Stark Isle

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We finally get through the silent flight to the island, I stretch as soon as my feet hit the pavement below us. Theres a man in a butler's outfit waiting for us across the helipad, we notice he isn't coming toward us so we walk toward him. "Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, I presume?" We both nod, still weird to hear that by the way but getting less weird every time it happens. He bows to us, "I'm Wyatt. I'll be your guide for the time being." We follow him down a long beautiful path through what looked like a forest but it looked kind of weird like it was kept up with by people, if that makes any sense. I stop dead in my tracks when I see what's at the end of the path, there's a mansion with huge windows, it looks super open like most of Tony's buildings do. Wyatt stopped a few feet in front of us, "Everything alright, Mrs. Barnes?" I chuckle as I start following him again, "Oh, yes, sorry. I just expected something smaller. Also, you can call me Freya." Wyatt hides a smile before continuing into the house, he stops in the middle of two huge staircases, "You'll find everything you need on the main floor besides your clothing and sleeping chambers. The kitchen is fully staffed, along with the bars and pool area. The staff leaves every night around 8 pm on the dot and arrives every morning at 8 am. Now, if you'll follow me up the stairs here, I'll show you to your sleeping chambers." We follow him up the stairs to a huge room with two suitcases sitting in the middle of the bed. Wyatt stands out of the way as we walk toward the bed, "Well, I'll let you get settled. Just press the button on the nightstand when you need anything." We both nod, "Thank you, Wyatt." I say as he closes the door behind him. I open the suitcase in front of me to see a lot of lace and a note from Natasha, "No way he won't want you in these. Theres a few bikinis under everything else." I chuckle as I dig through to the bottom to see all of the bikinis have thong bottoms. I roll my eyes before realizing it's basically just us here anyways. I shrug as I dig a little more to see a few normal looking, barely see through dresses. I look over to see Bucky has nothing but swimsuits, jeans and button up shirts. I chuckle, "Who packed for you?" He shows me the note he got, "I didn't know what to pack for you, hope this is okay. Love, Steve." I chuckle, "Aww, 'love, Steve' how adorable." He laughs, "Shut up." He pulls up a black pair of trunks before glancing at me, "Want to hit the beach first?" I shrug, "Why not?" I grab one of the black bikinis to match him before turning around, "Can you untie the corset?" He smirks, "Of course, my love." He says in an English accent. I felt him start tugging at the strings as he untied it and pulled the strings out. I was caught off guard when my breasts popped out but it also felt kind of good to let them breathe for a moment. I put my arm over my nipples as I let my dress fall to the floor, "A thong, huh?" Bucky asks. I sigh, "Yeah, Sif made me." He sighs, "Good choice though, very sexy." I turn around and look up into his eyes, "You're about to see more of them, Nat only packed thong bikinis." He grips my ass with one hand quickly, "Lucky me." He lets go and starts undressing as I throw the thong to the hamper across the room and put the bikini on. When he's fully undressed down to his underwear, I catch myself staring at him, biting my lip. He glances at me and winks before changing into the swim suit, "Are you ready?" He asks, I nod quickly and follow him back downstairs. 

I go to find Wyatt, he was standing next to the bar, talking to the bar tender when I approached him, "Sorry to interrupt, I was just wondering where the towels are for the pool." Wyatt bows to me, but I put my hand on his shoulder, "You really don't have to do that with us, Wyatt. You can be normal and relax." He smiles at me, "Thank you, Mrs. Freya." I shake my head, "Just Freya." He smiles again, "Okay, Freya. We'll bring the towels out to you, we'll drape them on the loungers by the pool." I nod, "Thank you, Wyatt." I walk out the huge back sliding glass doors that are just wide open. Bucky is testing the water out before he dives straight in. I get to the edge before he resurfaces in front of me, "The water actually feels really good, you should get in." I motion at my face, "I'm wearing make up and I'm not sure how to take it off." Bucky chuckles before yelling, "Wyatt?!" Wyatt comes right away, "Yes, Mr. Barnes?" Bucky nods toward me, "Could you get her something to wipe her make up off with?" He nods, "Right away sir." He's gone for a few minutes before bringing out a wipe and a mirror, "I apologize for the delay, I had to ask one of the maids what I needed." I chuckle, "It's alright, really. I'm not in a hurry." I grab the mirror and wipe from him, "Why don't you and the staff have a drink and relax or something, we won't need anything for awhile." He grins, "You're too kind, Freya." I sit on one of the loungers and glance at Bucky, "Tony must be a real tyrant or something." He chuckles, "Probably." He goes back under and swims around while I wipe away the makeup. I get it all off then head to the pool stairs and make my way into the pool as I undo the braids in my hair and let it fall down my back. Bucky wades toward me until he ends up right in front of me, I look up at him and smile before diving into the water next to him and swimming to the deep side of the pool. When I resurface, I look back and Bucky is no where to be seen. I swim in a circle before feeling his hand on my leg, pulling me under quickly. We kiss underwater before coming back up face to face, he keeps his mouth below the water, I chuckle as he stares into my soul, "You are so creepy sometimes." I splash him as I swim back to where I can stand, I hear him swim up behind me right before he lifts me up and I wrap my arms around him, "Hello." He stays silent and just keeps staring at me, "You're winter soldier staring at me right now and it's making me a little nervous." He chuckles softly, "I just don't know how to deal with the emotions I'm feeling right now, I'm sorry if I'm creeping you out." He chuckles again before continuing, "I just love you so much and I'm finding it hard to believe that you actually married me and we're here right now. It's a lot for me but in a good way." I stay silent as he looks me over, "And I just can't keep my eyes off of you." I chuckle, "I'm sorry I'm overwhelming you with my love." He smirks, "Don't ever be sorry for loving me." I sigh, "I'm not. I've never been." We share a quick kiss before he drops me into the water, luckily I can stand so I don't go fully under. I lean against the outer edge of the pool, watching him swim back and forth a few times before wading toward me. He stands in front of me for a moment before kissing my forehead, "You want to get out?" I shake my head, "No, you go ahead and continue what you're doing. I like watching you." He chuckles, "I'd rather be inside you right now, though." I sigh deeply as I run my hand down his chest, "I'd prefer we wait until the staff leaves so we don't have to stay in the bedroom." He sighs, "As you wish." He then kneels down and swims away. 

Agent X: Out From The Shadows//BuckyBarnesFanFicWhere stories live. Discover now