Chapter 12

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      I was staring out the window in the car on the way home just thinking of everything that happened in the last 24 hours. We were just coming into Haliburton where we live when I was getting cramps. I've had them for a bit since the plane ride home today.

     We pulled up into mine and Jen's driveway when I snapped out of my own world. I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car when a strong cramp hit me. "Ohh god" I let out and Jen came running over to me. "Are you ok hun?" She said with concern.

     "I don't know, I think I'm going into labor" I look up at her scared.

     "Ok let's get back into the car I'll get Zak" she helped me into the car and called Zak while getting herself in.

     "Hey is everything ok babe" Zak answered while I let out a scream "ahhh"

      "No it's not, Mandy went into labor. We gotta get her to the hospital. It's a couple hours away. Get her hospital bags there in her room"

     "Ok I'm coming" he said fast and you can hear him running around on the floor.

     "Omg hurry these contractions are so painful" I said as I was trying to breathe. Jen was trying to help me as she sat in the back with me. Zak got back but I told him to get the car seats in the truck too. He did and then we were off.


     We got to the hospital in peterborough about an hour and a half later. Jen and Zak helped me inside and a lady came out with a wheelchair

    "It's going to be ok miss we're going to get you checked" Jen and Zak were sprinting behind me as we finally got into a triage area so they could check me before letting me stay. I got up on the bed as the nurse was checking my vitals, putting this belly wrap around my waist so the baby's heart beats could be monitored. She checked how many centimetres I was and asked me questions. "Ok miss, it looks like you're about 4cm dilated and your vitals are good. We're going to admit you now and get you to a labor room." She told me and we moved to a different room. She gave me a gown to change into and said she'll be back in abit.

      "How are you feeling hun?" Jen asked me. "Lots of pain" I said as I gripped my belly. "Oh my this is gonna be a long night" I said.

      It's been about a couple hours later, it's now 10 at night. Jen and Zak keep asking me if they want them to call Aaron, but I say no. The nurse came back about 30 mins ago and I'm only about 6 centimetres. They were just coming back in to give me the epidural. I'm hoping I can get some sleep before these girls come.

    "Ok Miranda can you sit up and hug the pillow" I shook my head and did exactly that. "We're going to give you the epidural when another contraction comes so let us know" I said ok and told them when I had another one and they put in the needle on my back. I winced a little. I laid back down and had a pillow in between my legs.

   "Can I get you anything mandy?" Zak asked me and I told him iced chips. He shook his head and kissed Jen before leaving. "Are you sure you don't want us to call him?"

     "Yes Jen." I tell her

     It's been about 10 minutes and Zak still wasn't back. "Where is Zak?" I say just as he walked in he smiled at me and gave me the iced chips "sorry I was gone longer I could find the machine." He tells me and walks to Jen and whispers something in her ear. I sit here and eat some chips and instantly feel sleepy. I put down the iced chips and fell to sleep.

    I woke up a couple hours later now being in labor for 6 hours. A nurse comes in to check me again "ok Miranda you're progressing good your about 8 centimetres dilated!" She says enthusiastically.

    "Almost there." I tell myself. "Miranda I'm gonna do an examination ok" I shake my head and she begins feeling my stomach she gives a weird look and looks at me "I'm going to do an ultrasound to see where the babies are to see if what I'm thinking is correct." I looked at Jen scared and she came up to me to hold my hand. The nurse begins the ultrasound looking at the girls. "Ok Miranda it looks like what I thought is correct. The girls are in a breech position and it seems if we can't get them to the right position we'll have to do a C-section"

   "Oh no" I said and started to tear up. They started to try and get them in the right position but it wasn't working so they got me ready for a C-Section. I had Jen come in with me so they had her in a different room getting her dressed and giving the doctors some time to do what they had to do before they bring her in.

    They told the nurse to bring Jen in and she left to get her. When Jen came in they told me I was going to feel pressure but that it was normal. When I did they said "baby A is out" and heard a soft cry, they lifted her up so I could see and instantly teared up as I saw my baby. The doctor gave her to a nurse and they took her off to do vitals and to wrap her up. I felt more pressure and then I heard "and baby B is out!" They did the same with her sister and Jen went over to pick up one baby and the nurse picked up the other and brought them over to me so I could see.

     A second nurse pulled out my phone and took pictures of them showing me the girls for the first time and we all smiled. They took the girls to do the things they needed to do and Jen followed them as I was getting stitched back up.

    They were finally wheeling me out of the operating room to a recovery room and there was Jen and my girls in there. Jen brought one over to me and I instantly took her and held her

     "She's so beautiful." I said as I looked at her face Jen gave me her sister and I instantly saw Aaron in her face. The whole process of the surgery and prep took about an hour and a half.

     I told Jen to bring Zak in and she did. They came in and Zak came over to me "there beautiful Mandy. Congrats"

     "Thanks Zak" I said and smiled. He kept checking his phone but I blew it off. After 30 minutes they put the girls back in their bed and I laid down and slept for about a couple hours.

      I woke up to loud voices outside of my room and went to pick up one of the girls when I heard "just let me see them! Those are my babies too!" Then see Zak in the doorway like he was pushed. Zak looked so mad, then sped walked and could see his arm go back like he was punching someone. You can hear the impact and Jen yells "guys enough! Mandy is sleeping in the next room! And you're going to wake the girls up!"

      As Jen says that the baby girl I'm holding starts to cry and I immediately lift her up and place her on my chest and pat her back lightly "it's ok baby girl"

     After that I see Aaron push passed Zak and stand in the doorway looking at me and the baby in my arms

     "Hey Mandy.."



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