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Chapter 7
                                                    The Bounty Hunter

The tall creature lead me and Obi Wan outside of a white sliding door. Supposedly, the bounty hunter who was the template for the clones lives here.

"Stay close, we don't know what type of person is in here." Obi Wan whispered in my ear. I froze, his breath was so hot, and his voice was so calming.

It send chills up my spine. I turned to him and nodded with my lips pressed into a line. A little boy stood behind the door. Must be his son.

"Boba.. is your father here.?" She asked. He nodded. "Yep." The boy- or Boba responded. "May we see him?" She asked again. He nodded, then looked at me and Obi Wan who we patiently waiting to be let on.

He looked us up and down and shrugged walking inside. "Dad, Taun We's here." He said knocking on what looked to be a closet door.

We stepped inside and followed the boy two a clear area of the apartment. Obi Wans eyes skimmed around the room as his hands were still crossed.

His eyes skimmed across me, the boy, Taun We, everybody. Then he finally looked back when the closet door slid open.

"Jango, welcome back, was your trip productive..?" Taun We asked the brown haired man. He fixed his sleeves and then stared deeply at Obi Wan.

"Fairly." He replied quickly.

"This is Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi, and his Padawan Y/n Y/l/n. They have come to check on our progress." She explained.

"Your clones are very impressive, you must be proud." Obi Wan stated looking the man deep in the eyes. He shrugged.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe." He explained. Obi Wan raised his eyebrows.

"Ever made your way as far into the interior of Corusaunt..?" Obi Wan asked. I smirked and looked proudly at him.

"One or twice." Jango responded.

"Recently?" Obi Wan asked again.

"Possibly." Jango responded.

They both stared at each other with the same amount of anger and frustration.

"Then you must know Master Sifo-Dyas.." I said stepping up closer to him. That's when I saw Obi Wans eyes drifting away from me and onto the closet. Inside was a suit- or looked to be.

Jango slowly walked over to Boba, "Uh, Boba rood eht so-heeck." He spoke to him. Boba then jogged over to the closet and closed it.

Jango then turned to the both of us. "Master who.?" He asked again. I squinted my eyes at him. "Sifo-Dyas." Obi Wan said sternly.

"Is he not the Jedi who hired you for this job?" Obi Wan said quickly. Jango walked up close to Obi Wan and looked him in the eye.

"Never heard of him." Jango said.

"Really.?" Obi Wan said. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side a little looking down on the small man.

"I was recruited by a man called Tyranus on one of the moons of Bogden." He said easing his eyebrows high. "Curious." Obi Wan replied.

"Do you like your army.?" Jango asked. Obi Wan did a fake smile and nodded.

"I look foreword to seeing them in action." Obi Wan  said slyly. "They'll do there job well, I'll guarantee that." Jango said coarsely

"Thank you for your time Jango." Obi Wan said meekly. "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi." He responded. "and there apprentice." He said to me.

I squinted my eyes at him and turned around to walk towards the door.


"Tell your council that the first battalions are ready." Taun We said to the both of us. We both nodded. "and remind them, if they ever need more troops, it will take more time to grow them."

"I will remember, thank you." Obi Wan responded. He took of his cloak and out over the both of our heads and we rushed out.

"R4! Scramble code five to Corusaunt!" He yelled at his little droid, trying to be as loud as possible considering all the rain.

The little droid beeped, and a satellite dish came from out of the ship. It began spinning around, then the hologram of Master Yoda, and Mater Windu appeared.

"We have successfully made contact with the Prime Minister of Kamino. They are using a bounty hunter named Jango Fett to create a clone army." Obi wan yelled over the rain.

"We have a strong feeling that this assassin is the one we're looking for." I yelled.

"Do you think these cloners are involved not the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala?" Master Windu asked.

"There appears to be no motive." Obi Wan said louder then before.

"Do not assume anything Obi Wan, clear your mind." Yoda instructed. Obi Wan nodded. "Yes Master." Obi Wan answered.

"They say that Master Sifo-Dyas placed an order for the clone army at the request of the senate almost ten year ago.!" Obi Wan shouted.

"I was under the impression he was killed before that. Did the council ever authorize the creation of a clone army." He asked.

"No they did not have authorization of the Jedi council." Master Windu stated. "Bring him here, question him we will." Yoda croaked.

"Yes Master, I will report back when I have him." Obi Wan said as he turned of the hologram.


"He's about to leave!" I yelled to Obi Wan as we both ran through the halls and out the sliding doors. "Dad look!" Boba yelled as he pointed to us.

Then a suited man turned around and started shooting at us. Obi Wan pulled out his blue lightsaber and ignited it.

He pushed me behind him quickly and started deflecting the shots. Obi Wan eventually got close enough to Jango and tried to swing but missed once Jango flew up with his jet pack.

Obi Wan constantly deflected the blasts, swinging his lightsaber all around. Once the ship started, I took out my blaster and tried biting the engine, sadly the ship turned to where it was sour of reach.

A explosion knocked Obi Wan off his feet, making him fall to the ground. His lightsaber rolled. I ran over to Obi Wan, but Jango Fett had already harnessed him.

That's when Jango Fett flew off the edge of the building making me try and grab Obi Wan. But he fell.

I gasped- I wanted to scream and try to grab him but I failed. I just stood there. I didn't know what too do. I was heartbroken.

Then Jangos ship flew away. I watched it fly away. I put my hands on my face. "What am I gonna do!" I muttered. I let a single tear roll down my face.

Then I heard heavy breaths from behind me, I turned around and saw Obi Wan behind me. I ran up to him and hugged him. His body seemed to tense up. I released and awkwardly laugh.

"I thought you had fallen into the water.. or something." I muttered. He chuckled and sighed. "Luckily not. But we need to catch up with Jango." He said with a small frown.

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