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Pete slowly got his sense back. Rather than finding himself back in that house where he got shot, he found himself over a bed. But it was not a hospital; he was in a regular apartment room.

In the process of sitting up, he can feel pain over his whole body even tho he was shot in one spot.

"Where am I? Who brought me here? What happened to Vegas & Porsche? Did they bring me here? Or they-"

He stopped his loud thinking; talking to himself when the door of that room opened. And he saw an unfamiliar face of a girl.

"Oh! You wake up already? That's good- you are stronger as I heard..." She stood right beside the bed, "How are you feeling anyway?" She eyed his bandages, "They are not bleeding."

"Who are you?" Pete suspects this stranger. In this life of his, the stranger is a danger for sure.

She smiled softly, "Aw! Are you suspecting me of being an enemy? Don't worry... I might be an enemy of someone but not yours, Pete."

"You know my name! Who are you? How did you find me? And why did you save me?" Pete asked straight with a steady tone.

"A lot of questions together I see- well, let me answer in one... Whoever I am that doesn't matter; the thing that matter is Vegas and Porsche are being idiots right now and they are just moving the way Korn Theerapanyakun wanted them to do."

Pete frowned at her, "Can you clearly explain what you want to tell me?"

"I will... But first I need you to get well Pe- P'Pete... I should respect you... anyway- Do you want to use the washroom I can help you..."

"I don't."

"Okay... Cool then- I will bring the necessary objects and check on you. And sorry for taking your mobile away- it was needed." With that, she left the room. And the sound of her locking the door was clear to Pete.

Pete looked around the room and his eyes caught a photo. A photo of Khun Korn and his three sons. A picture of the minor family. Two other photos of two unfamiliar ladies whom Pete can't recognize that much.

"Why main and minor family photos are here!? Who is this girl?"


Kinn was suffering from extreme headaches now. But instead of medicine, he gulped down one more glass of wine.

"Khun Kinn. There is no trace of Khun Porsche at their house. Also, Khun Macao and Khun Porchay are missing from after-school."

"You can leave now."

Kinn wanted time alone. He doesn't want to think his Porsche has betrayed him along with Vegas. He dialed that number for the 127 th time but it was still unanswered.

"I think we should start tracking them. Before they attack us." Kim entered the room just now. Looking disturbed and tired.

"We lost track a long ago."

"What about Pete? He won't betray the main family like them- where is he now?"

Kinn looked at his brother, "He went missing. According to the footage Arm got, Pete was shot by Porsche. And left there wounded. But after going there he was missing..."

Kim smirked mockingly before leaving the room.

Suddenly Kinn's phone buzzed up. It was a message from an unknown number.

( Truth will come ahead soon. Just don't make any mistake that you will regret forever )

Kinn immediately made Arm track this number but it was unveiled by then.

"Khun Kinn. We have found this from that place where Pete was left wounded." One bodyguard put forward a mobile phone towards Kinn.

Kinn made Arm open it. And turned out it wasn't Pete's mobile. But someone else was the owner.

The thing that made Kinn frown was there were few video clips. Kim was leading a group of subordinates from the Major family.

|"From now on Kimhan Theerapanyakun is your new boss. Listen to his order and follow every direction he gives."

"If the time comes you have to stand against Kinn. It's a battle of war Kim."|

Arm glanced at Kinn who was watching those video clips carefully. Like very attentively. Arm himself can't believe something like this was going behind Kinn's back. And here Kinn was surprised but more importantly he seems hurt depth down.

The way those clips were presented it was clear that those videos were taken secretly.

"This might stay between us, Arm. Don't tell anyone. Stay like this is nothing."

"Yes, Khun Kinn."

Kinn nodded, "Cheak inside this mobile more. Maybe there is something related to Porsche or Vegas too."

But unfortunately, there wasn't anything except those few clips inside that phone memory.

Kinn was standing on the balcony. Looking at the gun in his hand. His lucky gun. He can get the flashback of that night when he sneaks into the Minor family manor to hand Porsche his lucky gun.

He felt so tired and betrayed for some reason. At first, Porsche ran away with Vegas. Pete went missing. And lastly, that clip where his father made his younger brother his enemy on a battlefield that he have created.

He takes a deep breath. He is missing his mom at this moment. Like way too much.

"Ay Kinn."

Hearing the voice of Tankhun he turned around. The elder one was in his usual fancy cloth. And that usual gentle and comforting aura around.

"I don't think Porsche will betray us... Also Pete... I don't know about Vegas that cow- but those two will never betray us. Maybe there is something that we don't know. We must not judge someone by their outside action without knowing the intention-"

Kinn surrenders. If Tankhun wasn't like the way he is; he might be perfect for the stage of supreme leadership.


To Be continued ⏩

Remember the time when Kim came to the main family manor in episode 14 and he was called by his father? The theory says that moment his father announced him as a leader of a group of subordinates under them. So I took that here 🍾

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