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Shazam landed a blow on a demon and landed a roundhouse kick on another that ran up behind him.

Superman fired his laser eyes at the demons that were flying after him and froze others that managed to escape the lasers.

Martian Manhunter transformed into a large octopus-like creature and used his new tentacles to grab the demons and squeeze the life out of them.

Wonder Woman used her agility to maneuver around and over the demons while using her laso to tied them up and throw them at other charging demons.

Flash sped around demons, confusing them to the point they fell dizzy while also making sure his friends weren't getting any unnecessary company.

Aquaman used his trident to electricute and stab demons. He even used the blood in their bodies to make them explode or freeze them like ice statues.

Batman maneuvered around, punched, kicked and managed to snap each demons' head either with his bare hands or gadgets.

The Green Lanterns used their imaginations to make combat weapons. Jessica used chain-daggers while Hal used double katanas and they slashed and killed with a similar mindset at the demons.

There were so many demons coming but they held their ground and didn't give in. Many demons fell at their feet either, unconscious or dead. It didn't matter as long as they were decreasing and unable to fight anymore. The Justice League wasn't giving any demon mercy. Now the question they were all asking themselves was, where is John?

"Oh this isn't good." You said looking down at Raven who could barely keep her eyes open. "Raven is too weak to do anything."

"Try that healing spell." Zee suggested, feeling her hands starting to get tired. You closed your eyes and placed your hand on each side of Raven's head.

"I evig uoy ruoy ginlaeh." You casted and a bright emmited from your hands and spread over Raven's body. She immediately gasped and quickly sat up.
She looked at you and Zee.

"What did I miss?" she asks.

"Not much." Zee replied. "Can you fight?"

"Yeah. I'm a little tired but I can." Raven answered as you both stood up. Zee smiled in relief and backed away from the door, letting it burst open, revealing Melissa and Lady Grey.

"Hi girls." Melinoe smirked before they charged for you three.

You fought with Melissa, casting and blasting, fighting like there's no tomorrow. Zee and Raven were doing the same with Lady Grey. It was one heck of a battle that seemed to never end but either team didn't give up.

The fight lasted for a whole hour without anyone showing a sign of exhaustion. You were about to blast Melissa when you felt something hit you like a whip to the side. You hit the wall, sat up and saw Melinoe and Trigon.

"Its time we got to the last phase of our plan." Trigon said and walked off with the others. Zee and Raven immediately rushed towards you.

"What phase are they talking about?" Raven asked as they helped you stand.

"I don't know but we have to stop whatever it is before it even begins." You replied and you all went to help the others.

Shazam throws the last demon into a wall while everyone else stands over dead and unconscious bodies of demons.

"That was the last one." He informs them(the obvious). They turn their heads towards the three females hurrying their way. Batman runs over to (H/n) and embraced her in a hug.

"You okay?" He asked checking her for any wounds. "I'm fine, you?" he nodded his head.

"We need to hurry." Zee started as they regrouped. "Trigon mentioned something about the last phase of their plan."

"Where are they heading?" Jessica asks and Zee shrugs in response.

"Batman. Come in, Batman." Dick's voice rang out in Batman's com.

"What's wrong?" he asks catching (H/n) attention.

"We have a demon problem here at Gotham." Dick replied.


"We. Have. A. Demon. Problem. Here. At. Gotham." Jason butted in, emphasizing on each word causing Batman to roll his eyes.

"We're on our way." He turned to (H/n) then the team. "They're at Gotham." Batman noted.

"What?" (H/n) half yelling.

"Why would they go to Gotham?" Flash asks as (H/n) pondered.

"To recruit the most dangerous villains." her face lit up with shock and realization.

"We need to get to Gotham and fast." Batman said before you rushed off.

Young Justice and the Teen Titans were using all their might, powers and skills to make sure that Trigon and his army of demons and sorceresses would not get to Arkham.

"How many demons are there?" Artemis asks as landing a blow on a demon.

"Too many to count." M'gann replied trying to get rid of the demons that were flying after her.

"Whatever happens, make sure they don't get to Arkham." Nightwing reminded after

"Okay we get it." Red Hood said shooting a Demon. "How many times must you remind us that?"

"Just shut up and make sure." Nightwing nearly yelled.

"Can you two stop your unnecessary argument?" Robin asked slashing a demon in half. "It is not required at this current moment."

Suddenly a white wave appeared, disintegrating every demon it touched. The young heroes looked up and smiled in relief when they see you. The rest of the Justice League appear behind you. More demons appeared, bigger and uglier, they almost made your skin shiver with disgust.

"Let's finish this." Batman said before the others followed. You, Raven, The Green Lanterns and Superman lended Starfire, M'gann and Conner a hand withe the flying demons, while the rest the demons on the ground.

"Where are they?" Raven asked Starfire before BOOM!, a booming sound was heard. You all turned to Arkham and saw dark clouds forming around the dark building.

"What the hell?" You heard Artemis ask before you all rushed there.

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