Jiějiě is the Best

Start from the beginning

"Seeing as not much grows here, it is considerably valuable but taking leaves occasionally doesn't hurt the plant seeing as you aren't uprooting or killing it or anything," Belle smiled softly.

The faun nodded, looking back at the plant. So, it was valuable but not priceless. He could work with that. Maybe Eddy or Belle herself wanted to take a lovely trip to where the plants originated? There would be a huge variety and more samples Brett could use to test to get the most out of the smallest thing from the plant. That was always a good goal to have, right?

Creams, lubes, lotions, all that could be useful if it could be stored for longer. Maybe even stretched with something so they didn't need a lot from the plant which would help them as well since they could make more products then. It was worth a shot.

"I see. So taking a leaf wouldn't hurt it too much. I bet it will help the plant probably. A lot of plants grow stronger and are re-energized if old leaves are cut off. Some plants die however if the old leaves are cut. How often do you cut them? What is your experience with it?"

"I never cut it too much but when I do I make it the gel to store. So it doesn't kill the plant if you don't overdo it," Belle hummed softly, happy to be listened to.

Brett enthusiastically nodded, "How do you make it into gel? How do you store it? Which ways did you try to preserve it? Which worked, which did not? I am curious. Please, Belle, tell me more." Everyone would benefit from this wisdom after all. And if Belle told him what she did and what worked or didn't work, he didn't have to repeat such projects and therefore didn't waste any more products.

"You prepare the leaves and scoop out its insides to blend together," Belle hummed softly, "I usually put it in a bowl then use natural preservatives to keep it fresh."

Belle answered the creature's questions. And while that explained what worked it didn't explain what didn't. Brett sighed.

"And what didn't work?"

"Just saving the leaves doesn't work because it dries up and without a natural preservative it will go bad," Belle spoke softly, Brett seemed fascinated by small things.

"And you didn't try other methods? Only leave it out or use it with and without preservatives?" While that was not a lot, it was more than enough if the plants survived it. His thoughts were running wild. He could try so many other methods then!

"No, I like doing it the right way sooner than later," Belle laughed softly with a warm grim. She seemed to be in a good mood. It was better than having her in a bad mood.

Brett nodded hastily. He didn't want to annoy Belle with that but he thought it would be better to know everything. So he clocked his head to the side and rubbed the plant's thick leaf between his fingers.

"Anything else I should know about it?"

"No I don't think so unless you want to know a certain thing," Belle smile's softly. She was here to keep Brett's mind off of Eddy after all and to possibly help him make new friends. Ultimately she was there to help.

The faun raked his head but came up with nothing right now. And that was not a bad thing either. Belle wouldn't go missing today so he could ask her any questions at any time anyway. So he shook his head, "No, not right now. At least about the aloe plant. Oh, on that note, is there a plant similar to it? Like, almost the same but different? Like, the healing qualities or the other stuff?"

Belle's brows furrowed as she thought about it, "Well there are many plants that have different properties, but rarely are they completely the same. Aloe is kind of known to be unique in its properties, since it seems to do so much. However as for healing properties, there are some plants that have specific qualities of such. There is ginger that helps with more internal digestive issues, the English Marigold that is said to help with body pain if applied right and bug bites, the Ashwaganda which helps relax the body from stress like chamomile but that is more for internal issues as well. I could go on but that would take a long time because there are many plants with different properties that I use to make certain things with for medicinal reasons."
Belle was sort of like the local healer, that was why she had so many plants that weren't considered actual food. She loved plants but she also liked using them to help people.

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