Chapter 4

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It's the next day, me and Jen are waiting for the boys in the lobby. They told us to check out early so that's what we did.

"I wonder where we're going" I look at Jen and agree with her.

"Don't worry yall will have fun.'' I hear from behind us and smile as I see the boys coming. Aaron plants a kiss on my cheek and I smile back.

"How are you beautiful?" I feel my cheeks heat up and I'm sure Aaron saw as he chuckled back. "I'm good how are you?"

He shakes his head "I'm great now"

"Are y'all just gonna sit there and flirt or are you gonna make moves?" I look and see Zak with his arm around Jen and chuckle. "Lets go guys" and with that we start walking to the car.

Zak gets in the front seat and Jen in the passenger seat with him, me and Aaron in the back.

"So Jay and Billy will meet us at the airport" Zak says to close the silence. "Ok great love" Jen replies, i smile at how her and Zak just hit it off so quickly.

I feel a hand go over mine and look down and see Aaron places his on mine. I look up at him and smile, I move my hand and grab his to hold. He smiles back at me, "I had fun yesterday with you" after getting coffee we went to a park and just walked around for a bit. "I had fun too, thanks for asking me"

"Of course -" Aaron gets interrupted by Jen "ok so guys were gonna have to drink or something in one of our hotel rooms tonight"

I laugh and Aaron yells out "oh hell yeah"

"Yeah that'll be cool '' Both me and Zak reply as we pull up to the airport, Zak and Aaron help us with our bags and we walk through the airport. You could see all eyes on us as we walked. I lean into Aaron and whisper "is this normal?" he shakes his head "yeah but don't worry we're here" he replies and pulls me in close. He gets to the front desk and hands in our tickets. She points in the direction to go cause I guess we aren't going in a public plane. But a private plane.

We get to these sets of doors that lead outside and we see this huge plane. Me and Jen look at it with our mouths gaped open. "Holy shit" she says.

"You can say that again" I say as we walk up to the plane we walk in and see Jay and Billy waiting for us. "Girls this is Billy" I smile and we both shake hands "so you're the girls these guys won't stop talking about" me and Jen chuckle and my cheeks heat up, Zak and Aaron both hit Billy in the chest as he laughs. "It's nice to see you girls again" Jay replies "you too"

Me and Aaron sit in the back away from everyone. I sat in the window seat and him in the aisle seat. I don't know where Jen and Zak went, they disappeared. Me and Aaron hold hands ''take a picture with me?" I ask and he agrees, so I pull out my iPhone and take a picture of us both smiling, after that one is taken he says "take another one?" I say sure and lean the camera back up but this time he leans in an kisses my cheek as i take the picture and i chuckle "awww y'all cute" I look up and see Jen


"Hey Aaron Zak wants to talk to you"

"Ok where is he?"

"He's back there" he shakes his head and goes back to where he is and she sits besides me "sooo..."

"So what?" I giggled at her "Zak asked to share a room with me at the hotel, would you be ok with that?"

"Yeah sure, go ahead.. I wanted to ask are you too like a thing now?"  she gives me a look "why?" I chuckle "because y'all are lovey with each other" I pause "and your shirt is inside out"

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