Chapter 13: Love, Germany

Start from the beginning

"Just to talk to a good friend is all," Germany explained.

"Are you sure? You don't usually come here just to talk," Japan asked.

"Maybe I need to get away from a few people, but nothing horrible happened, I promise. And I do come here just to talk with you, sometimes!"

"Either way, I'd like to know who you're hiding from," Japan inquired.

"A ton of people. Everybody who likes me, basically," Germany explained.

"Interesting... you don't mind if I stop hiding, do you? It gets really exhausting," Japan asked.

"Not at all, I'd do the same if I could," Germany agreed. Japan's tails popped out from under his shirt and his ears flopped upwards. He hid his ears underneath his fluffy white hair, it was easier than doing what he did for his tail. His eyes lit up and his cheeks glowed with their red marks. He wiggled his ears and closed his eyes.

"Thank you, that feels much better," Japan smiled. Germany nodded. A loud banging on the door interrupted their conversation. Japan quickly hid his ears and tails and went to open the door.

"Japan, I need your help with something," China sighed.

"Okay. What is it?" Japan asked.

"May I come inside? It's a bit personal," China muttered.

"I have a guest," Japan replied.

"As long as it isn't America or Russia I don't care," China sighed. Japan stepped out of the way and China walked inside, immediately noticing Germany. "Oh, hello Germany! It's been a while since I last saw you."

"Yeah, really has been!"

"You two know each other?" Japan asked.

"We've known each other for a long time."


"Hey Poland," Czechia smiled.

"Oh... hi," Poland responded.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok, I should be out soon..."

"Sorry the others haven't been visiting as much recently, they've been very busy."

"I don't need excuses, it's okay. I know Germany has a lot to deal with and everybody else just doesn't care... at least Lithuania visits from time to time..."

"I'm always here for you, you know that. And the others as well, even if they don't show it as much."

"Thanks..." Poland replied weakly. A nurse lightly knocked on the door and came inside.

"You have another visitor, Ms. Poland," Nurse Iceland said.

"Thanks, Iceland," Poland sighed.

"No worries," Iceland responded. He walked out of the way and left. Lithuania entered Poland's room shortly after.

"How are you?" Lithuania asked.

"I'm alright, I appreciate you visiting."

"I'm always here for you, Poland," Lithuania smiled warmly and kissed Poland on the cheek.

"I'll leave you two alone for now," Czechia sighed while she walked out of the hospital room and sat in one of the chairs outside.

"I've really missed you, it's not the same without you," Lithuania said.

"I'll be out soon, I promise."

"I trust you with all my heart, Poland," Lithuania smiled as he handed Poland a bouquet of flowers with a note attached. "These are from a friend of yours, he wanted me to give them to you."

"Thank you," Poland smiled warmly as she read the card.

Dear Poland,

I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit you. I'm very busy and have been dealing with a lot recently. Just know that I'm always here for you in spirit. I admit that I haven't been the best friend and I sincerely apologize, and I hope you make a swift recovery. I trust that you will, seeing as I've trusted you with my drink and I'd trust you with my life I don't think my trust in you could ever fail. I don't think any of us need any more misfortune than that of what we already have. However, I feel as if I am partially to blame for what has happened to you. I allowed France to be near you in the first place, and I knew she was a psychopath, but I still trusted her to be alone with you. I can't say this enough, but I am sincerely sorry. With all that being said, I acknowledge how much trauma you have been through because of me and my family. I never knew that it was always you, always the same person. It enrages me how my own ancestors could do such a thing to anybody, and I apologize on their behalf, even if they don't feel sorry. Even if you don't accept my apology, I understand. I truly wish I could be there in person with you, but for now these flowers will have to do.

Love, Germany.

"Thank you..." Poland muttered. She stared at the flowers, they were yellow poinsettias and red roses, all tied together in one beautiful bouquet. Real flowers.

"Should I leave you alone now?" Lithuania asked.

"No, it's alright. Thank you for bringing these to me," Poland smiled. "Oh. I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"If I write a card for Germany, will you give it to him?"

"Of course. Anything for you."


America sighed and walked through his own front door.

"What did I do wrong?..." he asked himself. He slumped down onto his large couch and sighed, resting his forearm over his eyes. Somebody knocked on the door, and America sighed. "Door's open. Come in."

"Hey..." Russia sighed as he walked through the door. America sat up straight and took a defensive position, preparing to fight.

"What do you want?" America growled.

"I found that we have something in common," Russia explained. "We both have similar interests in another country and I'd like to talk to you about it."

"My allies have nothing to do with you," America snarled.

"It's about Germany. Let me get straight to the point and speak in stupider terms so that you might better understand me, considering your mediocre English you call American."


"We both like him, that's an obvious fact. But we should really settle our differences. It's not only us, and I think we should work together to... 'eliminate' the other options, as you might say."

"I'm not up for murder."

"No, not like that. I mean eliminate them from Germany's emotional radar. Accuse them of doing something so foul that Germany couldn't possibly like them."

"I'm listening..."

"So far I know of three other people who like him. Poland, Austria, and France. France is easy enough, as long as she doesn't redeem herself we're fine. Austria is very introverted and I doubt he'd be of any concern, while Poland is our biggest rival. I say that we should frame her for shooting Palestine, I already know Israel plans to do it and he'd more than appreciate a cover up. That'd surely be enough to finish her off. However, if we ever need to talk about this in public, I say we call it a video game. Any objections and or comments?"

"I... I would feel wrong to accuse somebody of a crime they didn't commit."

"Please, you do it all the time..." Russia sighed. "We can always find a different solution. Something that doesn't involve crime. We could ruin her reputation... or we could make her hate Germany instead of vice-versa."

"How would we do that?"

"I've got an idea. It'll be risky, but it should work."

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