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(Part 2 of "Not Ok Not Ok Help!" Just lettin ya know)

Shanks POV: Iv been searching for 2 days now.... And I can't find her.. I began to panic "where is she...." I muttered to myself... as I sat alone in my cabin... I had gotten up and walked my way down to the bar where the others were...

Once down I walked through the doors... Ben had grabbed my hand "heyyy why so down?" I grumbled as I flopped down next to him on the floor "it's been 2 days and I haven't heard or seen Luffy... I'm positive she's been taken.." makino had walked over to me "if she's been taken the mountain bandits are the most likely option... they came in here not to long ago talking about some new woman in the hut I can only guess and hope it's Luffy..." I then had at the least some hope "where is that hut!!" She had smiled "up on the west side of the mountain!! Good luck!" I quickly darted out turning into a wolf form more speed once out of the small cage village... I ran and ran to the mountains hoping I'm not to late to save her...

I could see the hut! I quickly stopped as I was going to eavesdrop to really see what was happening... "take her down... I'm going to do something Iv wanted to do for a while now...." I don't remember names but I do know that was the main dude- (truth is I actually forgot the mountain bandits leaders name so-)

I waited to hear anything else.... But it was all silent... but there is a girl in there.... I waited it out...

10 minutes later

It's been 10 minutes... I'm starting to think there's no one in there... I got up and was about to walk away to continue to find Luffy "STOP PLEASE!" I stopped dead in my tracks.... 'Luffy.' She was in there..... "if you stay quiet it won't be so bad~" his voice was filled with pure pleasured enjoyment.... It only angered me more... I had quietly and quickly knocked out who ever was in the front... the door was closed so I decided see if he answers... I knocked... there was a sound of sobbing in the hut... "ugh who the the seven hells could that be..." the sound of something hitting the floor was the first thing I heard before the man opened the door... "it's a weak pirate..." he growled,
I quickly pulled him out and flipped him onto his back harshly I don't want to kill the man.... I was trying to walk inside but he dragged me down making my hat fall... he grabbed my straw hat and had tried to crush it but stomping on it.... I growled and pounced on him only point my sword right at his throat... he didn't move "I will kill you if have to...besides your a wanted man anyways..." I put my sword back in the holster and picked my hat up fixing it... I looked in the hut and I don't think Iv been more mad and horrified in my entire life.... Luffy was here! But she was on the floor with barely any clothes on... I'm assuming and mostly right that he was trying to do... erm... ya know what I don't wana say it never mind.. I had walked over to her slowly, she looked up and saw me.. her eyes were red and puffy from crying... her hand was on her throat... i carefully had gotten down and grabbed her free hand "Luffy?" I don't think she recognize my face but she new my voice.. she went from scared to absolute excitement I was here she had quickly hugged me crying... I had started to rub her back trying to calm her "there ya go... your safe now..." I had decided to find her clothes. Of which I did I had found them and given them to and by the way the whole time I payed no attention to her body at all as I didn't wana know..... so as she had put her clothes on I was looking away... once I knew she was done I picked her up "I-I can walk!" I didn't change my expression I was still mad at that bandit... yes I was planning on killing him and seems I will! "Hold on.." I had quickly turned into my wolf form again with her now on my back... as I was making my way down I saw the leader again! So I decided I'm taking him with us and hopefully to jail! I picked him up by the collar of his shirt "HEY LET ME DOWN!?" I growled at him and he shut up. The entire way Luffy was laying down on my back asleep... and the man I still don't remember his name.... Was struggling to get out of my grasp..

We made it to the village I dropped of Luffy next to her bunker and I made my way to the gates of that stupid city....

I had gotten there and dropped him off in front of two guards who looked horrified by me... I turned back around and ran off back to Luffy.... I didn't think it was smart to run through the forest as I remember the path wasn't a good one... so I ran out in a opening until I spotted Luffy... she was sitting down messing around with the hat tossing it up in the air and just doing what ever she can with it... I had stopped next to her and laid down resting my head on her lap, she had giggled "hello..." she didn't sound very well either her voice was raspy and quiet... I had nuzzled against her as she giggled again "you know your free to be human..." I just closed my eyes refusing as I think this would be more effective! "You remind me of an old pack of wolfs that used to live on the island.... That was before they were hunted or chased off the island resulting in them possibly leaving..." she had started to pat my head I opened my eyes she was smiling.... It was a sad smile.... But she was still happy as well.... I lifted my head and positioned my body so I was circling her using my tail to make sure she was secure... she had laughed a little "shanks!! I'm fine!! I don't need protection!!" I huffed disagreeing I left my head on her lap... she had started to mess around with my ears... I flicked her off "ok doesn't like the ears touched got it!" I had sighed it wasn't a sad one it was a happy one I knew if I stayed with her she would be safe! I heard foot steps someone was approaching.... I tightened the ball a bit protective...... "what's happening here exactly?" It was Ben.... I grumbled my to self I still wasn't happy with what he kept doing yesterday... "sounds like somones mad at you ben!" I nuzzled into her again as she giggled "yea he's always mad when I scared the shit outa him... anyways he found ya? And now being protective? Must've been hell!" She had sighed "the bandits took me and... did some things... but he came.... And I was ok! But now that he saved me I think he's going to stay by me to make sure I'm safe from now on.... I don't mind it... just as long as he isn't TO clingy- or if he's not here on days when I get clingy-." I rolled my eyes and rested.... Ben had leaned up against me "well I would-." I picked him up with my tail and moved the circle to be bigger placing him inside "stay...."  I muttered before putting my head back on luffys lap and circled the two with my tail in hand trying to sleep "I think he's tiered...." I heard Ben whisper to her... I ignored him and let myself go to sleep....

Luffys POV: I could feel as he finally went to sleep.. I continued to pet shanks even if he was sleeping... "how exactly do you feel about boss luffy?" Ben had asked me.. I looked at him and blushed a bit before looking back at shanks head of which remained on my lap "I-if I tell you promise to not tell him?" Ben had nodded once I looked at him.. I sighed "I... I think- no I'm most positive Iv fallen in love with him.... Do you know if he feels the same??" He smiled and shrugged "sorry don't know but I won't tell him!" I smiled and giggled "thanks!" He pat my head "no problem by I should get outa here-." He stood up and hopped over shanks tail and waved before walking away... I had looked back down at him... he looked so peaceful... and adorable at that... he was what I would say perfect! I had then decided it would be good to sleep... I had moved his head from my lap and curled up into a ball next to it.... Still human as I was cold I had to keep against him for warmth... and not to long I was finally asleep!

A/N: HOLY CRAP!! Thank you all for over 100 reads on this book!!!

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