First date

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Shanks was on his way to his ship where Luffy was waiting for him, "shanks!!!" He was tackled by Luffy, they were gana go to a fancy restaurant for their first date today after being together for a year! "Haha! Cmon u ready!!" She nodded eagerly as they boarded the ship the town came along with luffys old man and brothers, "LUFFY! DONT DIE OUT THERE!?" She laughed at ace and sabo "I WONT!" She looked at garp and then at shanks "OI RED HAIR DONT KET MY GRANDAUGHTER DIE OR EVEN GET HURT- GOT IT?!" Shanks smirked grabbing Luffy and hugging her "I WONT OLD MAN!" Luffy giggled as shanks laughed, they were off to sea, and maybe a little suprise will come with the trip~

3 days

They have been out for three days at sea, "captain! Mini captain!" Yassop called out to shanks and Luffy as they were leaning in the railing, "stay here Luffy I'll go check it out!" She nodded as he walked off. "What is it?"
"The restaurant is dealing with a storm right now, are u sure we should?" Shanks sighs "yes we will continue the storm will pass soon I know it..." yassop nodded as shanks walked over to Luffy "sooo~ what was that so called suprise u said u had for me?" Luffy asked, shanks looked at her and grabbed her hand leading her to his room, "what the!" He placed her on the bed, "stay- I hid it somewhere so I just gata find it again.." she tilted her head before shanks walked off to find it so she laid down on her back on his bed, their bed. Shanks came back with his hand clenched "FOUND IT!" Luffy jumped up and saw shanks in front of her with a Ruby red and dark red necklace i his hand, she gasped "shanks- wha- you, you got it for me?!" He smiled and nodded "don't even worry about how much it was- its a gift for being together for a full year with me dieing" Luffy chuckled and took it from him putting it around her neck. "It's beautiful shanks...thank you!" Shanks smiled as Luffy jumped on him they both stayed in their room cuddling untill they fell asslep.

I'm done for now also can u pls comment some ideas for the part two of this?

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