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Bucky and I have been back in Asgard for a few days now. We had an amazing week on Tony's island, I'm pretty sure we had sex more than we even saw the island but still, a good trip. Our newlywed bliss was cut short when Tony pounded on my door, I opened it to see worry across his face, "What's wrong?" I ask as he rushes past me, "We need you guys to come back to headquarters. Theres an outworldly situation, Rogers, Romanoff, Banner, Vision and Wanda are already there. We need you guys and Thor, have you seen him?" I shake my head, "Thor was gone when we got back, there was a situation with the bifrost or something." He sighs, "Great, well, grab necessities and follow me, we don't have time to stand around." I glance at Bucky who already has two bags ready, he nods for me to go ahead so I do. 

We get to headquarters hours later, of course Tony was already there because he decided to fly there in his suit. We join everyone in a large room, "Okay, so what's going on?" They catch us up to speed on a being called, 'Thanos'. He's going around the realms taking infinity stones to wipe out half of earth. I sigh deeply, "Infinity stones are real? I thought it was some story Loki made up." Thor's voice startles me, he enters from behind us, "They are very real. He's got enough to be too powerful to stop at this very moment." He looks at me with tears in his eyes, "He killed Loki." I rush over and hug him, I feel him sob for a moment before he collects himself. He follows Banner and Tony out of the room. I look at Steve, "How bad is it?" He sighs with a stern look on his face, "Very. I don't know if we'll be able to fix this one. All we can do is make sure he doesn't get the last stone." I glances over at Vision, "That yellow thing in your forehead is an infinity stone?" He nods, "Yes, I think we should destroy it before Thanos has the opportunity to be near it but the only one strong enough to do it, refuses." He glances at Wanda, I sigh when I look at her, she is leaking nothing but sadness at the thought of destroying him. I go to her, put a hand on her shoulder, "I understand." I glance back at Bucky before going after Thor. 

I walk into a lab, I don't pay attention to what Banner and Tony are doing, I go straight to Thor, "Are you alright?" I ask as I put a hand on his shoulder, he nods, "I'm as alright as I can be right now. No time to mourn right now." I nod and sigh deeply, "I'm sorry, I know he meant a lot to you." He sighs before glancing back at me, "I'm going to have a new hammer forged, so I won't be around for a while. You'll have to take over for me until I can return. I don't mean as king, I mean as an Avenger. Do any and everything they ask of you." He smiles at me before leaving the room. I look back at Tony, "I guess I should probably put my suit on." Tony smirks, "I've got a better idea." He holds up a remote and presses a button, it opens up a big compartment on the wall, revealing a Stark version of my jumpsuit. I walk over to it, running my fingers along what I thought was fabric until it basically consumed me like his Iron Man suit does to him. I look down before a clear lens goes over my left eye, "What is that?" I ask, he smirks once more, "That, my friend, is your way of communicating with me while I'm gone. If that goes silent, it doesn't mean anything good." I nod, "Okay, does it communicate with everyone or only you?" He scoffs, "Like you'd need to communicate with anyone but me." I cross my arms so he sighs, "Yes, you can communicate with anyone who wears an ear piece." I shake my head as I go to leave, he stops me, "Wait, don't you want to know how to use your suit?" I point to the lens, "Won't Friday help me if I need help?" He sighs and waves me away. 

I go back to Bucky and Steve, "So, what are we doing?" Steve sighs, "Right now our main objective is to protect Vision. We won't know what to do for sure until Tony goes after Strange." I sigh, "Well, okay. I guess I'll just wait around for a bit." Bucky looks confused for a moment before he asks, "Is that a nano Stark suit?" I nod, "Yeah, you like it? I think it's pretty cool." He smirks, "Yeah, you look hot." Steve scoffs as he shakes his head, "Keep it in your pants, bud. We're not here for that." Bucky chuckles as he winks at me, "Speak for yourself." I hear Steve chuckle softly as I walk away, I walk down a long corridor. A door that I didn't know was there slides open as I walk by, I step back in front of it and go inside. Something scans my body before Friday says, "Hello, Agent Barnes, welcome to your chambers." The room lights up and I'm stunned by what I see, a wall of guns, a big bed, a private bathroom, another wall full of knives and swords. "I'm in heaven." I mutter to myself, I make my way to the sword that first caught my eye, it was a ridiculously big one but when I picked it up, it felt light as a feather. I must be really strong or it's made of vibranium. Probably both, I shrug as I start swinging it around the room. I decide it is the one before leaving the room and continuing down the corridor, I hear Bucky yell out to me, "Freya?! Where are you going?" I look back at him and shrug before continuing, I hear him run up behind me, "Steve wants us all to stay close." I scoff, "Steve is not my boss, I'll come back when I'm needed. I'm not going to wait around until then, I'm going to explore. You wanna come?" He looks down at my sword, "Jesus, is that thing big enough?" I chuckle, "Probably not but I'll take my chances." "I thought you were more of a gunslinger." I stop and turn around, "Nope, when I fought with Thor to bring down Hela's army, I picked up a sword and fell in love with them." He chuckles, "Alright, whatever gets an ass kicked." I smirk as we continue down the longer than necessary corridor. I stop when I realize the end is probably miles away, "Maybe we should go back." He chuckles as he grabs my hand, "Thought so." 

Agent X: Out From The Shadows//BuckyBarnesFanFicWhere stories live. Discover now