Their new life!

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Shanks POV: when I woke up I looked at my hand holy shit..... I'm married... I thought it was a dream!! I look next to me and saw Luffy well that's normal at least~ I thought smileing to myself she was facing me she was cute when asleep... I pecked her lips and smiled to myself, she woke up and opened her eyes smiling "morning love~" she was still tiered and sounded cute. I reached my arms down to her waist and pulled her against me in the bed "morning babe" she placed her head on my chest and sighed as I kissed the top of her head "we're married arent we..." I nodded "yyyyyyep" I replied poping the P. "Checked not to long ago... it appears I now have a wedding ring on my finger meaning u got one on urs~" she chuckled and kissed my chin I looked down at her meeting her eyes, "need something?" She shook her head "I already have all I need right here!" I kissed her nose as she scooted up more she then put her head under mine and huffed sending a shiver down my spine. We laid there for around 5 more minuets before getting up to wake up our kids. "Alright we should wake them up" she groaned "nooooo ur waaarm don't leave meeeeee" I picked her up "I wasn't gana leave u but we have to get up so I am gana put u down" she groaned and sighed I put her down on the ground. "Fiiiiine but I'm wearing ur sweater from yesterday!" I tossed it her "alright! I'll make sure to make u breakfast before you go off for work!" She chuckled and kissed my cheek "thanks!" I gave her a kiss back "no prob but ur waking up the little monsters!" She laughed "fine but ur on cooking duty for 2 weeks then!!" I shrugged "arent I always?" She walked out so I finished getting ready and went into the kitchen and decided makeing eggs and toast would be a good idea but minus the eggs for opal so for her she gets a bacon and cheese sandwich. She hugged me from behind scareing me a bit "ah! Luff don't do that! I almost messed up ur food!" She chuckled "sorry hun" I sighed and used my free hand to pat her head "it's fine... did u get the kids?" She nodded "all 3" I chuckled as she was talking about the one in her right now "uhuh... and how did I wake up our 3rd by chance?" She moved herself in front of me "they woke up with me" I nodded "alriiight can You get out my vision?" She shrank down and turned around kissing my chin "I can't tell if ur goal is to ruin breakfast right now..." she giggled and finally left me alone, opal came and hugged my leg "hey kiddo hungry?" She nodded and rubbed her eyes "go sit down foods almost done!" She let me go as I started putting the food on the plates. I carfully picked up opals plate and put it in front of her kissing her head, then I went to grab zetas plate and gave him a kiss in his head as well then I grabbed mine and luffys plates, I sat mine down before I gave luffy hers I kissed her directly on the nose. I sat down and started to eat "this is great dad!" I looked at zeta and smiled "takes a lot of work to cook ya know!" He smiled and continued to eat "so why are u going into work today luff?" She sighed "I got a letter saying my work is needed back at the shop since they aren't very great at makeing designs!" I snorted "that's just funny... the fact the had call their boss in to make them more designs is funny..." she grumbled at me "not funny...your lucky you don't have to work for money you just go voyage off!!" I shrugged "meh- being a pirate is what I'm best at!" She sighed "once I get enough money I'm going to set sail to be a pirate aswell! I'll gather a crew and come back!" I roll my eyes "u wouldn't have the heart to leave our kids alone with me for even a day without once worrying if Iv caused havoc..." she nodded "true- but! Money and being the pirate queen is more important!" Zeta and opal finished and put their plates in the sink "the food was great' thx dad!!" I pat his head and opal gave me a hug and off they went to their rooms. I finished my food before Luffy so I took her plate and put it in the sink she walked over to me and kissed me "thx for the breakfast love~ but I'm off for work! Love you!" I gave her quickly kiss back "love you to now off you go I don't want you to be late!" She nodded and ran off through the door. I went into the room and grabbed my sword and coat and went off to my ship "hey! Brother!" I looked to my right and saw sabo "sabo!! Heyyy!" He slung an arm around my neck and chuckled "how Luffy? Is her busyness holding up?" I nodded and smiled "yea! She's doing great! And I'm going to be a dad of three in 9 months!!" He pat my back "congrats!" He let me go and onto the ship and found Ben "Benny!!!" He turned around and gave me a side hug "hey captain!" I let him go and went into my quarters and went back to working on fixing luffys necklace! I heard a knock on the door "come in!" Ben walked in "whaaaat are u doing?" I looked at him "fixing my wife's beautiful necklace she broke 10 years ago" he laughed "how long have I been in here??" He took the cig outa his mouth "like.... 20 minuets" I smiled "well then I'm done! Iv just gata go to a jeweler to see if it's stable!!" He chuckled as I quickly got up and sped walked to the jewelers! I walked inside "hey! Akagami! Nice seeing you here!" I smiled "nice seeing u to I was wondering- can u check if this necklace  is stable? Ya know like not about to fall apart?" He nodded and took it and examined it. Around 20 minutes later he gave it back "it's stable! Who's it