Coming home...

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It's been over a week and Luffy is going home to see her kids since she's healed! don't ask it's just my logic lol-

Shanks POV: I woke up and sighed "still no luffy again...." I sat up and made my way out to the living room to wich my suprise the kids were already up and packing their school bags "did I wake up late again..." zeta looked at me "nope ok well... a little but! It's fine papa!" I sighed and walked over to them and smiled, they stopped and ran over to me as I bent down to their level they quickly hugged me opal hugging my arm, zeta actually hugging me and dimâro hugging my other arm "we love you papa!!" I chuckled and pulled them all together and hugged them makeing them giggle "yea and I love you to ya little pains now hurry up and if we get home early enough iv got a suprise for u all!" They quickly lit up as I let them go and packed their stuff and quickly ran to the doors, I walked over and opened them letting them jump out "don't go into the jungle!" They giggled i new zeta would run in their today so I closed the doors and walked into the kitchen now reminding myself "luffys comeing back today.." I just simply grabbed some rum from the west blue and took it too the room and sat down just drinking away!

4 hours has passed by as I looked at the cloc it was time to pick up the kids... I got up and put the bottle down but of course it was already empty! I got up and opened the doors hopping out and turning into a wolf and quickly trotted to the school..

Once I got there I heard yelling so I quickly turned back into a human and crept by to see what was happening and there was zeta with two boys beating him up "aww is the little puppy gana cry!! Hahahaha!! Pathetic! I bet your parents are ashamed of you!" They pulled his side swept hair uncovered his sea blue eye.... He was born with it and both me and Luffy loved the fact he was born with it "eeewww!! He's a two eyed freak!" One punched him right in his eye and then kicked him in the stomach but head strong "Awww gana cry to mummy and daddy? Oh wait! Your mom cut herself! Probably depressed she gave birth to a failure!!! Hahahaha!!" I had enough of this I quickly turned back into a wolf and lept out to zeta and landed behind him growling lowly... they stopped and looked up at me and screamed cowering back "AHHH ITS A WOLF A WOLF!!" I transformed back into a human letting both forms show themselves "ITS A PIRATE!!" I quickly bent down to zeta "papa!" I sat him up and covered his eye for him again "next time tell me if your being bullied..." he nodded and I picked him up and looked at the kids "touch him again and I will let cloe hurt you.... I don't a bad rep on this school!" I started walking to the front where opal and dimâro were... I put zeta on my back and turned into a wolf again letting the other two get on and walked our way home...

I had let the kids get off my back so I could transform into a human again... I opened the doors and we all hopped in they set their stuff down and went to their rooms, I sighed and sat on the couch as I felt a pain in my arm "ugh... that same damn pain!" I casually called for cloe who appeared infront of me "arm?" I nodded "alright off with the shirt I think Iv got an idea of what's happening..." I grumbled but still took my shirt off not liking at my arm at all... there was a pattern of checkered down it like a code? She sighed "ok well good news! I can fix this! Bad news... there's also a high chance your body won't be able to handle it and you may or may not die..." I shrugged "better to try it than not?" She nodded "alright I'll be back DON'T move" I only leaned my head back closing my eyes tiered.... The pain got worse and worse until I heard her appear in front of me again with what looks like the same middle part but.... A bit more complex... she took the one out of my chest "I COULD HAVE DONE THAT THIS WHOLE TIME..." she chuckled and put the other one in and the checkered pattern quickly disappeared as if it never existed!! "Whoa.... Hey wait I'm not dead!" She nodded and then dissapeared as I quickly put my shirt on and laid down on the couch and covered my face with the hat "sleep would do good for me..." I let sleep take over me not noticing that the door opened...

