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Chapter 9
                                                               The Fight

"What are you doing!" I said to the mouth creature who was chaining my hands up to a large pillar. "Gruo lemb queesty." The moth-like creature said to me. I scoffed and looked over at Obi Wan who was glaring at Count Dooku from on the stands.

I leaned my head back against the pillar, and let out a shaky breath. "Listen, just stay close to me.. okay?" Obi Wan said softly. I nodded and shot him a small smile. I looked foreword- but oddly the crowd started cheering the same way when me and Obi Wan were shown to the crowd.

Then I saw them. Anakin and Padme. I glared at Padme as she was pulled by me— and Obi Wan did the same to Anakin.

"W then we wanted to come and rescue you." I heard Anakin say. "Good job." Obi Wan said with clear annoyance in his voice. He then mumbled a few things under his breath.

In front of me, four gates opened. Each one with a creature appearing from out of them. In front of Padme was a giant cat- with thousands of sharp teeth and long claws, Anakin had a big, bulky bull, Obi Wan had what looked to me like a praying mantis— only 20x bigger. And mine- a giant snake with the biggest teeth I've very seen.

The started poking the animals towards us slowly. My breath hitched, and I started hyperventilating. "It's going to be okay." Obi Wan whispered to me before turning to the large bug in front of him.

The large snake started slithering around my pillar. Once it got in front of me it rammed its sharp teeth towards me. I quickly escaped to the side. It relaxes its teeth from being stuck in the wood, then hissed it's ear bleeding hiss.

It then came at me again, this time, it got its teeth even more stuck in the wood. I then took the opportunity to hit the snakes left tooth with my cuffed hands the snake hissed and released its teeth.

Luckily, I knock the tooth so far in the wood, when it relaxed, it's left tooth was gone. The snakes hissed in pain. It then went to the right of me, which then a pillar fell on it. Obi Wan was rolling on the ground dodging the pillar.

Obi Wan grabbed a spear from one of the guards and cut my handcuffs. I stood behind Obi Wan as he showered the large bug.

Finally, Anakin's bull came over with Anakin riding on it. We both hopped on— which on the end the four of us were circled by droids.

Thankfully, Master Windu had brought all the Jedi to Geonosis with him. They handed Obi Wan and Anakin there lightsabers, which they value the rest of our handcuffs with. The Jedi started battling all the droids.

I was handed a blaster which became useful when I was attacked. Obi Wan constantly was telling me to stay behind him, which became frustrating when I was actual doing well with the fight.

Obi Wan was pulling me along with him until he stopped to fight two droids. "Obi Wan.." I murmured. He didn't listen. "Obi Wan...!" I yelled. He turned around to see the giant bug behind us.


"Master Windu.. you have fought gallantly. Worthy of being recognized in the Jedi archives.." Count Dooku began. All the Jedis- and me and Padme- were a large circle, surrounded by battle droids.

"And now it is finished." Count Dooku concluded. Obi Wan got up from feeling the pulse of a unknown Jedi, and stood by me.

"Surrender.. and your lives will be spared." Count Dooku threatened. I stepped closer to Obi Wan and grabbed his hand lightly. His body tensed— but quickly relaxed and he softly grabbed my hand as well. Though in his other hand, was his ignited lightsaber— easy to strike at any time.

"We will it be hostages to be bartered, Dooku!" Master Windu shouted. Count Dooku clicked his tongue. "Then I'm sorry old friend." He said firmly.

All the droids pointed there guns back up at us. I squeezed Obi Wans hand tighter. "Look!" Padme shouted. I let go of Obi Wans hand and looked up at the sky too see Master Yoda— and the clones hovering over us. I smiled wildly.

The ships started shooting all the surrounding droids. Padme ran over to me and grabbed my hand leading me on to the ship. Anakin and Obi Wan joined as well.

"I'm so glad your okay!" I said as I hugged Padme tighter then I ever have. "Me too!" She cried as she squeezed me tighter as well.

I heard the two Jedi chuckle. The ship lifted off the ground and into battle. "Attack those federation star ships quickly!" Obi Wan called. The two Jedi started yelling out commands

Though of course.. we got shot. Padme let out a scream as she fell— and I tried grabbing her— but fell as well. "Y/n!" I heard one voice scream. "Padme!" I heard another. Then it all went black.

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