for?" I put it in my pocket "Luffy" he laughed "well u definitely got her the right thing! She's been wanting that exact necklace for her whoooole life!" I nodded "I know that's why I bought it! Now I'm hopeing she comes home early today" he looked confused "what do you mean?" He started to confuse me "she went to work earlier today...." His eyes widened "you didn't hear?!" I raised a brow "hear what??" He grabbed the newspaper behind him and handed it to me, NEWS: clothes shop burned down in windmill village this morning only one person injured beautiful lady who was married yesterday Injured in fire!! My eyes widened out of shock "WHAT" he took the paper "that happened an hour ago!" I completely panicked "where is she?!" He shrugged "dunno some mystery lady took her and dissapeared!! She hasn't returned!!" I sighed "thanks for telling me old man" he nodded as I walked off I carfully put my hood up not wanting to draw any attention to myself... I hopped into her bunker and was welcomed by opal and zeta "dad!! Papa!!" I bent down and hugged them both "heyyyy kiddos!! What's wrong??" They pointed to the liveing room so I peaked in... there on the couch was Luffy... her arm was burnt a bit and next to her was cloe "CLOE.." she jumped "I SWEAR I DIDNT KILL THEM- oh.... It's only you.... Thank god I thought u were someone else..." she sat on the ground as I walked over "THE FUCK IS THIS SHÏT!?" She sighed "someone set it on fire.... I killed em already- I MEAN THEY BURNED...." I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose "u need to stop killing people cloe..." she smiled "nooope~" I kicked her lightly and sat on the couch next to Luffy... I ran my fingers through her hair carfully.. "I should get going...." I held her down "No your staying and entertaining my kids while I take care of her..." her eyes lit up "DEAL!" She has always liked kids. I shooed her off "hey zeta!!" He came to me "yea dad?" I put a hand on his shoulder "remember the black DRAGONESS??" He nodded exited "I just shooed her off to your room go see if she will teach you how to draw!" He nodded and ran off opal followed after I picked up Luffy carfully and took her to our room and laid her on the bed I went to sit down but was held back. I had dropped the necklace I quickly caught it "that was close" I stood up and put it back in my pocket I looked at her she started to wake up "shit!" She quickly shot up and looked at me "hey- calm down love....your safe and in the house" she looked around and then down at her arm she covered her mouth with her hand before getting up and running to me quickly hugging me crying "whoa whoa what's wrong?! Why are you crying!?" I picked her up and held her sitting down, I rubbed her back and hummed a song hopeing it would calm her down... she had finally stopped crying.. she was now messing with the collar of my shirt though "please talk to me Luff..." she looked at me... "what do you remember before passing out...." She looked at her arm again as a tear rolled down her face I wiped it away "I was....working on a design.... Then an angry customer threatened to burn our shop down... so I gave him what he wanted for free.... I pricked my finger with a needle while sewing and then all of a sudden the place was on fire.... My arm got stuck under a beam leaving my arm to get burned... then.... Cloe.... Picked me up... and then..... it all went black...." She sniffed and then she looked to my pocket "what's that?" The necklace was sticking out I grabbed it and looked at it... I smiled and opened her hand and carfully placed it on her hand "I fixed it for you.... Apparently fixing a necklace is harder then beating the hell outa teach..." she gasped softly before smiling and putting on "it still fits!" I kissed her cheek "do I still look good with it on?" I looked at her as if she was stupid "is that even a question? Babe You always look beautiful no matter what~" she smiled and put a hand on my cheek and kissed me. She had pulled away tracing the scar on my eye with her hand, "?" She then moved her hand from my face to my chest and looked for any scars on my chest area "whaaaat are you doing?" She looked at me "just wanted to check to make sure my hubby wasn't hurt anywhere else~" I huffed and kissed her forehead "trust me I'm not hurt anywhere luff!" She laid down on me and closed her eyes "I'm going to sleep...." I picked her up and put her on the bed but she only grabbed my hand "noooooo ur warm" I groaned and put my sword to the side and took my sandals off along with my coat and crawled into the bed with her and hugged her "happy?" Her nodded and soon after she was asleep so I carefully got out of the bed and walked over to the liveing room and decided to clean a bit. I think Iv been cleaning the house for about an hour now cause when I finished cloe popped in behind me "ur kids are asleep" I nodded "Luffy woke up thought right now she showering" I nodded again and wiped the sweat from my head as she disappeared... I walked into our room... I could use a shower... I thought... I grabbed some clothes out of the drawer and put them on the bed. Luffy walked out of the bathroom with a towels wrapped around her body so I quickly took this opertunity and pulled her to me and kissed her "hmmmp!!" She made a little noise before I broke the kiss "what the heack!!  Why did u scare meeeeee!!" I chuckled "cause ur cute anyways I'm taking a shower!" She nodded so I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom.

