Duties and Weddings

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-The Next Day-

I woke up later than usual, but it was still morning. I sat up in bed to yawn and stretch before being grabbed and dragged back under the covers. I giggled as Bucky kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. I sighed, "Buck, I have to get up. I have things I have to do around here, sadly." He groans, "Like in the bed?" I chuckle, "No, like in New Asgard. I promised Thor I would help and I'm already kind of late." He groans again before letting me go and turning over. I get up and head out to the living room where Thor and Steve are sitting around, talking. Thor notices me, "Ah, look who's finally awake. You must hurry or we'll be late." I wave my hand at him and he chuckles as he looks back at Steve, "Not a morning person." I eat a bowl of cereal and down a cup of coffee before heading into the bedroom to change. I throw on some jeans, boots and a tank top before heading out of the room. Bucky groans as I leave, "Where will you be so I can find you when I get up?" I chuckle, "I'll be across town in the town hall. We're just looking over contracts and then finishing up a building near there." He nods before closing his eyes again. I close the door behind me and walk over to Steve and Thor, "You guys ready?" Thor glances behind me, "No Barnes?" I shake my head, "Nope, he's kind of exhausted, I kept him all night." I wink as Thor pretends to gag. Steve stands up, "Alrighty then, let's go." 

I'm bored to tears by the time Bucky shows up at Town Hall. I'm leaning back in my chair as Thor is discussing things to come with other 'board' members. Bucky sits down in the seat next to Steve, who is sitting next to me. Thor says my name which snaps me out of my own head, I sit up and look at him, "Yes?" He chuckles, "What do you think of the idea of New Asgard becoming a tourist spot? We could build places for them to stay if need be, it would give the people more jobs and generate more resources." I sigh, "Seems like you already have the answer ready." He sits back and puts his pen on the table, "You're suppose to be my right hand 'man', I need your input. What do you think?" I put my hands together on top of the table, "I think that if it gives the people more opportunities and helps the community prosper, then there is no reason not to do it. Plus most Asgardians enjoy seeing humans and how they act, talk, etc. so it also gives them an opportunity to learn more about things they are interested in and gives them more of an opportunity to interact with them." Everyone looks over at me in shock before Sif says, "Who knew you were actually listening this whole time." They all chuckle, I sigh and sit back, "I listen to everything, I just don't see why I have to be apart of all this, I didn't even grow up in Asgard. You all did." I point at Sif, "She should be your right hand, not me." Thor sighs and puts his hand on mine, "But you are my sister and your opinion matters most to me. No offense to anyone else." They all mutter that it didn't offend them before he continues on with the plan of getting all of that started. I look over at Steve, who is already looking at me with his hands crossed across his chest, "How long do these usually take?" I shrug, "Since we've come to a decision, it should only be a few more minutes." He nods and goes back to listening to Thor. 

About 30 minutes later, we finally went to the building site and started that project. We worked in teams, Thor put Bucky and I together, naturally while him and Steve did whatever they were doing together. Bucky and I were laying down bricks. He knew what he was doing, thankfully, so I basically just handed him things as he needed them. We were making small talk for a while before Sif approached us, "So, Bucky, when do you plan on marrying the princess?" I glare at her, she just shrugs, "What? I figured you were too shy to ask or something." I sigh before looking at Bucky, who seems shocked by the question, "I didn't even know that was something you'd be interested in, Freya." I cross my arms, "It's not that I'm not interested in it, I just don't necessarily see a reason for it right now." Sif scoffs, "Oh, come on, why not? You guys could have a viking wedding! It would be so much fun." I glare at her again before she throws her hands up and walks away, I look at Bucky, "I'm sorry, Buck." He shakes his head, "It's alright, I can tell that didn't come from you." He chuckles, "Are you actually interested in getting married? I don't see why we couldn't just humor them at least." Shock comes over me, "What? You actually want to marry me?" He shrugs, "I mean, I love you, you love me. Why not? I couldn't dream a better wife than you if I tried." I smirk, "I don't want you to marry me just because you want to humor Sif." He stands up and puts his hands on my shoulders, "I would never marry you to humor anyone, I want to marry you, I just thought it would sound less scary if I hid behind what I said." I sigh before trying to hide a smile, "Barnes, did you just propose to me?" He chuckles softly, "I guess so, sorry there's no ring." I shake my head, "I don't need a ring to prove you love me." He smiles down at me, "Alright, I'll accept that for now until I actually get you one." I feel excited but I try to act as cool as possible as I go back to handing him bricks. 

Agent X: Out From The Shadows//BuckyBarnesFanFicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