The war to save a loved one

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(A/N: 114 reads!! Thank u guys so much I didn't think this book would get this far!! Btw warning there is some cutting coming up eventually!! If your not comfortable with hairy of thing I'll tell u when to skip or u may skip this chapter completely)

"I KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS BUT I HAVE TO SEND YOU THE SAFEPLACE WITH YOUR KIDS IM SORRY!" Cloe yelled to me I was about to try and stop her until I was now in a room.... It was a very dark room, I looked around in panic and saw zeta,opal,and dimâro all in a corner "KIDs!" I yelled out they noticed me and ran to hug me "MOM!!" I sat on the floor and opened my arms happy to be reunited, "I missed you sooooo much!!" Zeta clinged onto me... he was shaking "ma... where's pa..." my smile dropped..... "he's.......asleep....for a while..." it was a lie.... I felt horrible to lie to them but I can't tell them it would break them and me... "no you dads not asleep Zetaria.... He's right here!" I looked up and saw cloe sized up holding shanks by the collar of his shirt "CLOE DONT DROP ME I JUST HAD TO EXPERIENCE HELL I DONT FEEL LIKE MORE PAIN!?" She laughed and placed him down carefully and sized down, the kids ran to him and hugged him as he happily reunited with them I walked over to cloe "how..." she sighed "I had to nuke ur whole au with a recovery program from the script.... It's all fine everyone remembers everything except the virus" I nod "can...can I go back... I just wana have a moment..." she smiled "I'm not sending u back without them" I nod and she snapped her fingers.

I was now in my bathroom with a note infront of me "the door is locked so You can be alone your welcome!


I smiled and put the note down and sat on the floor and sat in a ball... I don't think I can handle all this at once.... It's.... It's just to much!? My head couldn't take in everything I heard.... I was in panic but it all flooded away... as if I used up all my emotions they just...left. . . I looked up and looked at my hand breathing heavily... I had an emotion....sadness but that was all there was... I wanted to feel something else.. I didn't want to be sad anymore so I wiped the small stray tear and stood up searching for what I need.... I fell in a depression.... I found an old cutter in the drawer and took it out placing it next to the bandages, I picked up the cutter and held my arm out. 1.     2.      3.     I made the first mark it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would but it was better than sadness... I continued each one deeper or longer than the other. I put the cutter down once both of my arms were covered in marks I had wrapped my arms and hand in bandages and cleaned the blood up... I hid the cutter and put the bandages back as if I did nothing, knock knock knock I started to panic and quickly put a thick baggy long sleeve on "Luffy? You ok in there your been in there for half an hour..." has it really been that long?? Dang... I never noticed but I used my happiness voice "I'm fine!" The voice on the other side had opened the door. Turns out it was shanks.. I think he noticed the fact my eyes were puffy and red "were you crying?.." I smiled and shook my head " no I wasn't' don't worry! Are you ok though Hun?" I had to stay innocent he sighed "well other than the fact my back hurts from falling 40 feet yea" I chuckled... pretending to be happy hurt me... everything I was doing wasn't real... yes I still loved him deep down but... my being happy was all fake "I'm going to sleep goin want to join me?" I nodded and smiled following him into the bed, I cuddled up next to him warm... "love you luff.." i purred "love you to hun~" it was not a lie....but I still went to sleep.. I had woken up at 4 in the morning.. shanks had fallen off the bed- I sighed and got up walking into the kitchen and got myself coffee...

~time skip toooooooo 5 months later~
Luffys POV: it's been 6 months on my depression now.... I got up and locked myself in the bathroom again and decided to cut my wrists again... so I yet again picked up the cutter after takeing the old wrap off before deciding to write a note to shanks.... Today I was going to kill myself......So I wrote quickly a long solom note to shanks and my kids I put it on the counter before cutting a deep X on my chest and then re cutting my arms and unlocking the door before collapsing.. it began to get harder to breath, my vision started to fade before I felt the door open, I heard his voice "LUFFY!? STAY AWAKE LOVE PLEASE DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES I LOVE YOU PLEASE DONT DIE ON ME!?" I was trying as hard as I could to stay awake I heard someone else run in "ZETA GO GET THE DOCTOR NOW" I heard a sniff and then running out the house my vision started to get blurry, black dots filling my vision, I was able to say something before it went black "I love you..." but soon after it all faded to black and I was out.

The story of their lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora