Wicked Sinner

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Caleb Pov

"Alright guys that's a wrap for today" said Jesse as I take my guitar off my shoulders "yeah I gotta go bring Lex dinner at the studio" said Tristan as he gets up from behind his drum set "so how's it going with the new artist, I mean first musician she's workin with that isn't us that has to be strange" I said with a smirk "girl has a set on of lungs on her too" said Jesse with a grin and Tristan nods "what am I the only one who hasn't met this new artist she's workin with" I say with a smirk as we go upstairs from Jesse's studio into his kitchen and I grab my jacket "can you behave enough to meet her without being a flirt" said Tristan with a grin and I smirk "maybe but I make no promises, why is she hot" I ask him curiously "yeah she's pretty" he says with a shrug and I chuckle "hard to judge now because you're so sickeningly in love and married" I tease and he throws a middle finger at me while I laugh "what about you Jess can you judge even though you have a girlfriend" I said with a grin "she's pretty" he says rolling his eyes.

"Seriously though can I tag along I want meet this talented singer, the curiosity is killing me" I tell him with a grin "yeah I'm sure that's all that's killing you, keep it in your pants man" said Tristan with a pat on my shoulder "jesus I'm not gonna whip my cock out in a studio, girl should be so lucky" I say with a cocky grin "come on asshole, let's go bring my wife dinner" said Tristan shaking his head as I follow him out to his car.

We pull into the studio and I lean against the wall "I'm gonna have a smoke first go see your lovely wife" I tell him with a grin as I light my cigarette "and your sister in law" I say to Jesse who decided to also tag along "jealous much" said Tristan jokingly "far from it man" I tell him, I think he forgets that I did fuck his wife way before she was his wife, poor choice in judgement but they weren't dating and I had no idea who she was the first time but continuing to fuck her after I knew seemed to be the part that was poor judgment but we worked it out, a few fists were thrown then all was forgiven.

Then a girl comes out of the building a very hot one and she leans against the wall taking out a cigarette then I'm in front of her and lighting it for her, she looks up at me with her pretty green eyes "thanks" she says looking up at me "you're Caleb right" she asks me and I look at her "the new singer" I guessed and she shrugs "yeah that's me the newly signed artist" she said as she takes a drag of her cigarette 'what's your name" I ask her "Ivy" said Ivy and I grin "Ivy, like Poison Ivy" I say to be a smart ass and she just gives me glare because apparently I hit a nerve "well nice to meet you, I'm very curious about you" I say flirtatiously "really why is that" she asks me as she flicks her cigarette away "because I've been hearing about how talented this new singer Lexi is working with is and since you're her first artist she is working with besides us and she seems very fond of you and my boys seem to be fond of you also, can't help but to want to hear your voice" I tell her as I lean over her.

Ivy looks up into my eyes with her pretty green eyes "hope I don't disappoint then" Ivy tells me and I smirk "something tells me you won't be a disappointment" I say and she rolls her eyes "you really are a flirt, well I'm not interested" she tells me as she walks around me "that's what they all say Red but in the end I always win" I tell her with smirk "god you are just full of yourself aren't you" she says rolling her eyes as she walks away.

I follow shortly after and I sit down next to Lexi and look at Ivy in the booth giving her a wink and wait for the music start still very curious about her music and her voice.

Drag me to death, like a lit cigarette
Took my last breath, like the smoke from my lips
I've lied for you, and I liked it too
But my knees are bruised, from kneelin' to you
I've had enough, but you're too hard to quit
We've had our fun, now your sugar makes me sick
I've lied for you, and I liked it too
But my makeup's ruined

Wicked Sinner (The Sinners, book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora