A Leap Of Faith

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Bryan Pov

It's now been a two weeks since we all started sleeping together and I've pretty much stayed at Caleb and Ivy's house every night but today they both invited me to the recording studio so I followed them to Jesse Xavier's house, I'm literally about to meet the lead singer of The Sinner's which is crazy but not as crazy as sharing the guitarists wife who also is my sort of girlfriend again not sure yet again it's only been two weeks we are still just going with the flow of things but them letting me come to the recording studio is a pretty big step.

Jesse's house isn't a house it's a fucking mansion apparently Caleb is not quite as extravagant as his bandmate even though his house is nice also and near the beach, Jesse lives in Hollywood Hills. When we get into his recording studio I had to sign an NDA figured I'd have to anyway. I shake hands with the other two guys and get to see them record their new music "so what do you think they are nice guys right" asks Ivy in my ear "they are definitely really great but Caleb is still my favorite" I say to her flirtatiously and she rolls her eyes "I'm sure he is" said Ivy and I give her a grin then a kiss "we can go back to his house and I can prove he's my favorite" I say to her, okay so maybe I have a bit of thing for Caleb it started from the sex with him and Ivy then getting to know him finding out he is not as much of an ass as everyone makes him out to be.

But Caleb being so fucking good looking it and the sex with Ivy with him it's kind of hard not to be at least a little attracted to the guy but maybe it's different because he hasn't been my best friend all my life maybe that's where me and Ivy went wrong with our relationship or maybe the three of us together just works it's like we are all on the same page, we click.

Caleb comes and sits next to me when Ivy has to go record "so what do you think of Jesse's house" he asks me with a smirk and I turn to him "I think it's way too big for two people but the studio is awesome, kind of jealous of all the guitars, loved to get my hands on one of them" I say and Caleb looks at me in surprise "what" I ask cluelessly "you never told me you can play guitar" said Caleb with a grin then gets up and takes a guitar off the wall and makes me follow him.

We end up outside "play for me" said Caleb with a grin "that's a little nerve wracking just play guitar for Caleb Black" I say with a laugh "you've seen my cock and you find it nerve wracking to play an instrument in front of me" he says with a laugh "okay I guess you have a point" I say then sigh "I'm probably a little rusty it's been awhile" I tell him then start playing "not bad I tell him" said Caleb sounding impressed then Jesse comes outside "do you play base guitar" he asks him like he's getting ideas "uh I can" I said with a shrug "interesting" said Jesse looking like he's thinking to himself "he's thinking something, he's gonna try to convince you of something" Caleb tells me and I look over at him "like what" I ask him nervously and Caleb smirks "I have no idea never do know, he's the brains of the band, he always comes up with shit" Caleb said lighting a cigarette "you ever thought about bein in a band" Jesse asks me out of nowhere and Caleb looks at him in surprise "we just met and you're asking me that" I said wondering if he's actually crazy "I'm not the original guitarist when they first started out some other guy played with them then he left the band and he found me playing at bar asked me to audition for him so I did that was like ten years ago" Caleb explained surprising me I figured he has always been in the band "so you wanna audition it'd be really great to round out the band just never really thought of it till now" he tells me "his ideas tend to come randomly literally always last minute" said Caleb "so what do you think" asks Jesse to me.

I'm quiet at first looking between Caleb and Jesse "I don't even know if I'm staying in L.A." I tell them and Caleb laughs a little "what" I said to him looking over at him because I really didn't know, I wanna stay but only if he and Ivy want me to stay "you're staying deep down you know that, you've barely left my house since the first night "you want me to stay does Ivy want me to stay" I said hopefully "of course I do why would I want you to leave, you've been with us for two weeks it's been great between the three of us, I told you I still love you just as much as I love Caleb" said Ivy "I guess I'm staying then if it's what you want" I said to her and then she is kissing me which completely distracts and I'm all over her instead of answering Jesse.

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