The Beginning of the end

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October 5th, 1920. The day my humanity was stolen from me. I heard them speaking in German, saying I have no family and that no one would miss me. They were right but that still didn't make it okay to take me just because I was found alone, with nothing but the clothes on my back. They had me strapped to a bed like an asylum patient. I kept hearing the word, 'Hydra' being thrown around. I was concerned because I kept wondering if they were going to water board me or something. Every time I tried to get out of the metal straps, they seemed disappointed that I couldn't get out of them and would inject me with a vibrant blue shot thing in a metal tube. It felt like fire was going through my veins for what felt like hours every time they would do it. I'd pass out periodically from the pain. 

I kept waking up in darkness, only a light from under a door down what I assumed was a hallway or something. I wasn't in a room, I was out in the open. I saw a guard look at me through the tiny window in the door before yelling, "Doctor! She's awake!" The man comes out of the room quickly after bright intense lights turn on. I just squint since I didn't even want to try to put my hand over my eyes, I didn't want that injection again. A man in a doctors uniform rushed over to me, "Can you break free?" I look at the metal straps then back at him, this has to be some sort of trick or something so I just keep my eyes on him and don't move or say anything. He gets closer to me, "Try to break free. Now." I gulp and nod before lifting my arm up quickly and immediately becoming alarmed when I rip the strap from the cage like thing it was attached to. One arm free, I go to free the other one when the guards around us all cock their guns and point them at me. I sit up slowly then look over at the Doctor, waiting for him to say something but he just smiles and walks back into the room at the end of the hallway. The guards keep their guns aimed at me until he shuts the door, I hear locks click before they put them down. One of them looks down at me, "How does it feel?" He asks. I look around in confusion for a moment before he continues, "The serum, you lousy." I clench my jaw before looking down at my other arm, I quickly free it and just sit there as they all point their guns back at me, I could sense their fear. I was confused by that because why would a man fear a woman? I thought back to a few moments ago when the man said the word, 'serum.' I wasn't really familiar with the word, I never went to school or anything of the sort, so I was dumbfounded by it. I just looked down at my hands and noticed the scratches I'd had days ago all over them, from being dragged here, were gone. Like they never existed at all and they were deep enough to scar. I look back at the guard who was speaking with me earlier, "Serum?" He scoffs, "Yeah, the super serum." I cock my head in confusion so they lower their guns as he continues, "Dr. Erskine is using you as his guinea pig to test his serum. He's basically trying to make super humans or something. It's quite mad, really, but brilliant at the same time." I sigh as it all starts to sink in.

If I was really injected with this 'serum' that he's talking about then that means I could possibly take all of them if I tried to. I'm a woman though so the probability that will happen is small so I use a different approach, I slowly go to slide my legs off of the bed and immediately feel the tension in the air.  They all have their guns locked on me but I don't look at them. I just stand up and face them all, "So, what now?" I ask. They wait a few seconds before lowering their weapons. As soon as they do, I hear that Doctor's voice over a radio, "Take her to the well room before taking her to Mrs. Macoin." They all nod as one of them grabs my arm and leads me to another room down the long hallway, as soon as we get to the door they shove in through the door and a group of people wearing full white jumpsuits with masks tear my clothes off and start spraying me with scolding hot water. I scream in agony before accidentally punching the wall behind me. I was shocked when the water stopped as the wall crumbled around the hole I made. I could see through the wall now at the shocked faces of the guards. I'm equally as stunned and don't know what to do so I just shrug and turn back around to the scary looking people who were spraying me, they seemed stunned too but I couldn't see their faces, I was only assuming to their silence. A woman in a nurse's uniform motions for me to go to her so I do. She hands me a towel, as I'm wrapping myself she starts speaking in German, "You're going to Mrs. Macoin but you'll need to put this suit on first." She points to a black suit with a black and red star on the buckle. She turns away as I notice all of the others had left the room. I grab the suit and climb into it, it was skin tight like it was made to my exact measurements so it was a little hard to get on. I ask her in German, "Is this going to stretch out as I wear it more or is this as good as it gets?" She holds back a chuckle before responding, "It'll most likely stretch but I'm not sure." I see a pair of black boots sitting next to it so I put them on as well, over a pair of thick socks, also black. 

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