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|When he ignores you but someone breaks into your house while he is away from you..|

"Tae, listen"  you followed behind him while he was getting ready for work. He didn't once take a glance at you and continued walking downstairs while doing his tie.

He was ignoring you since yesterday because you had a fight with his mother and confronted her but you didn't regret it though. Your marriage wasn't out of love, It was arranged by both of your parents and his mother never really liked you despite agreeing to your marriage.

It was his father, He watched you grow up since you're his bestfriend daughter. He loved you just like how he would love his own daughter. So, He asked your hand for taehyung. He promised to treat you like his own daughter unlike his wife. You had no problem with marrying taehyung and decide to give it a try.

Now it's been 8 months into the marriage and you've gotten into a lot of arguments with his mother in these 8 months. It's obvious that she doesn't like you.you tried to impress her in very way possible but all in vain.

She would always roll her eyes whenever you talk something or give any advise. She wouldn't let you touch her stuff while you're cleaning the house. She'd yell at you for no reason. And whenever guests are r invited she'd be acting all sweet and start humiliating and insulting you in the sweetest way possible. If sarcasm was a person it would be definitely her. And she's a great manipulator.

And yesterday she and her friends had a meet up along with their daughter in law's. She took you there because she had no choice and chose to bad mouth about you. She talked shit about you with her friends and degraded you, saying you didn't deserve to be the kims daughter in law.  That her husband felt sympathy for you and asked you to marry taehyung like you are some cheap girl from a poor family in need while you are born with a golden spoon.

You had enough of her and called her out. You couldn't just sit on the sidelines and watch her calling you a gold digger when you are not. Why would you marry her son for money when you already have it all. You are the only daughter for your parents and your father owns lots of international companies. Why would you run behind her son for his wealth when you have it all in your hands.

You made it clear for her that you married her son just because your elders chose him for you and that you liked him genuinely and she just stormed out from there. And before you could say this matter to taehyung she already did it and turned the whole situation into her favour. Claiming you were the one who yelled at her and insulted her. Being the best manipulator she is. She successfully managed to manipulate taehyung with her words and her crocodile tears.

Taehyung of course believed her because she is his mother and he strongly believed that she would never lie to him.

Both of you argued yesterday after he returned home because of her and he wouldn't listen to your side of story. He chose to defend his mother and started ignoring you but you couldn't bear his silence. You want to sort this matter before it goes any further but he was just being stubborn. Taehyung however isn't a bad person. He gave his best to be a good husband to you. He's a sweetheart but at this moment he's mother words got the best of him. You aren't mad at him because maybe you'd have supported your mother if it was you in his place. Because we highly believe that our mother's will never lie to us.

But here his mother is different. She doesn't lie but twists the situation and words into her favour. She's one of a kind of sadistic person.

"Taehyung!" You yelled, stomping your feet on the ground as he stopped their and glanced at you before turning away to leave for work.

"Yeah~keep ignoring. But atleast listen to what I'm saying. You're behaving like i don't exist at all,Like I'm some air." You thought he would stop but he didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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