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The four laugh maniacally as they levitated from the ground. (Y/n) and Raven came a few seconds later and watched in shock at what they were witnessing.

"The power, it feels-it feels glorious." Melinoe smirked as the other three laughed. She shot a blast at the heroes who quickly flew move out of the way.

(H/n) jumped in front of Batman and made a shield when Melissa shot a blast at him. "We need to take those gems from them." she told Batman.

"I'll do it." He volunteered shocking her but the determination in his tone reassured her for some reason.

"Okay. I'll cover you but be careful." he gave a nod in response and ran for Melissa. (H/n) shot ice shards at her. Melissa stopped them and used them against her. (H/n) blocked them and flew into the air.

Batman shot his grappling hook and took of in the sky. As (H/n) was about attack, Melissa blasted her before she had the chance while catching Batman by the throat. She turned to him and smirked.

"My, my, a fine specimen you are." she flirted. "If only you were evil." she continued as a purple mist carried him away from her.

"Oh wait, you can be evil." Melissa's faced beamed with an idea.

(H/n) watched in shock as Melissa started chanting a spell that turned her beloved evil. The others shared the same shock while the three sorceresses laughed in amusement.

You were stuck, frozen in shock at what you looking at. Your boyfriend, the only man who has managed to break down the walls of your heart, the only man who showed you the truth, was turning evil. You were stricken with fear and worry, you didn't know what to do but just stand there, feeling like you were loosing all hope.

You didn't notice Lady Grey appear behind Raven and attack her causing her to fall forward.

"Raven!" you were about to run to help her when you were tackled to the ground. You looked up in shock at Batman.

You manged to kick him off you and flew out of the way when he tried to tackle you again.

"Batman, stop. This isn't you." you tried to snap him out of this trance but he remained quiet and continued attacking.

"Zee, John, help Raven." You said blocking a punch from Batman and kicked him in the gut, just a few feet away from you. "The rest of you, GET THOSE GEMS!"

While being preoccupied with Batman, the rest of the rest of the Justice League charged for Melinoe and Desiree. Shazam, Green Lantern(Hal Jordan) Flash and Aquaman charged at Melinoe while Hawk, Wonder Woman, Green lantern(Jessica Cruz) and Martian Manhunter charged for Desiree.

Superman flew up to Melissa and punched her out of the air. She landed on her feet and looked at Superman with anger. "Bloody Kryptonian." she snarled and charged for him. Their fight got heated.

You managed to knock Batman out after gaining a few cuts and brusies. You carefully laid him down and went to help Superman but you felt something pull you down and looked down at...Trigon appearing from a portal. The sky grew dark and the thunders rumbled.

Raven was unconscious, the gem in her forehead cracked open, Zatanna and John were on their knees, being held by two large demons.

"You will pay for your insolence, angel." he growled trying to pull you down but you resist and managed to set yourself free from his grasp.

"The the insolent one is you, Trigon." You aimed your arm at him and shot fire balls at him. "You think, you can come here, destroy my planet and get away?"

He flew straight for you but you quickly got out of the way.

"THIS PLANET BELONGS TO ME AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" he yelled and fired a wave of hellfire at you. You blocked it but to your dismay it was too powerful.

You screamed as it broke through your shield and blasted you to the ground. Everything became blurry, your other teammates were unconscious and captured by demons. That was the last thing that you saw before everything went dark.

Melinoe flew behind Trigon and smirked.

"Well done." She said causing Trigon to turn to her. "Melinoe." he simply said causing her to give genuine bow along with her friends.

"You brought me back?" he asked looking at himself.

"Yes." she replied as they stood straight up.

Trigon looked at himself and his eyes narrowed. "But why do I feel weak?"

"Since your daughter had you trapped in that gem and had been using your powers for her own reckless purpose, there is a high possibility you're a little drained." Lady Grey butted in.

"There is a ritual that can drain not just your power from out of her but it can also give you her powers as well." Desiree added.

"That way, you can be more powerful than you ever were before." Melissa finished.

"Then let's begin with this ritual." Trigon said before they bowed.

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