Chapter Thirty-Three

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Dash was in a mood by the time I got to work.

The twins also sent memes to the group text message, so I had that to navigate through.

Ryan texted me on the side about it with Sydney in this group.

Ryan: You and Yankees Guy are serious?

I would start texting Ryan and then would get sidetracked by work. The Fancy Feast meeting is one of those things. Isabelle came in guns blazing; she was a lot to handle.

"You are a lot to handle today," I said to her at one point, smiling. It was a joke, but with just enough truth in that, he had to be said.

The comment made her happy.

"My father would say that exact thing to me when I was younger. He was my best friend." The smile told me that she was thinking of fond memories. "I wish I could take you away from Fly Leaf," she said at the end of our meeting.

She hugged me.

"I like you enough that I left Ralph with my assistant, darling." And she had, my allergies were still in check, and the pill I took that morning was for nothing, but it meant enough that it made my whole morning.

Ryan: You have been dodging this question all morning. 
Ryan: Sydney says that means it's serious.
Sydney: It is serious. Normally she would be blurting the first thing that comes to mind.
Sydney: Double date at our house this Friday. I have been waiting for forever for this to happen.

She must have thought the last one was too harsh.

Sydney: Excited for you!

I rolled my eyes.

Annabelle: It is serious.

Except for the fact that he had yet to text me today. Was that normal? He did have Friday off because of me too. He dropped everything just for me. He was probably busy catching up on work. That was all.

I had a new client coming in today; there needed to be more background knowledge on this account, except for the fact that it was a new and upcoming cleaning product. Cleaning products were fun products to have. Everyone needed them. If you created something new and made all the moms out there think it would help their lives. They were for it.


Cleaning robots was what it was. Window cleaners, lawnmowers, vacuums, the list was endless.

I watched the video the guy, Toby, was showing me. "You mean I stick this on my window, and it cleans it for me?" I was impressed. The lawn mower I didn't care about; I didn't have a lawn. I was tempted to text Dash about it for his backyard, though.

The conference room windows could open on this floor, and he took a white box out of the black tote he had brought in. Hooks the window cleaner up within seconds and then sticks it to the window. "That is incredible," I said, watching the window being cleaned."

Amanda must have been walking by, and she steps in.

She tilts her head to the side like mine is as we stare at the gadget on the window.

"Can I buy one?" She asks.

Toby has been quiet since she stepped in and cleared his throat.

"This is a prototype. We hope to have more up and running next month."

Amanda nods her head. "Ok, put me on the waiting list." She said while we watched the product. As she leaves, she turns back and says, "you get all the fun ones."

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