The day off

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Luffy: I woke up and yawned before snuggling into... something? I opened my eyes and looked up I was laying on top of shanks? I shrugged and without moving I grabbed my phone and checked what day it was... it was my day off today!! I then grabbed shanks phone and checked it he was off work today to!! I put the phones down and closed my eyes wanting more sleep before getting an idea "comfy pillow~" he then sat up "I'm not a pillow thank you very much..." I giggled and sat up to "I know~" he rolled his eyes "what day is it?" I took his phone from him "our days off!" He smiled and kissed my head "alright then... food?" I nodded happy and got off him and walked to the closet grabbing a crop top and baggy pants I bought a while ago, shanks walked behind me "ahem..." I put the crop top back "thank you" and he walked off... I made sure he closed the door before I grabbed the top again and went into the bathroom to change... I took my shorts off and put the pants on and took off my tank top putting my other top on and checking myself out in the mirror "perfect!" There was a knock at the door "come on in!" Makino walked into the bathroom "I don't got clothes for me and Ben in our room-.." I walked over to the closet and grabbed out a shirt and shorts for her and a no sleeve shirt for Ben with another pair of baggy pants handing them to her "here!" She smiled and walked out. I walked back into the bathroom and noticed the purple hair dye left from zeta... I shrugged and put it away before walking out and grabbing my phone... I opened the door and walked into the kitchen where I found Ben and makino talking to shanks "has anyone woke the kids or are they skipping school?" I then stopped "SHIT-." I panicked and ran to their part of the house "ZETA!? WAKE YOUR SIBLINGS UP AND GET READY AND DONT TRY AND SKIP AGAIN" there was a loud thump "yes mum..." I sighed and walked out and heard a snicker "shut up-...." I sat on the couch and turned my phone on and put my passcode in.... I went to the messages and double check with my boss...

Boss man!!

BM: Luffy?
BM: where are you your late!!!
BM: oh crap I forgot to tell you you can't take the day off today!!

Lu: sorry just woke up and what happened that I can't take today off??

BM:some called in sick so now we're are 5 short of designing and your the best we have on the team so do you think you could come in and help? I know I'm asking a big favor as your supposed to be off today... I'll give you tomorrow off!!

Lu:alr I'll come help!! And thank you sir!

BM: thank you and have a great break tomorrow I mean it when I say you get the day off!!

I sighed and walked over to shanks "I was called in.... Apparently people think it's funny to not come in on my days off! Boss is giving me a day off tomorrow instead..." he kissed my cheek "it's fine I'll take the kiddos to a School today then! And don't burn anything please!" I giggled and grabbed my bag and coat "don't worry! I won't!" I opened the front door and walked out...

Half way to work cloe saw me "luff!!" She stopped next to me "what's up!" I smiled "nothin much you?" She groaned "it's horrible in my house!!!" I giggled and pat her head "well I'm sorry then- anyways Iv gata go to work bye!" She waved to me "bai bai!!!!" And she was gone... I walked in and hung up my coat and bag... I realized no one was at the register or anything... "weird..." I made my way to the back where the lights were off "the lights are-.." I turned em on "SUPRISE!" Everyone was here! They all planned a party for me! "W-wha! Hah! Guys!!" Yuma walked over to me and slung an arm around my shoulder "congrats on getting the co- owner role!!" I had laughed as everyone came over and gave me a hug "let's party!!!" My boss Lucifer was there to! And with his words the party got started!!


