Well Eddy heard him but that wasn't much. Brett was anxious. Thankfully they were in the garden quickly enough.

"Ray, do you have any clue what else we can do to help him? He said he was hot and he probably overheated. I gave him water already and my scarf to cool down, but what else can we do?" Because Brett didn't know.

"I think the best we can do is let him rest for a little bit, and make sure to regulate his body heat. Has he eaten today?" Ray asked softly as he found a good sunbathing area. Once he found a good one, he laid the deer out so the man could stay warm.

"No he has not. I wanted to get him some food when we were back but it seems like it wasn't quick enough. Should I get the fruits and some other stuff from the shed? If necessary I can run to the village," even if he trembled by their mere thought of it, "and get him like porridge or something. He likes to eat that," Brett took off the scarf and rubbed over the back gently.

Ray sighed as he watched them, "Why don't you stay with him and I get food. Just try to keep him warm and well coherent."

He didn't exactly know what was wrong with Eddy but he seemed a bit ill to him. Well it was obvious that Eddy was a bit ill.

That sounded even better in Brett's ear. He could keep an eye on Eddy and avoided going to the village. Double win.

"Yes of course. Please hurry, okay?" Brett knelt beside Eddy and lifted his head to place it on his lap so the cervitaur laid more comfortably. Eddy snuggled his face into Brett's fuzzy lap, it was so soft and comfy.

Ray turned on his heels to get food, "I'll be quick, don't worry."

Ray hoped Belle wouldn't freak out, he knew she would eventually stumble upon them, so he could only hope.

Brett nodded as the panther left, focused on petting Eddy. Thankfully the garden had a spring as well so Brett could easily get water if Eddy needed it, "Should I leave you for only a few seconds to get some peaches, Eddy?"

His fingers stroked over the cheeks, wanting to talk and engage Eddy still. It was very important that he knew even without Ray telling him so. Eddy blinked at Brett, he was still cognitive for the most part. Even if he was still having trouble registering everything.

"Stay," Eddy was able to get the simple word out, it wasn't too hard to say.

That was very clear so Brett nodded, "Yes, of course." He continued to pet Eddy's head, gently tracing the cheekbones and massaging behind the ears so calm himself down. Why was Ray taking so long? Eddy's tail wagged happily as his ears perked up a bit. He really did enjoy pets, they could automatically make his day better. The happy but ill deer buried his face into Brett's fuzzy lap. He was still very careful to avoid Brett's groin though.

Not that Brett would mind that very much, but now it was not the best moment for some groin love. But since Eddy's tail was wagging, Brett was slightly relieved. The deer was still coherent enough to notice he was being petted, so that was obviously a win in his books.

"Yes, you were such a good boy. You ran so fast and so far, very good. The ending not so much, but you were very very good."

The faun knew that Eddy liked being praised so he did exactly that. Everything to keep him in the now-and-here. Eddy giggled tiredly, he liked being a good boy for people. That wasn't necessarily a good thing to want to be good for other people. It was most likely what put him in his predicament.

The next time they did something like this, Brett would take better, much much better care of Eddy since the deer didn't do it himself. Brett took it upon himself. Now Eddy had to suffer, yes, but this would be the very last time, that was another vow he silently promised himself - and Eddy of course.

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