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"Khun Korn... The location of Khun Vegas and Khun Porsche has been detected..."

Khun Korn glanced at his son, the supreme leader of the main family, "Kinn, it's time... Prepare them..."

Kim glanced between them. Tankhun looked scared; once again the main and minor families will fight under one roof. Once again... Minor family betrayed the Main family... But did they?

Meanwhile, Vegas and Porsche were completely ready for the attack. That crazy girl have informed them enough time ago before disappearing again. With guns, bodyguards, bombs, and pistols... They are ready for the war...

Porsche looked at the minor family ring on his finger. Today he might be going against the main family- but as he vowed he would never go against Kinn.

On the other side, Pete woke up without the cuff in his legs. Also, that door was wide open. That girl has finally let him escape. There was also a pistol, a good amount of bullets, and a car key left beside him. Along with a small note...

| P'Pete... Don't leave P'Vegas's side...|

Pete put that note in his shirt pocket. And taking all these he finally left the apartment room.

At the main family manor, Kinn was filling up his lucky gun with golden bullets. His heart was heavy. Today he is gonna fight again his heart. He wished so hard not to arrive this day but guess his wish wasn't approved.

Suddenly a text from an unknown number popped up on his mobile.

| Don't betray your heart for someone who used you forever as a shade.|

Kinn stared at that text for while. Before leaving his room.


Unlike the battle before, this time Vegas didn't waste his time at the gate of the main family house.

Porsche hesitated at first but for defense, he had to shoot too. They entered the house within a little time.

"I will find Khun Korn."

"I will manage here."

Vegas was about to move when Porsche grabbed his arm, "Don't hurt Kinn. You promised me."

Vegas looked at him, "I won't..."

They spilled ways from there.

Porsche was on his way to find Khun Korn. He has a lot to know from that guy. Clear up a lot of confusion. Also, rescue his mother who is still his captive.

Meanwhile, Pete was at the main family manor already. With a gun, he entered the bloody ground once again. He can detect from which direction those gun sounds are coming. When he arrived at that spot he found Vegas looking for Kinn while shooting down the main family subordinates.

"VEGAS! VEGAS!" Pete shouted out his name which instantly stopped him and made him turn around.


"Watch out Vegas!!" Pete shot the main family subordinate who was about to take the advantage of time.

It's not a time to celebrate a reunion.
Both of them had to survive from here first; that's what Pete thought. But to his shock, Vegas went out of his sight. Better saying escaped from his sight.


"I never hated you more than now, Kim..." Porchay smirked sadistically at his state right now. He is kidnapped by the same person who saved him from kidnapping twice. Well, he wasn't alone, Macao was kidnapped with him too. But the latter was drugged to sleep.

"It's for your brother's mistake. He went against the main family."

"Now what? Will P'Kinn kill my brother? And will you kill me? Then what are you waiting for? Kill me! Huh- I am not a coward like you!" Porchay has become braver than he was before. Life was hard on him. Luck never fevered except for his lovely brother. If that happens; he has to lose his brother. He chooses to leave with him.

Kim stared at Chay's bloodshot eyes.
Those aren't the same loving and admiring eyes anymore. They are threatening. The latter is daring him to kill him.

"Don't hurt them. Especially Porchay. Don't inject the sleeping drug in him."

"You are escaping young master of the main family! You are escaping again like a coward! Remember Khun Kim, If anything happens to Hia; no matter how secure you keep me in... I will follow after my Hia..."

Kim lowered his head. His back was facing Chay at that moment, otherwise the latter might have gotten to see how pathetic Kim looked at this moment...


"Khun Korn! Your play has come to the end!" Porsche was pointing the gun directly at Khun Korn's head from behind.

"Put your gun down, Porsche." But there was another gun pointed at Porsche's head from behind. And that voice was from his beloved man.

Porsche lowered the gun and turn around. Finding Kinn pointing his lucky gun right at his temple.

"Kinn... Give me a chance to explain... Let me uncover the truth... The pathetic past, Kinn..."

Kinn's gazes were dread, "You betrayed me."

"I would never do that. I am always on your side Kinn. But give me a chance to uncover the past-"

"I don't know who brainwashed you, Porsche. But there is nothing that I am hiding."

Porsche turned facing Khun Korn with fury in his stare, "Don't lie anymore, Khun Korn! I know now... Why did you kill my Pa!! Why did you not let Khun Gun say the truth? Why did you hold my mom captive? And how you are the reason behind Kinn's mother's death!"

Kinn's grip on the gun loosens at the last sentence, "My mom's death? Pa?! You are the reason behind her death?!"

"You know Kinn, Porsche has been brainwashed well enough by Vegas.
Everyone knows Your mae died because of sickness."

"You are lying! You are still lying! You injected those deadly drugs in her to kill her! You wanted to clear your way!!" Porsche shouted out in anger.

"Is this true, Pa?" There was another voice among them now. And that belonged to Tankhun, who looked horrified.


To Be continued ⏩

The plots are made by me 💀 I hope they are not the worst  :")

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