s i x t y t h r e e

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In silence, they switched horses. Seungmin rode Winter a few feet behind Jasper, still afraid of his lover's outburst.

"How fast can Jasper go?" she suddenly asked.


"Last time we raced Jasper was left behind. Winter is faster," she turned back with a small smirk. "Or I'm just a better rider."

Challenged, Seungmin held his head up high. "A rider doesn't change the horse's ability."

"I'm guessing Jasper is slow, then." she examined her nails with a satisfied hum.

He snickered, "I hope you fall."

"That's so sweet of you, honey." she exaggerated a grateful expression. The nickname that rolled out her tongue caught him off guard. The butterfly in his stomach suddenly awaken, fluttering up to his chest.

Eunkyung had never called him that before.

Seeing his frozen reaction, the teasing smile on her face widened. She immediately whipped the lead line and exclaimed, "Go Jasper!"

That snapped him off. Seungmin shook his head and slapped his face before whipping Winter's lead line, and off they go.

"That's cheating!" he screamed as she was metres away from them. Eunkyung let out a small laugh as she whipped the horse again, and Jasper galloped faster. Immediately all her sadness about Seungmin moving away disappeared for awhile. She missed going here, riding a horse and go wherever without limits. And it was even better when she's with him.

Winter eventually caught up with her owner and horse friend. The pair raced next to each other. There were times where Eunkyung brought Jasper to nudge Winter, resulting in Seungmin screaming. The girl shook her head in disbelief yet still laughed at him.

Listening to her laughter, it eases his heart.

But being a sneaky Seungmin, he made Winter bump onto Jasper as well. Twice. That was enough to make Jasper and the princess swerved their lane to the side. Eunkyung gripped on the lead line tightly as she sent a death glare towards him which he replied by sticking out his tongue.

"Did I mention that I hope you fall off the cliff?"

"Your horse will fall as well, my young lady."

Eunkyung snickered while approaching, "She won't. Inertia, love."

Ah, a nickname that shot his heart again.

Jasper bumped his bum on Winter, pulling Seungmin out from his own world. He caught a glimpse of Eunkyung's face tinted red before Jasper galloped away.

"Aish," he ruffled his head as he watched her go. Then a smile appeared on his face. "She's unbelievable."

A few months ago they couldn't go as far as they wanted due to the ongoing case. This time, they could, everyone could. Their race did not end there, Eunkyung led them into the woods, and soon after they found a very familiar to them.

Not just familiar, but a place where a certain spark began.

The waterfall.

He watched her getting down Jasper and walked towards him. He got down as well. The way her hair swayed lightly to the side due to the wind once again caught his heart. A small smile made its way to his face.

The princess raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Seungmin just shook his head and took her hand, even though he knew currently his lover was mad about his mistake.

"Jasper is not slow. It's just you." she glanced to the said horse. "You need to train him harder."

"Mhm, I will." he swung their hands together with the smile stilling on his face.

Eunkyung looked him from down to up as she muttered, "Why is he so smiley..."

Seungmin's smile widened. He let out a content sigh and looked around, "What did I do to get an adorable princess like you."

Her face instantly heated up, "I told you not to call me adorable-"

"So so adorable that I forgot she's actually mad at me." he grinned. Immediately, a slap landed on his shoulder yet he just laughed. "Your highness,"

She frowned, "And I told you not to call me Your highness if we're alo-"

"Would you wait for me even if it takes forever?" he suddenly asked. The question sounded serious, but he kept the smile on.

Eunkyung became flustered. "Of course I would, why are you asking that?"

He swung their hands again, pulling her to face the river. "Because," he snaked his arm around her shoulder and rested his head above hers. "We both know three years is a long time, but I want you to know that I will never, ever leave you. I am sorry for not telling you earlier and put you in such condition, love. That wasn't right of me but please remember we will meet again after I finished my study there."

Sadness washed over her again. She leaned her head on his chest and hugged him. "Promise you're not going to leave me."

She felt him nodding, "Promise."

"Promise me... you will come back without any injury. Just safe and sound."

He hummed, "Promise."

She looked up and showed him a pinky. "And promise me to send at least a letter if you could. I cannot live without hearing anything from you."

Seungmin sealed her pinky with hers. "I promise."

With that, the girl cried.

He quickly embraced her again, whispering soothing words and caressed her back. He was on the verge of crying as well yet he held it in. He needed to be strong for his princess, and for his father as well. That man would be living alone in the house. He would have no companion.

Seungmin's heart was heavy. He gently pat the girl's head. "Remember that day?"

She didn't reply, still burying her face in his chest.

"Where you learned the truth about the rainbow, and you drowned because of me."

He heard a giggle mixed with a sob so he continued, "We had a water fight and you lost."

"You cheated."

He smiled. "And that was the same day you learned the truth. It was a bittersweet day." he sighed at the memory. "Also, the same day where you found out I liked you as a child."

She chuckled. "And the same day where I realised I like you too."

His eyes widened when hearing it. He detached their bodies by holding Eunkyung's shoulders. "I'm sorry, what?"

She wiped her stained tears and let out a small laugh, "You heard me."

"Wait, so you've liked me for that long?"

Eunkyung hummed for a long time, purposely making him wait.

Seungmin groaned, "You know, saying I no longer like you was the hardest thing to do. I almost drown myself in this river."

Both of them burst into laughter. Just like that, the temporary sorrow fled away.

"You've drowned me that day so you should have done the same thing."

"Ah, mean Eunkyung is back."

"I'm sorry did I hear you calling my full name? Did I do something wrong again?" she teased but squealed when Seungmin suddenly lifted her up.

"Should we?" he asked while walking towards the river.

"Kim Seungmin!!"

- fin.

i hate to say this but yeah, it's the end

i wanted to include where it's a few years later but i figured that's a commonly used in stories, so i decided not to do it. also, my time is limited :(

but don't worry! a bonus chapter is coming up ^-^

i love you all, a lot <3

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