Chapter 2

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I watch him looking at her

"Jen, her name is Jen" I replied back. He shakes his head while still looking at her.

I went to speak back but he beat me to it.

"Well, I should get back to the tour." he looks back at me "it was nice to meet you Mandy maybe we'll see more of each other." and with that he walked away.

I went over to Jen to tell her about what just happened, but when I got there she was different. She wasn't acting like herself. She was looking around disorientated.

"Uh Jen?"

"What do you want?" she replies a bit louder then needed. I look around the room and see some people looking at us including Zak and Jay.

"Are you ok?" I ask her as the guys walk over "what's happening?" They ask.

"I don't know, I came back and she was acting differently." The guys look between each other. "Jen right?" Zak asks and she just shakes her head. "Did you touch anything?" Jay asks. She just shakes her head no. "I looked in the mirror" then she started laughing.

I look at the guys shocked and nervous. Zak turns and says "ok guys we'll be back but I'm going to get a tour guide to do the rest. Sorry for the inconvenience" he hurriedly takes us outside "Jay will go get Jen some water." he shakes his head and goes back inside.

Me, Jen, and Zak sit outside on a table. We just sat looking at her.

"How are you feeling?" Zak asks her as he pulls out his phone and dialles a number. I wonder who he's calling, I think to myself. "What exactly happened?" Jen answers. Jay comes back with water and hands it to her. "Here you go, I'm Jay by the way."

"I'm Mandy and this is Jen." I replied back and he shook his head. Zak gets up and leaves and goes to talk to that person on the phone. "Uhm i don't know i went on my own and looked at things and when i came back you weren't yourself. Said you went and looked in the mirror."

Zak came back and sat down and talked about how dangerous it was for her to look at it. But he liked her braveness in her actions. She looked up at him when he told her that he liked her braveness.

"You did? You're not mad?" she asked him. "No I'm not" he paused "Listen, I have someone coming." As he said that a car pulled up I watched in curiosity wondering who it was. I watch a car door open and see Aaron Goodwin walking over to us with his sunglasses on, he pulls them off as he reaches us and stands right beside me.

"Hey y'all" he says

"Hi Aaron this is Jen and this is Mandy" he points to us as he says our names. Aaron looks down at me and smiles. "Hi Mandy" he reaches his hand down to shake my hand.

I was in pure shock. I've had a crush on Aaron for as long as I could remember. I couldn't believe he was right here saying my name. I opened my mouth to say something but all I could say was "hi '' I looked down at his hand and shook it back. I could feel Jens glaze on me and smirking at me trying hard not to laugh.

"Nice to meet you Mandy" he says with a smile. I smile back at him and repeat what he said back.

"I heard y'all had an encounter." I peel my eyes away from Aaron and look at Jen. "Yeah, Jen here was brave enough to look in the mirror." Zak looks between Jen and Aaron. "Well are you alright?" he asks her. She just shakes her head. Aaron just smiles back and looks back down at me.

Zak notices and says "well ladies we should get back inside but give us your phones" I look back at Jen and we hand our phones to Zak. He hands them each to the guys and I get nervous. They give us our phones back and I look down to see each of their numbers in our phones.

"Lets keep in contact ok" Aaron says looking down at me.

"Yeah of course" I replied back with a smile.






Hope you liked this chapter!




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