Luffys POV: as I started to get dressed I could hear someone running above my bunker "who the hell?" I ignored it and just focused on getting dressed. Once I finally got my shirt on shanks walked out with no shirt on and a towl wrapped around his waist he yawned "what time is it??" I looked at the clock "it's 7:00 PM right now hun.... U tiered?" He nodded I then looked at him top to bottom and blushed a bit... I still blush when I see him shirtless.... Or even with shorts on!!...he's just to hot!! He walked over to me "something wrong?" And I quickly looked away "n-nope!! Nothing at all!!" He huffed and pulled me against him scareing me again... "AH! Shanks!!" He chuckled low and deep makeing me blush more "are you flustered?~" I shook my head "no!!" He then kissed me "really? Cause I saw you eyeing me down~" I forced him off me and crossed my arms pouting. He sighed "aaaaand your moody again..." he started to get dressed I looked at him he was humming a song. I started to feel bad about pushing him away... I walked over to him carfully hugged his arm "! You ok?" I nodded he pulled his arm away and pulled it through his shirt... now that we were both fully dressed we got in the bed... I faced away from him not wanting to look at him... looking at him only makes me feel worse for pushing him away "luff.." I quickly faced him "yea??" He grabbed my hand and held it "why are you ignoring me?" I was shocked! I wasn't trying to ignore him!! "N-no I'm not!!" He nodded sadly and looked down at my hand and put it under his head. I felt even worse and scooted up against him and hugged him "I love you hun.... I'm sorry...." I closed my eyes as tiered as I was I would have gone to sleep straight away but.. "I love you to luff... more than you know..." I smiled and went to sleep happy.

Shanks POV: she hugged me! I didn't do anything "I love you hun..... I'm sorry...." I sighed and smiled I carefully hugged her back. Once I hoped she was asslep I gave her a reply "I love u to luff....more than you know..." she huffed and then her grip losened on my body... i carfully curled into a ball in a way and went to sleep. When I woke up luff was gone!? I quickly sat up and saw a note on her side... o quickly grabbed it sitting up I read it.... I set off on a boat earlier meaning by the time u read this I'm already long gone! I already have a crew... it was a secret sorry!! We set off to find some more members I took the hat u gave me I'm going to keep it in memory of you, tell zeta and opal I went off to fulfill my dream and if I don't come back just know... I love you and nothing and I mean nothing can change that! Once I find the one peice I'll come home! I promise you.. but if I die fighting for it....I'm sorry I let you down... and that I couldn't finish our family...

Love your dear wife, Luffy..

I crumpled the note up and yelled "FUCK!?" I accidentally woke zeta and opal up as they came running into my room "WHY ARE YOU YELLING!? ITS THE AFTERNOON!?" I looked at them and quickly got up and hugged them, "dad? Seriously what's going on?? Ur not usually like this..." I picked them up and carried them into the living room and went into the kitchen "your mother left..... she went off to fulfill her dream with her crew.... She will come back.... Eventually....she's just going to become the pirate queen and come back to us... she promised..." I heard someone jump off the couch "WHAT?! MUMS GONE!?" I nodded sadly and just ate plan toast for food. I sighed "it two are starting school tomorrow.... I don't think I can home school you both alone...." Zeta hugged my arm and opal hugged my leg I sat on the couch letting them crawl onto my lap and hug me... "she's going to come back....don't worry..." your going to come back to me Luffy... I know it...

The story of their lifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin