Mr. & Mrs. Barnes

Start from the beginning

We took a million and one photos before we made our entrance at the reception. It was a little weird to hear them announce us as Mr. and Mrs. Barnes but I guess I had to get used to it now. We walked in holding our hands together in the air like rockstars, it was kind of cute to see him let loose a little. He started dancing a little to the entrance song, which he picked, I loved it. So did everyone else, they all joined him on the dance floor as I made my way to our table up front in center in front of everyone. I sat at the table and started devouring the steak plate I chose. I was a lot hungrier than I thought, Steve sat down next to me, "Enjoying the steak?" I chuckle, "I haven't eaten all day, so yes I am." He smirks at me, "So Mrs. Barnes, do you plan on dancing at all tonight?" I scoff, "Probably not, why? You want to dance with me?" He nods, "Of course, it'd be an honor." He stands up and puts his hand out for mine, I sigh before grabbing it and following him to the dance floor. I glanced over and saw Bucky dancing with a little girl, it made me smile. A fast song started to play before Steve spun me around and pulled me close to him, he moved me to a tango position so I panicked as I asked, "Are we about to tango?" He chuckles, "We are." I look down at my dress and contemplate if I can handle it or not before he starts leading me around the dance floor. Everyone forms a circle around us as we continue to kill it, I was surprised at how well I was keeping up with him. He didn't do anything crazy or sexual like pulling my leg up or swing me around, that's what I was worried about when we started, I was pleasantly surprised though. He danced a lot better than I thought he would which thank god because I wouldn't have been able to lead to save my life. The song ended, he pulled away and leaned down kissing my hand before walking away. I felt a weird energy coming from him, one I never felt come off of him before now, I shook it off, he must be drinking or he's one of those weirdos who gets turned on by weddings. Never know. 

Tony approaches me as I go to walk away, "That was quite the performance, was that planned?" I cross my arms, "What?" He scoffs, "You and Rogers, that seemed pretty intimate, something going on there?" I burst out laughing, "Never in a million years would I mess around with Steve of all people. I'd screw you before I'd even look at Steve." He smirks, "Is that a promise?" I push him away playfully as he smiles at me. I walk toward the back room to look myself over when Natasha comes in, "That dance was hot, you had me sweating." I scoff, "Tony actually asked if Steve and I were fooling around." She laughs, "Yeah, right. Anyways, why don't you take the bottom off of your dress so you can actually dance?" I give her a strange look, "What and walk around in a corset and thong? I don't think so." She rolls her eyes and unzips the bottom half of my dress, revealing a cute frilly bottom that goes to my knees and is movable. "There." She says as she sets the bottom she zipped off on a nearby table. She lifts my dress up a little, "You have your garter on?" I swat her hand away, "Yes, Mom. I've got it on." She chuckles, "Just making sure, let's go back out there before people assume we're also fooling around." I burst out laughing as I follow her. 

Bucky is sitting at our table so I go straight to him and sit on his lap, he wraps his arms around my waist before noticing my dress is different, he slides his hand up my thigh before I stop him, "Quit it, you have to wait." He chuckles, "Alright, if you insist." He pulls his hand away as I stand up, "Let's dance." He smiles as he follows me. A slow sexy sounding song was playing so I turned around and grinded up on him. He seemed a little excited by it when he put his hands on my waist and moved along with me. We zoned everyone else out, I put my arm up around his neck and closed my eyes as he leaned down and kissed on my neck. I turned to face him as his lips met mine. We basically just swayed back and forth as we made out in front of everyone. We pulled away after a few minutes to see a few people quickly turn their heads away from us, we giggled as we made our way over to the cake.

After cutting the cake, we sat at the table with Steve, Sam, Natasha and Sif. Sam and Steve kept Bucky's attention for a bit so I turned to Natasha and Sif, "So, are you guys having fun?" They both nod before Sif answers, "Of course, I saw how Steve danced with you so I got a couple dances in with him." Natasha chuckles, "I've just been around, watching, observing, mingling. The usual." I shake my head, "You need to let loose, Nat. Here. Take my champagne, I don't like it anyways." She smirks as she gulps it down, I feel a tap on my shoulder so I turn to see Bucky basically in my face, "Its been a few hours, can we go kick off the honeymoon now?" I chuckle, "Calm down, we still have the bouquet and garter toss to do." He chuckles softly, "I'm doing that with my teeth and there's nothing you can do to stop me." I smack him softly, "Stop it, you perv." He smirks, "Only for you." He leans over and kisses my cheek, I just shake my head and laugh. I look over at Sif, "Can we get the tosses out of the way." I nod toward Bucky, "Someone is getting impatient and wants to head out." Sif glances at Natasha as they both giggle, "We'll do the bouquet toss after the garter. Give me 5 minutes, I just have to tell the Dj so he can do the announcement." I nod as she gets up and heads toward the dj booth. 

5 minutes later, on the dot, I hear the dj announce, "All the men gather around, it's time for the garter toss." I go and sit on the chair in the middle of the floor as Bucky slowly approaches me, posing like a goofball. It made me laugh, he winked at me as he bent down in front of me with his hands behind his back. I lifted my leg up to him, holding my dress down so I didn't show anyone anything unwillingly. He did exactly as he said he would do and used his teeth to slide the garter off of my leg before tossing it out into the crowd. Steve ends up being the one who caught it, he celebrates it like he won a touchdown in football, it was kind of funny. We got ready to the bouquet toss a few minutes later, I turned so my back was toward everyone as I tossed it over my head behind me. I turned around when I heard Sif cheering holding it above her head. I smiled at her as Bucky wrapped his arm around me and whispered, "Can we go now?" I shake my head, "Alright. Just wait until everyone goes outside so we can make our grand exit that Sif planned." He nods before approaching Sif and saying something to her, she nods then walks toward the Dj who then asks everyone to go outside. 10 minutes later when everyone was finally outside, we walked through the doors to everyone cheering, we made our way to a car that was waiting for us at the end of the walkway. Once we got in and Bucky shut the door, he put his arm around me and sighed, "I can't wait to get out of these pants." I chuckle, "Me either." I wink at him as he smirks at me. Tony's driver, Happy, gets into the drivers seat. He looks back at Bucky, "You can fly a helicopter right? Tony says it can fly itself to your destination but I just want to make sure." He nods in confusion before Happy turns around and starts driving. "Do you know anything about this?" I ask, Bucky shakes his head, "No, I thought we were just going back home." 

We go to the middle of field where a helicopter sits, Happy drops us off before saying, "You guys have bags waiting for you on the island, courtesy of Tony. You better feel lucky, he doesn't do this for everyone." We both glance at one another before getting in. We shut the doors as his AI system starts talking, "Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, I'm Friday. If you have any questions during the flight, feel free to ask." We glance at each other in confusion before looking out the windows, "Friday?" She answers me immediately, "Yes, Mrs. Barnes?" I adjust my dress while asking, "Where are we going?" She opens a map with the location on it, "Mr. Stark's private island, the destination is only an hour away, you'll have someone meet you upon landing." I nod and stay silent before texting Tony, "Thank you so much for the surprise. We appreciate it." His face pops up in front of us, "You're welcome, Agent X. This is my wedding gift to you, I never get to go out there, too busy so I figured you two could make use of it." I smile, "Thanks again." Bucky chimes, "Yes, thank you." Tony chuckles, "Have fun, you two." He winks before the call ends. 

Agent X: Out From The Shadows//BuckyBarnesFanFicWhere stories live. Discover now