Shanks: I mumbled to myself as Luffy left "the fact you didn't care about the top she was wearing-." I cut ben off "yes I know she was wearing that damn top... even AFTER I told her she shouldn't wear that to work or anywhere!! I still won't forgive cloe for buying her that damn top!!" The sound of running was heard "WHERES MY NOTE BOOK PA.." I looked at zeta who looked panicked "I have no idea kiddo..." suddenly Amerite ran out holding a note book in the air "PAPA LOOK AT THIS!!" Zeta started to chase her around "AMI NO GIVE IT BACK DON'T GIVE IT TO ANYONE!?" Zeta ended up picking her up and forceing the book puts her hands and putting in his bag with a sigh "don't steal or look at you brothers stuff Amerite..." there was a mumbled sorry as the other 3 ran out "we're ready!!" I tossed opal her soft ball bag "great! Now get out before your late! Iv gata go to the store with your uncle Ben and aunt makino! Oh and Rubi if you could can you take Zeke with you and watch him since we can't leave him here?" She nodded and ran grabbing his hand.. he visibly blushed "will do papa!!" I chuckled and walked over to the door and opened it "great now- off ya go! And if I hear your an HOUR LATE AGAIN ZETA YOUR DEALING WITH YOUR MOTHER!!" He groaned as I closed the door "I regret having kids sometimes....." Ben laughed and walked over to me "alright... we gata stop by cloes house so she can help.... Trust me.." the three of us walked out the door.. I led them to cloes house which wasn't to far away honestly... I knocked on her door and her mom opened it... 'ohhhh I'm dead...' "who are you?" I gave her polite smile "hello ma'am! You must be cloes mother! Well I'm here to inform you that I'm one of her friends father! I'm here to pick her up so they can hang out for a bit!" She looked puzzled "MIJA! DID YOU SENT UP A HANG OUT WITHOUT MY CONERN?!" There was a loud thump as a 13 year old ran out of a room who had huge shirt on with black camo pants "n-... y-yea I did sorry ma..." the lady opened the other door "you can take your phone but if you lose it it's gone for good..." she had smiled and ran over to her hugging the lady before walking out "thanks ma! Love you!!" As she turned the lady yelled back to us "love you to monkey!!" Once we were out of sight she teleported up to an ally and resized herself and growled as she put her phone away "not.. a .. fucking... W O R D" I held my laughter in as we walked from the ally way into this store... 'Walmart?' Or as cloe called it 'Wally world!' Both names are dumb... anyways we walked in "this way..." she lead to us to where a bunch of clothes was... "alright shanks you know this spot well enough you take Ben I'll take makino and once we are done text me." I nodded and grabbed bens hand leading him away.

Around let's say an hour later?

Shanks: I took my phone out

                          Cloe the idiot!

S: oi we're done..

C: alr me and makino are done to meet at the number four where we pay...

S: got it!

I sighed and put my phone away "Alr this way!"

Luffy: "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!!!" I was holding my 5th bottle of Wisky... I had downed it and held it in the air they all cheared as I sat down now drunk... "NICE!!" I had giggled as the boss walked over to me... he was half drunk "heyyyyy think you could come ovfer toniiight??" I shook my head still knowing what was sort of happened "nnah- mah husband would missss me-." He had kissed me so I pushed him off "don't deny it sweetheart~" I growled at him and turned away before looking at the time... I was in and out of it.. but I was able to see it was now past midnight... and I panicked I quickly stood up and yelled "FUCK ITS PAST 3!?" And they looked at me "did ya have to do something at 3?" I quickly put my phone in my pocket "I HAD TO PICK MY KIDS UP FROM SCHOOL AND GO HOME BY THREE!! Jesus Christ's my husbands going to kill me!!!" Yuma walked over to me "I can take ya home your to drunk to drive anyways!" I nodded "yea sure... thanks.." she smiled "no probs now cmon let's head out "EVERYONE CLEAN UP AND SOMEONE TALE THE BOSS BACK HOME!!" They all quickly started to clean as we walked out the door she carried my stuff... she put me in her car and started it "where ya live?" I handed her my phone which had the location of my house on it.. she nodded and handed it back to me... she started to drive..

My house was in sight. She had stopped and gotten out and helped me out "alright go ahead!" I nodded and walked to my house in hopes it would all be fine... I knocked on the door... shanks opened it and quickly hugged me "dear god Luffy.. I thought something happened to you!!" I hugged him back and sighed "s-sorry I lost track of time..." he lifted my head "it's fine... just please... PLEASE if your going to stay longer anywhere tell me first so this doesn't happen..." I nodded.. he had leaned down me kissed me softly and pulled away dragging me into the house.. I was still a bit drunk... so when he pulled me in I of course acted stupid "oh dear god your drunk..." he then picked me up and carried me into our room tossing me onto the bed "ack!! Iiimmm ffffiinee~" he chuckled and walked over to me "trust me your not..." shanks took off the crop top I was wearing and put my hoodie on me before he got into the bed with me... pulling me down ontop of him and wrapping his arms around my waist... I snuggled into him "I wove youuuu~" I mumbled as I was now getting tired  he had kissed my head and started to tap my back "I love you to now sleep love..." I closed my eyes and let myself sleep...

Shanks: I waited till she fell asleep.. I had laid her down on the bed wrapping my arms around her waist holding her against my chest as I myself slept aswell...

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