Luffys POV: I was walking home when makino spotted me "Luffy!!" She ran over and hugged me makeing my giggle a bit "hey makino! I was just heading home!" She then let me go "can me and Ben come with u?" Benny appeared behind her with a smile on his face, I nodded happily "sure but we gata be veeeeery quiet shanks is probably asleep!" They nodded and we made our way to the bunker! Of course before I opened the door I heard talking sounded like cloe? "Bad.... Dieing...." What!? Who's dieing?! "Do you hear something??" Makino asked me.. I nodded and crouch down "well... try... than not?" Shanks! "Ok.. don't move... back!" And with that there's wasn't anything else but I waited a bit.. "I COULD HAVE DONE THAT THIS WHOLE TIME!?" Was heard by all three of us "Yep cloe and shanks are definitely talking about something..." I went back to listening "not dead!!" Was all I heard before the sound of cloe disappearing was heard.... "Sleep... good for me.." I smiled "it's safe now!" I quietly opened the door and jumped in with makino and Ben following in I walked over to the couch and saw shanks asleep... I smiled and took the hat off his face and put it on me "he's asleep.." Ben closed the door and walked over to me "yea seems like it!" I moved his arm so I could sit down "soooo how are you two doing?~" The two blushed as they new what I ment "u-uhm.... W-we've been doing good! The bond is strong I guess!" Makino mumbled out.. I smiled and stood up hugging the two "that's great!" I let them go as I quickly ran to the kitchen l"hey ben! Catch!" I threw his a bottle of rum of which he caught "nice!" He opened it and drank some of it " west blue?" I nodded happily. And walked over "I think we have one more guest room!" Of course I was talking about the room I had just built in around 4 weeks ago- "are you suggesting.. we stay?" I nodded and sat on the edge of the couch again as they looked at each-other and then nodded scooting closer trying to hide that they were holding hands... I smiled and pointed to the room "feel free to arrange it if needed!" They made their way down as I looked back to shanks... I took the hat off my head and put it back on his face smiling "guess I already have my spot ready!" I laid myself down ontop of him with my wolf ears and tail out and curled up in a ball happily... that was until I felt him move making me squeak! "Luff?" He says up a bit causing me to sit directly ontop of his stomach "hi!" He took the hat off his head "your here!" He quickly hugged me and chuckled as I laughed and returned the hug he was so excited to see me! I wonder what the kids would do!! "I missed you I missed you!!!!" I giggled "you only visited me 2 days ago!" He groaned and rolled his eyes pushing me off a bit "but it felt like 2 months!!" I laughed a bit as we heard a door open "dad what's happen.... MUM!!" Zeta had come out and quickly ran towards me and jumped onto me "hey!!" He quickly hugged me crying "mum your back!!" I giggled and rubbed his back to calm him "yep! And I'm staying for good! No more injuries I promise!" I heard a low laugh from shanks as the other two ran out at me "MAMA!!" I looked over "noooo!!! It's an attack of love!!" I fake yelled out they jumped on me giggling as they hugged me "hello children from the deep!! You have emerged!!" They laughed as zeta kept his grip on me "jeez zeta! Where did you get this strong grip from??" Shanks raised a brow at me "right-...." I then remembered how tight of a grip I have when asleep.... But shrugged it off and continued to hug them even when Ben walked out "oh looks like you've been attacked" I looked at him and gave him a readying glare "yes would you like to come join in on the love?" He raised his hands in defense "nah I'm good I'm not that kinda guy!" I giggled "liar" he walked over and ruffled my hair "yea yea good lucky getting em off tho!" And he walked away leaving me sitting on top of shanks with a bunch of kids hugging me "hun please help me... I think my arm is starting to hurt again...." He looked confused "how so?" I raised my forearm to show him "not fully healed on my arms yet-." He knew what I meant "alright kids I think mum needs a break and some sleep!" And they had gotten off me and nodded "yes papa" they went to their rooms probably to do homework. I then sighed and flopped on top of shanks making him chuckle "tiered?" I nodded and snuggled into him happily... "I wana sleeeep" he sighed and layed down flat "that's agreed.... Alright let's sleep on the couch though cause I don't got the energy to move right now..." I had silently agreed with him and just let myself sleep...

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