The first trip

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This is when Zetaria is 7

Shanks POV: it was finally time- zeta was old enough to be taken on a voyage "so I get to come with you two!!" I nodded as he hugged my waist "hahaha! Alright go get your clothes we're leaving soon- and don't forget we won't be comeing back for 3 months!" He nodded and ran off, "I told u we would be great parents~" I rolled my eyes and turned around to face Luffy "must u remind me?" She nodded and smiled I pulled her against me and kissed her, she pulled away and put her head on my chest, "remember that promise we made?" I thought for a second "the one where we would have 5 kids?" She nodded "shall we make it happen?" I smirked "yes we shall~" I hugged her back and we heard zeta come out of his room "I got everything!!", "great! Let's get going then!!" I grabbed Zetaria's hand and once I stepped out the bunker I pulled liffy and zeta up with me letting my ears and tail out, "hey we shouldn't do that," I shrugged "I don't care- if I get hunted who cares! It doesn't matter to me!" Luffy sighed and let her ears and tail out as well, we looked at zeta who was trying to get tail and ears out, "papa why can't I do that! Like u and mama?" I sighed "your not old enough to get your ears yet- Iv told u this since u were 5 u will get your ears and tail at 10..." he pouted as I pat his head. I quickly transformed into a red dire wolf and bowed my head down letting zeta climb on my back, Luffy walked next to me as a short ultima with Ruby red and raven black fur. We walked to the ship it was just a nice smol stroll- "oi! Captain!! Mini captains!!" I looked to my left and saw
Yassop so I walked over to him turning back into a human with zeta now on my shoulders, "what is it?" He looked around as if someone was watching us- "did u not hear? There are new hunters on the island- they hunt were wolfs especially ultimas...they're the best hunters in the world!!" I looked at Luffy and she sighed "yassop- if your lying as a joke again" he shook his head violently I heard something wiz past my ear, and I looked behind us, "he isn't lying...something was just shot by my ear..." Luffy quickly hide her ears and tail as well as I we quickly got on the ship and went inside my quarters, I carefully placed zeta on my bed he was holding his hands on his head "papa? Mama? My head hurts..." we look back to him "what do u mean it hurts?" He took his hands off his head revealing wolf ears of Ruby red and raven black fur, "holy shit! Your an ultima!" He looked at me in disbelief "what?! Does this mean I got my ears and tail!!" I nodded as he smiled excited he got off the bed and quickly hugged me so I put my hand on top of his head "maybe I was wrong kiddo- u just gata be worthy at the right age to get 'em" he laughed and let me go letting Luffy walkover to him, "zeta u mind sitting on the bed so I can check for a certain mark?" He nodded and walked over to my bed and sat on it as Luffy cheacked his ears and face for something- "aha! Found it! Shanks cmere" I walked over to her, she was pointing to a mark on his ear- it was a red heart with a black skull and crossbones behind it, "this is his mate mark!" I then looked at her "wait- is he has a mate mark- do u? Or is it only the males?" She sighed and shook her head before pointing to cheek, "see? That spiderweb was your mate mark- we both have one now showing we are mates that can't be separated- mine would be on ur ears- it's an A for ace S for sabo with a cross through it C for - me.... And an G for garp!" I let my ears out and felt around until I could feel what she ment, "ooh- ok I get it now!" She smiled "meaning when this little pup finds his mate! He will get her mate mark!" Zeta made a noise of disgust "bleh! I don't want a girlfriend! Nor do I want a mate! That sounds troubling!!" Luffy chuckled "well your mind will change in the future- trust me~" she gave me a side hug so I returned it.

I'll finish this with a longer part 2 later- I'm actually running out of ideas- I need help!! Anyone? No one- oh...ok that's fine😞

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