Eddie takes a moment to glance around at the other three men all groaning loudly in pain and practically rolling around on the floor in pathetic little heaps. She glances around the people watching, some shocked and others she can actually see laughing and smirking with satisfaction. Thankfully – she thinks – this old pub is mainly full of over 30s, which means nobody’s filming her on their phones.

Outstanding, Eddie!’ Comes Venom’s exceedingly proud voice.

‘Meh. A 5 year old could take these morons.’

Venom hopes the challenge he hears in her voice means that she’ll want to do this again sometime... hopefully really soon, because he is quite aroused right now...

“Wasn’t this you and your boys’ plan all along? Get me to touch your teeny weeny little peenys?” Eddie smirks as she squeezes just that little bit harder and he groans loudly in utter pain fuelled horror.

“OK! We’re fucking sorry! Please, just stop! FUCK!” He yells out even louder when she squeezes even harder, almost enough to fucking pop something VERY important.


Eddie lets him go, watches with a small smirk as he grabs his poor crotch and shuffles off as fast as he can. She turns back to the bar, grabs her laptop and shoves it quickly into her bag. However, she’s instantly freezing when the whole bar suddenly erupts into claps and cheers, some turning to woops and mocking laughter as the other four men all go rushing out with shameful looks on their faces.

Venom is so very proud right now... and still aroused... stupid Eddie.

“Oh, fuck...” Eddie mutters as she turns to face them with a sheepish smile and a stupid salute. She quickly turns back to the bar to get her bag when the cheers and clapping finally dies down.

WHERE are you going? They love you!’ Venom hisses in her thoughts, both outraged and confused.

‘We don’t need that kind of attention.’ Eddie realises how pathetic it sounds, knows Venom does, too, even before he scoffs.

‘I’m sure you would have thought of that BEFORE you literally struck them all down like ugly little bowling pins.’

‘I deeply regret teachin’ you about sarcasm.’

Venom simply hums nonchalantly.

Eddie glances at the sudden beer being presented to her. Her eyes swiftly lift to see the pretty blonde bartender smiling sweetly at her.

“On the house.” She grins when Eddie shoots her a confused look. “Those assholes have been making trouble in here for months. Us girls don’t feel safe around here with sleaze balls like that. So... thank you.”

“Oh...” And here Eddie was thinking she was about to get barred from the only place she’s ever liked hanging out in (that isn’t her apartment... Venom’s right, she really is a hermit.)

‘You really are. But it’s cute.’

Eddie ignores his teasing as she answers the bartender. “Well... no problem... idiots like that need to learn boundaries.”

The bartender shoots her another sweet smile as she’s being called over by another customer.

‘Let’s follow them home and eat them!’

Now you’re just bein’ greedy, V. I let you eat THREE people last night! I’m not stupid! I know that’s enough to sustain for at least two weeks!” Eddie mutters, narrows her eyes as she swipes up the beer and takes a sip.

Venom huffs, but mutters, ‘Fine.’


Later that night, Eddie is on the verge of falling asleep in bed, while Venom’s noodle-head floats above the end of her bed – where her laptop is perched for him to watch his favourite shows.

Just like she told Venom – she doesn’t really know where these questions or ideas revolving around him seem to come from, only knows they just come to her, “off the cuff.” She cracks her eyes open, smiles when hears him chuckling quietly as he watches whatever episode of Friends he’s got playing on the lowest volume (bless him, she knows he has sensitive hearing, but also knows he keeps the volume down just for her – because they’ve tried all kinds of headphones for him and none seem to stay on properly or comfortably.)


Venom turns his floating head to face her, suppresses a shiver at her adorably sleepy voice. “Hm?” He hums softly back, knows she’s half asleep.

Eddie turns onto her side to look at him, eyes a little more open as she presses her cheek into her warm pillow. “Would you let me do an article on you?” She knows she sounds nervous, doesn’t know what his reaction will be, but she still manages to continue. “I'd have to leave out the part about you needin’ a host, for both our safety, of course, but I just...” She smiles when she sees he looks slightly surprised. “I want people to know you like I do... and not just as some big scary monster that eats people... you’re anythin’ but a monster, Venom...”

Venom slowly floats closer, floats down beside her so that she doesn’t have to move at all. “You want to write about me?” He somehow saves his voice from almost cracking. He feels... touched? Is that the word?

Eddie smiles softly at that deep look of insecurity written so clearly over such an alien face (though, no longer alien to her, anything but.) She nods, replies with, “I do, yeah. There’s still so much I don’t even know about you... thought this would be a good way to start... y’know... if you want?”

Venom cannot help the stupid grin that spreads across his face. And even if it means going through memories he would rather just forget, he’s still excited over her wanting to know more about him. “I would like that very much, Eddie.”

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