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Chapter 29
The End

-<•>-One month later-<•>-

"This is it?" I asked as I set a box down in Obi Wan's home on Tatooine. He smiled and nodded. I felt his arms embrace me in a warm hug.

"Now, we can watch over Luke together." He said happily. "Anddd?" I asked. He chuckled. "And, we can finally be together."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Correct." I then walked over his bed and sat down on it. "How do you think Leia is doing?" I asked fiddling with the pillow.

He sighed and then shrugged. "Probably getting into some mischief, just like his parents." Obi Wan replied. I chuckled and nodded.

"What's your favorite memory of the two of them?" He asked. I sat up and thought. "Probably when they names of all the names they wanted for Luke and Leia. They argued for hours, it was hilarious." I responded.

He looked down at his feet. "I wished I wasn't so harsh on Anakin. I wished he had told me everything. Maybe this whole incident wouldn't have happened." He said sadly. I got up and walked over to him.

"Anakin is alive. He has good in him, I know it. And I know when and if Luke and Leia find out they will believe that as well." I said placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Let's just hope." He said hugging me.

I nodded in agreement and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you." I said to him brushing his bangs.

"I love you too, more then a million stars in our galaxy." He responded.

And that's a wrap. My first ever story is now complete. I loved writing this- mainly because I am in love with the one and only Obi Wan Kenobi.

I love you all, and appreciate you reading this. If you have any requests for other characters tell me plz xoxo

(I am currently writing a Harry Potter x Reader story)


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