we can't". I pant out.

"Oh, I'm sorry" She says, her face flushing. Cute.

"No, no, I want to, believe me I want to. But I don't want you to regret anything, I, I, don't want to make you feel pressured" I say  moving back a little. 

She smiles as she leans forward to give me a gentle kiss. "I wouldn't regret it, but I understand, we should talk".

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